The Tale of Short Spire

title: The Tale of the Short Spire

The animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures presents "The Tale of the Short Spire" as the introductory segment of its twenty-second episode. This installment became available on Disney+ starting February 14, 2024.

Formal Synopsis

The central mystery revolves around the Jedi's investigation into the cause of spire destruction on Batuu.

Detailed Narrative

Journey to Batuu

Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs, the Jedi younglings, journey to the spire-laden planet of Batuu aboard the Crimson Firehawk with Nash Durango and RJ-83. Jedi Master Carver Drow and his Padawan, Celesta Kami, greet them and escort them to the Batuu Jedi temple, an impressive structure composed of white towers. Drow and Kami engage in a welcoming conversation with the younglings, briefing them on the significance of the Batuu spires and the Jedi temple.

Upon arrival at the temple, Durango and RJ-83 leave to gather supplies for Hap. Solay and her fellow Jedi Initiates observe the differences between the Batuu temple and the Tenoo Jedi Temple, particularly the absence of a giant Tenoo tree. Brightstar extends an invitation to Celesta to visit Tenoo, emphasizing their commitment to helping others. Kami mentions her recent appointment as Drow's Padawan and her demanding schedule. Despite his scientific focus, Master Drow allows Celesta and the younglings to visit Black Spire Outpost to interact with the locals and acquire specialized equipment for an expedition to Batuu's remote regions. When Kami reminds him of the younglings' scientific purpose, Master Drow argues that practical experience is invaluable. Celesta then presents her speeder to the younglings.

An Unscrupulous Entrepreneur

The Jedi quartet navigates the bustling streets of Black Spire Outpost, encountering diverse alien species. They pass by a group of younglings engaged in a ball game. The group encounters Ozon Nimbee, an orange-skinned businessman, attempting to persuade the public to destroy the planet's iconic spires to finance his vision of transforming Black Spire Outpost into a more luxurious area. Despite local resistance, Nimbee uses persuasive language to win them over with his "Batuu better" slogan. While the locals are receptive to his catchphrase, Kami and the younglings remain skeptical.

The Jedi continue their search for tools within the marketplace. Roka, a Mirialan boy, informs Celesta that he and his companions discovered that several spires had been felled while hiking in the wilderness. The Mirialan emphasizes the uniqueness of the spires to their planet and their opposition to their destruction. While investigating the damaged spires, Brightstar recalls hearing the businessman in Black Spire outpost discussing the chopping of spires.

Nubs and Solay discover three small sabotage droids cutting through spires. The four Jedi engage the sabotage droids with their lightsabers. Kami strikes one of the droids with her lightsaber. The Jedi chase the remaining two sabotage droids back to Batuu Outpost. They observe the droids returning to Ozon's ship at the local spaceport. Celesta leads the four Jedi in confronting the real estate developer. Nimbee defends his actions, describing the spires as unsightly blemishes that he intends to eliminate from Black Spire. He jokingly suggests renaming the settlement "No Spire Outpost."

Confrontation with Ozon Nimbee

Nubs and Solay express their disagreement. Nimbee clarifies that the spires must be removed to accommodate his planned "magnificent skyline" for his redevelopment project. Kami cautions Nimbee that the public has a right to know his intentions. Kami addresses the crowd but is met with doubt. Nimbee dismisses her as an outsider unfamiliar with the situation. Solay encourages Celesta to connect with the locals to discuss the spires with them.

Inspired by Solay's encouragement, Kami introduces herself as a Jedi who has recently settled on Batuu. She expresses her appreciation for the planet's natural beauty. Before the locals can question her, Nimbee interrupts and attempts to promote a "better Batuu." Kami counters that allowing Nimbee to proceed would result in the destruction of all of the town's spires. She describes the spires as beautiful. Nimbee attempts to deny cutting the spires but is contradicted by Roka. Solay supports Kami, stating that Nimbee was testing his droids on the spires in the woods before using them on Black Spire outpost.

Unable to convince the locals of his real estate plan, Nimbee unleashes a swarm of sabotage droids, which begin cutting through the town's black spires. He asserts that the removal of the spires will prove his vision correct. Celesta enlists the assistance of the Jedi younglings in stopping the droids. While she asks Brightstar to accompany her, Kami directs Solay to address the droids at Oga's Cantina and Nubs to handle those at the milk stand.

Saving Batuu

The Jedi utilize their lightsabers and Force powers to disable and destroy several sabotage droids. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of droids, Kami seeks the assistance of the local Batuuns in protecting the spires. One local vendor neutralizes two sabotage droids by throwing milk shakes at them, while the Mirialan boy and his friends eliminate more with their balls. Others use tools and containers to take out more droids. Master Drow intervenes and eliminates three droids with his lightsaber.

Despite their efforts, a droid manages to cut the spire above the milk stand. Master Drow and the young Jedi combine their Force powers to levitate the falling spire, preventing it from crushing the milk stand. They gently place the spire on a nearby road. Drow uses his Force powers to capture the last droid.

A disheartened Nimbee insults the local residents, claiming that they have condemned Black Spire outpost to remain a dump. Celesta argues that the town is amazing. The Jedi younglings and locals express their agreement. Nimbee declares that he will build his fancy outpost elsewhere. Drow returns his last sabotage droid to him. Nimbee departs in his starship.

Forming Bonds

Kami expresses her gratitude to the locals for their assistance. Roka assures the Jedi that they are always welcome in their town. Master Drow commends Celesta for connecting with the community and decides that they should spend more time with the locals to demonstrate the Jedi's values. Kami apologizes for forgetting their tools, but Roka offers to guide her and the younglings to the market to acquire them.

