"Podracer's Rescue," a Tales from Wild Space comic story, initially appeared in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 6 as its supplementary story on January 17, specifically in 2018.
Emil Graf noticed an unusual noise originating from the Star Herald as the starship made its way through Wild Space. CR-8R, nicknamed "Crater," informed Emil that his Kowakian monkey-lizard, Noni, had become lodged within the vessel's ventilation system while attempting to reach the galley. Crater expressed his desire for Noni to remain in the vents for a period, believing it would serve as a learning experience. Emil countered by pointing out that, despite Noni's occasional mischievous behavior, everyone inevitably encounters difficulties at some point.
More than 60 years prior, a youthful Anakin Skywalker was occupied with repairs on his podracer when Watto, his slave owner, approached. Watto instructed him to relocate a pile of scrap metal for smelting, but Anakin instead discovered a high-capacity power cell. His intention was to use it for his podracer, but a substantial explosion occurred nearby. Thieves had targeted the local medical facility, but instead of fleeing with the crowd, Anakin headed towards the disturbance. A Twi'lek informed him that the medical center's generator had been destroyed, but Anakin assured her he could repair it. He then utilized the ultra power cell, originally intended for his podracer, to restore power to the generator. The generator was successfully reactivated, prompting cheers from the crowd.
A week later, Anakin was engaged in a podrace against Sebulba. During the race, Sebulba verbally taunted Anakin and purposefully collided his podracer with Anakin's. Anakin's vehicle subsequently crashed into the desert, while Sebulba continued the race. However, the Twi'lek from the medical center incident arrived to assist Anakin from the wreckage.
Returning to the present on the Star Herald, BB-00, known as "Boo," employed his laser to dismantle the vent, facilitating Noni's escape. Upon completion, Noni was ejected from the vent, landing directly on the BB-series astromech droid. Boo responded by firing his laser at Noni, and Crater departed to prepare for the anticipated mess Noni would create. However, Emil Graf reassured him, suggesting that she would reciprocate the favor.