Sora Bulq

Sora Bulq, a Jedi belonging to the Weequay species, dedicated their life to the service of the Jedi Order. Galdos Stouff received their Jedi training as Bulq's padawan. Following Obi-Wan Kenobi's discovery of the Separatists' secret droid army construction on Geonosis, Bulq and Stouff, accompanied by approximately 200 other Jedi ready for combat, were deployed to the arid desert planet, where they participated in the First Battle of Geonosis.

Later, Bulq attended a meeting within the Jedi Temple where Grievous, the villainous cyborg leader of the droid army, displayed his cruelty to the Jedi. He did this by broadcasting the torture of their fellow Jedi, Eeth Koth, via a live hologram. After the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar, Bulq was present at the memorial service held for those who perished.


The Battle of Geonosis

By the year 22 BBY, the Galactic Republic and the burgeoning Confederacy of Independent Systems experienced a rapid escalation of tensions. Following multiple attempts on the life of senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, it was revealed that Jango Fett, the bounty hunter, was responsible. Subsequently, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi tracked the Mandalorian to the desolate world of Geonosis, where he uncovered the Separatists' clandestine droid army development and alerted the Jedi Temple with his findings. Shortly after transmitting a hologram, the Jedi was discovered and taken prisoner. Mace Windu then decided to assemble a Jedi assault team, comprised of the 200 Jedi available, with the goal of crushing the Separatists' droid army and rescuing Obi-Wan.

Bulq amongst the survivors in the Petranaki arena.

Sora Bulq, along with their apprentice, Galdos Stouff, were among the Jedi deployed to Geonosis as part of the Jedi assault team. During the conflict, Bulq and Stouff successfully defeated a significant number of surrounding Geonosian guards. After bravely confronting the newly formed Separatist Droid Army for the majority of the battle, Sora Bulq and the remaining Jedi survivors found themselves vastly outnumbered by their mechanical adversaries, forcing them to form a defensive circle. Just when all hope seemed lost and the Jedi appeared defeated, numerous republic gunships descended upon the arena, carrying a fresh army of clone troopers to support the Jedi. The gunships landed, allowing Sora Bulq and the other survivors to evacuate the arena.

A message from Grievous

Bulq and other Jedi watched Grievous's transmission.

One year later, in 21 BBY, a meeting convened at the Jedi Temple communication center, attended by many Jedi, including Sora Bulq. The Weequay Jedi was already present when General Grievous, the leader of the Separatist Droid Army, appeared on the holoprojector with a chilling message for the Jedi. He announced that he had captured Eeth Koth, a member of the Jedi High Council. He mocked them, expressing his disdain for their politics and their Republic, stating that his sole purpose was to witness their demise. Sora Bulq and the other Jedi watched in horror as Grievous threw Jedi Master Eeth Koth to the ground, and one of his MagnaGuards began torturing him with its electrostaff.

The Jedi Temple Bombing

Sora Bulq attended the funeral for the Jedi that had died in the Jedi Temple Hangar bombing.

In the final year of the Clone Wars, 19 BBY, Sora Bulq was present at the Jedi Temple during a bombing incident that caused the Jedi Temple hangar to explode. This explosion resulted in the deaths of several clones, numerous workers, and six Jedi. During the investigation led by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, Sora Bulq happened to be passing by as Anakin entered the Jedi Temple Detention Center to question Letta Turmond, their primary suspect. Sora Bulq later attended the funeral for the six Jedi who died in the explosion, standing silently and respectfully alongside their Jedi comrades, listening to Jedi Master Yoda's eulogy for the deceased.

Personality and traits

Sora Bulq, being a typical Weequay, possessed dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. They held their position as a Jedi Master in high regard and participated in war room meetings whenever required. They also demonstrated respect by attending the funeral for those who perished in the bombing attack at the Jedi Temple, and they largely remained within the temple throughout the Clone Wars.

Powers and abilities

Sora Bulq proved to be a skilled combatant, fighting bravely against the Separatist droid army, which significantly outnumbered the Jedi. The Weequay Jedi successfully navigated the entire battle and emerged as one of the few survivors. Alongside Mace Windu, their friend, they developed the Vaapad variation of Form VII lightsaber combat.


Sora Bulq wielded a blue lightsaber and wore Jedi robes, along with clone-style gauntlets, a common attire among Jedi Generals during the Clone Wars.

Behind the scenes

The character model for Sora Bulq used throughout the Clone Wars television series.

Sora Bulq initially appeared as a background character in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. Bulq's backstory was significantly expanded upon in the now Star Wars Legends continuity, where his character played a central role in several stories, depicting his fall to the dark side and his rise as one of Dooku's top subordinates. Sora Bulq later made an appearance as an unnamed background character in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series season two episode "Grievous Intrigue." It wasn't until the release of the episode guide, which revealed that the character model was labeled with the name Sora Bulq, that the Weequay Jedi seen in the episode was confirmed to be Bulq.

