Tana Chellaine, a human female, served the Galactic Empire as a TIE fighter pilot during the era surrounding the Battle of Yavin. She was a member of Nashtah Squadron, an element of the Imperial Army, which participated in a battle on the planet of Portocari, where the squadron suffered the loss of three members. Following this engagement, Chellaine and the remaining members of Nashtah Squadron gathered at the Zero Angle, a bar situated within the Bright Jewel Oversector Flight Base, for drinks. While there, Chellaine's attempts to dissuade several of her comrades from engaging in a brawl with Imperial Navy pilots proved futile, and shortly after, Commander Weller informed the establishment of the Death Star's destruction.
During the Galactic Civil War against the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Tana Chellaine, a female human, was a pilot in service to the Galactic Empire. She piloted a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter as part of Nashtah Squadron, a unit within the Imperial Army specializing in missions within planetary atmospheres. Around the time that the Battle of Yavin occurred, Chellaine's squadron was deployed to Portocari. Their initial assignment was to bomb Rebel artillery emplacements in the hills, but they were subsequently redirected to strike an urban safehouse. The squad was told that this action would negate the need for house-to-house combat and reduce civilian casualties. During the subsequent battle, Muller, a member of Chellaine's squadron, was downed by an anti-aircraft missile, and another pilot, Barsay, met his death at the hands of Z-95 Headhunters.
After the safehouse was bombed, the squadron discovered it was actually a munitions depot, which detonated, resulting in the deaths of two more of Chellaine's squadron mates, Chan and Riggs. After the battle concluded, the surviving members of the squadron made their way to the Bright Jewel Oversector Flight Base, located on the moon Axxila III. Muller was taken to be treated with bacta, while Chellaine and the other remaining members of her squadron (Sully Olvar, Huck Trompo, Artur Essada, and Sax Hastur) were debriefed. Subsequently, the group of five gathered for drinks at the Zero Angle, a bar located within the flight base.

As Trompo became increasingly drunk, he began to sing a ground-hog anthem as a deliberate provocation towards a group of Imperial Navy pilots who were also present in the bar. Chellaine cautioned her squadmate to cease his singing, as it had attracted the attention of Florn, the bartender of the establishment. However, Trombo persisted and was joined by Olvar. Hastur then intervened, compelling them to sit down. Essada attempted to initiate a discussion about the events that had transpired on Portocari with the group, but Hastur dismissed the topic, and Trombo resumed his singing, this time successfully galvanizing other Army pilots in the bar to join in. The Zero Angle's navy patrons swiftly responded with their own anthem, and a physical altercation rapidly erupted between the two factions. Chellaine remained uninvolved in the brawl, but when a navy pilot inadvertently collided with her, causing some of her drink to spill, she managed to recapture the liquid in her cup and then retaliated by kicking the navy pilot back into the melee.
Chellaine then noticed Lightning, Florn's astromech droid, emerging from behind the bar and alerted her colleagues before covering her ears to protect herself from the effects of the sonic emitter that the droid employed to quell the bar fight. Florn subsequently instructed the droid to shock Trompo before delivering a speech to his patrons, imploring them to refrain from fighting amongst themselves. The bartender's address drew Chellaine's attention to the gallery of holograms displayed above the bar, which depicted pilots who had perished in combat. She identified Suthers and Plix to her squadmates, who then engaged in conversation with Heiwei Akrone, a navy pilot who shared mutual acquaintances on the wall with Hastur. Florn then directed the Nashtahs and Akrone's squad, Banshee Squadron, to share a table, as one had been damaged in the fight. The groups reluctantly complied, and Akrone and Hastur ordered a round of drinks for all of the pilots.
The two squadrons commenced a discussion regarding their recent missions and the casualties they had sustained, with Essada asserting that a significant event had transpired, placing the Empire on the offensive and resulting in missions characterized by poor intelligence and leading to casualties such as those experienced on Portocari. Akrone and his squadmate Bruiser corroborated that they had heard similar reports, before Imperial Commander Weller entered the bar and greeted Florn. He then announced to the room that the Death Star had been destroyed by the Rebellion, which meant that the fleet was on full alert and the army or navy affiliation of all pilots in the bar was immediately rescinded, ordering them to the quarters for assignment to new squadrons. Before Chellaine departed, she spoke with Florn about the numerous casualties that would result from the aftermath of the Death Star's destruction.
Tana Chellaine was characterized by dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. Her beverage of choice was exclusively distilled water, which allowed her to maintain the pristine condition of her uniform while at the Zero Angle. She possessed the ability to assess the level of intoxication of the bar's other patrons based on the condition of their tunics. When she perceived that Huck Trombo was on the verge of losing consciousness due to excessive alcohol consumption, Chellaine was conflicted about whether to prevent his fall or not, but ultimately decided against it when he asserted that the Navy pilots had enjoyed his singing. Chellaine frequently found herself in agreement with Essada, often to her own annoyance. She initially believed that the Death Star was a codename for a coordinated fire-control system intended for use among fleet units and was taken aback upon learning of its destruction.
Jason Fry created Tana Chellaine for the short story "Last Call at the Zero Angle", which appeared in Star Wars Insider 156 in 2015. The story featured an illustration of Nashtah Squadron by John Van Fleet, but the specific identities of the pilots were not specified in the Insider. Fry later clarified the identity of each character in the illustration via Twitter.