Suday Bascus, a human, fought for the First Order's naval forces during their war against the Resistance. He held the rank of Warrant Officer, serving under Captain Moden Canady on the Fulminatrix, a Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, during the Battle of D'Qar in 34 ABY. Bascus reveled in the destruction as the Siege Dreadnought's orbital autocannons fired upon the Resistance base located on the planet D'Qar.
After the base's annihilation by the Fulminatrix, Bascus reported the incoming Resistance bombers. However, his attention remained fixated on the devastation of D'Qar, rather than the immediate battle. He later informed Canady that the autocannons were targeting the Resistance fleet's flagship, the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus. Tragically, before the Fulminatrix could engage, the last bomber destroyed it, killing Bascus and the entire crew.
During the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Suday Bascus, a human, was a Warrant Officer in the First Order's navy. He served on the Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought Fulminatrix, reporting to Captain Moden Canady, a seasoned officer considerably older than him. In 34 ABY, the Fulminatrix was part of a fleet sent to the Ileenium system with the mission to destroy the Resistance's base on the planet D'Qar. The Resistance, fresh from their victory at the Battle of Starkiller Base, were in the final stages of evacuation when the First Order arrived. Despite this, General Armitage Hux, the First Order fleet commander, ordered Canady to obliterate the base, along with the Resistance's transports and fleet.
Upon Canady's orders, the Siege Dreadnought's two massive orbital autocannons positioned below the ship, began to rotate into firing position towards the base. On the Fulminatrix's bridge, Bascus, acting as a monitor, watched the cannons' progress on a holographic display, his face displaying an expression bordering on ecstasy, which drew a scowl from Canady. The captain then instructed Bascus to reorient the dreadnought's top-mounted cannons to target the enemy fleet and tasked the officer with preparing their complement of starfighters for launch. Bascus initially protested the latter order, citing Hux's directive against deploying fighters as a show of force, but Canady reminded him that he had only ordered their preparation.
Canady then learned of a lone Resistance starfighter approaching the First Order fleet. Its pilot, Resistance Wing Commander Poe Dameron, attempted to stall for time by taunting Hux over the comms. When Hux realized the deception, he ordered his forces to fire on Dameron's T-70 X-wing starfighter, prompting the Resistance pilot to initiate an attack run on the Fulminatrix, targeting its top cannons. Hux demanded to know why Canady couldn't eliminate the fighter, leading the captain to irritably order the launch of the starfighters Bascus had prepared. As the TIE/fo fighters and TIE/sf fighters engaged the X-wing, the captain commanded the now-primed autocannons to fire on the base; however, Dameron had bought enough time for the final Resistance transport to escape before the base was completely destroyed.
After Dameron destroyed the dreadnought's last top-side turret, Bascus turned away from a viewer and informed Canady that a squadron of Resistance bombers was approaching the Fulminatrix. As the bombers neared the now-defenseless dreadnought, the captain was disgusted to see Bascus still engrossed in the destruction on D'Qar's surface, an impressive sight but irrelevant to the current battle. Canady then ordered the auto-cannons to recharge and target the enemy fleet as First Order TIEs managed to destroy all but one of the attacking bombers.
Bascus reported from his viewer that the weapons were aimed at the enemy flagship, the MC85 Star Cruiser Raddus, while adjutant Goneril announced that only forty seconds remained until the autocannons were fully recharged. Canady responded by ordering the destruction of the final bomber, but it was too late. Leaning forward eagerly, Bascus reported that the cannons were charged, but even as the captain ordered the autocannon's to fire, the final bomber released its payload, obliterating the Fulminatrix and engulfing the bridge in flames. Bascus perished in the explosion, along with Canady and the dreadnought's entire crew of over two hundred thousand personnel. Safe from the Fulminatrix's cannons, the Resistance fleet jumped into hyperspace.
By the time of the Battle of D'Qar, Bascus and the majority of the Fulminatrix's crew, excluding Canady, possessed limited combat experience outside of simulations. While the captain didn't fault them for their lack of real-world experience, he did hold them accountable for their arrogance and lack of discipline, thoughts that crossed his mind when he witnessed Bascus's ecstatic reaction to the cannons rotating. The warrant officer's later fixation on the destruction of D'Qar, rather than the ongoing battle, disgusted Canady. However, the captain later caught himself thinking in a similar vein to Bascus or Hux when he dismissed the idea of identifying the enemy vessel's weak points, confident in their ability to quickly dispatch it regardless. Bascus had tan skin, black hair, and brown eyes.
Orion Lee played Suday Bascus in the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the second film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The character was initially credited as "Cannady's First Order Monitor," but his name was later revealed in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, a companion book written by Pablo Hidalgo and released alongside the film.
Lee received the role without an audition from casting director Nina Gold, after previously auditioning for the 2015 film [Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens](/article/star_wars:_episode_vii_the_force_awakens] but not being cast. The actor portrayed the character as an ordinary individual, a confident, rank-and-file member of the First Order attempting to do what he believes is right while navigating a stressful environment where he knows death is a possibility. Lee described the role as surreal at times and drew parallels to his character in the 2014 film Fury, where he played an American soldier.