Sato's Hammer

The Sato's Hammer, a YT-2400 light freighter, served as a vessel utilized by the members of Iron Squadron.


This YT-2400 light freighter, known as the Sato's Hammer, was quite worn and unfortunately, its hyperdrive was non-functional. Armaments included multiple laser cannons, notably a specially modified Kuat Vonak A2-C dorsal laser turret. Furthermore, the ship boasted concussion missile launchers. Protective deflector shields were also installed on the Sato's Hammer. For ingress and egress, the ship featured an airlock, and a docking ring allowed it to connect to other starships. The freighter also carried cargo boxes filled with explosives. The Sato's Hammer was known for its speed and impressive maneuverability. Located in front of an evacuation corridor was the cockpit, as well as the main escape pod. A service access port provided access to the acceleration compensator.


During the time known as the Age of the Empire, the Sato's Hammer functioned as the central hub for a small group of rebels stationed at Mykapo, who identified as the Iron Squadron. Leadership of this cell was provided by Mart Mattin's father, a human, and the group included Mart, Gooti Terez a Theelin, Jonner Jin a human, and the astromech droid known as R3-A3. Following the passing of Mart's father, Mart assumed command of both the Sato's Hammer and the Iron Squadron. This rebel cell intentionally avoided contact with other rebel organizations, including Commander Jun Sato, his uncle, who was the leader of the Phoenix Cell.

In the year 2 BBY, the Sato's Hammer was ambushed by an Imperial patrol that was advancing. The Galactic Empire had enforced martial law upon Mykapo. The starship became involved in a skirmish that included TIE fighters as well as a Gozanti-class cruiser. The ship's hyperdrive sustained damage during the conflict. Soon after, Hera Syndulla, flying the Phoenix Leader, arrived with the Phoenix Cell and successfully eliminated the starfighters. This event created an opportunity for the Sato's Hammer to release its cargo of explosive-laden containers onto the Gozanti cruiser.

The Phantom II docked with Sato's Hammer

Subsequently, Hera docked her ship, the Ghost, with the Sato's Hammer. She, along with her crew consisting of Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, and the astromech droid Chopper boarded the Sato's Hammer and observed its rundown condition. Chopper and R3-A3 engaged in a brief altercation, as R3-A3 was very protective of the ship's systems. Hera and her crew attempted to convince Mart and the Iron Squadron to join them, but the Iron Squadron refused to abandon Mykapo, which they considered their home. In the meantime, Grand Admiral Thrawn ordered Admiral Kassius Konstantine to address the situation with the Iron Squadron.

While Hera and the rest of Phoenix Squadron departed, Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper remained behind in an attempt to persuade the Iron Squadron to leave. To gain their trust, Sabine and Chopper assisted R3-A3 in repairing the ship's damaged hyperdrive. Although they were successful in repairing the hyperdrive, their efforts were undermined when Mart redirected the power to the cannons and deflector shields. When Admiral Konstantinos arrived, Mart was determined to confront the Empire, despite the fact that the Sato's Hammer was not in adequate condition for combat. Ezra and Sabine managed to convince the rest of the Iron Squadron to leave with them.

The Sato's Hammer proved to be no match for the Imperial forces and its engine was damaged. A TIE bomber belonging to Konstantine attached a magno-mine to the ship's hull. Konstantine then permitted Mart to transmit a distress signal, with the intention of luring his rebel allies into a trap. However, Hera and Ezra recognized the trap and developed a counter-strategy. They led Konstantine's TIE fighters on a chase, while Chopper and R3-A3 worked to remove the mine. Since the ship was unable to enter hyperspace independently, Hera magnetized the Ghost to the Sato's Hammer. Commander Sato's forces then launched an ambush against Konstantine's ships.

Mart then released the magno-mine onto Konstantine's Arquitens-class command cruiser, causing damage to the vessel. Shortly after Thrawn arrived aboard his Imperial Star Destroyer, the Chimaera, the Sato's Hammer managed to escape into hyperspace. The Ghost then transported the Sato's Hammer back to Chopper Base located on the planet Atollon.

