"Tales from Wild Space: Stop, Thief!" is a narrative focused on Obi-Wan Kenobi set during the period of the Clone Wars. This story appeared as a supplementary feature within Star Wars Adventures (2017) 1, which was released on September 6, 2017.
Aboard the Star Herald within Wild Space, CR-8R, nicknamed "Crater," expresses his frustration with Emil Graf's Kowakian monkey-lizard, Noni, for its theft of Crater's laser welder. In his anger, Crater informs Emil that he required the laser welder to repair the power stabilizers. He also points out Noni's awareness of his malfunctioning repulsors, preventing him from retrieving the stolen tool. Crater laments his inability to comprehend the Graf family's fascination with Kowakian monkey-lizards, including his grandfather, Milo Graf, whom Crater had previously urged to choose a more appealing pet. The BB-series astromech droid BB-00 communicates Crater's complaints to Emil via beeps, with which Emil concurs, while also acknowledging the validity of Crater's concerns. This reminds him of a tale his great aunt Lina Graf once shared about an incident from the past.
During the days of the Galactic Republic, a Jedi Knight took a seat at Dex's Diner, placing a device on the table beside him. A Pa'lowick who was in the vicinity rose with the intention to steal the device. Dexter Jettster called out for someone to stop the thief. The Jedi Knight, identified as Obi-Wan Kenobi, exited the diner in pursuit of the thief. Navigating through a dense crowd, Obi-Wan gained ground on the thief, who had reached the edge of the street, only to leap across several lanes of speeders to reach the opposite side. Emil Graf proceeded with the story, informing Crater that the thief, named Tri Tellon, was elated by her apparent good fortune, having returned to her home shared with Magreda. She expressed to Magreda her belief that the device possessed mystical properties and could bring them great wealth. Tri noticed that something was amiss, expecting Magreda to be pleased. "Magreda" then turned around, revealing themselves to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, who expressed his satisfaction. The Jedi then employed the Force to reclaim the device. Jettster then blocked Tri's escape route and thanked Obi-Wan for helping him recover the stolen items.
Returning to the Star Hound, Emil Graf conveyed to Crater that the moral of the story was that, most of the time, people overestimate their own intelligence. Crater concurred and then activated the sprinkler system, startling Noni and causing it to drop the laser welder. Emil returned the laser welder to Crater, and the droid inquired if he wanted nerfburgers for dinner.