"The Wynkahthu Job" represents the ninth installment within the animated television program Star Wars Rebels, specifically from its third season. As a whole, it is the forty-sixth episode presented in the series. It was initially broadcast on Disney XD on November 26, 2016.
The Ghost's crew allies with Hondo and Azmorigan in pursuit of a weapons cache.

Ezra Bridger is in a meeting with Hondo Ohnaka alongside the rest of his Spectres aboard the Ghost. Ezra voices his belief that Hondo is trustworthy, but Sabine Wren reminds him that Hondo's actions have frequently led them into difficult situations. As the door opens, Hondo greets his "old friends," expressing how their visit warms his heart. Hondo removes his hat, revealing his graying hair. Garazeb Orrelios retorts angrily, reminding Hondo of his abandonment of them on a doomed Imperial station. Ezra argues that things "all worked out the last time."
Hondo insists that he consistently delivers and promises to share details about a plan he and his new associate have devised. Ezra urges his fellow rebels to remain open-minded. The door swings open, and an impatient Azmorigan inquires if Hondo has recruited the "two-bit" smugglers. Hera Syndulla expresses her displeasure at seeing Azmorigan again, refusing to collaborate with the crime lord. Hondo claims to be offering a "win-win" scenario, asserting that they possess something beneficial to the rebellion.
The Ghost is externally linked to Hondo's captured Imperial landing craft. Back inside the Ghost, Hera states that she is uninterested in Hondo's offer and refuses to allow Azmorigan on her ship. Azmorigan recalls Hera as the "feisty one" who struck him with the tray. Ezra tries to calm Hera, but she retorts that this "bag of bantha fodder" attempted to purchase her from that "sleemo" Lando Calrissian to make her a servant. Azmorigan responds that he offered a reasonable price and asserts that he technically still owns her.
Hondo attempts to defuse the situation, urging them not to overlook his "fabulous deal." Kanan Jarrus expresses interest in Hondo's proposition. Hera is insistent that she will not move her ship until she knows what he is offering. Hondo reveals that he is offering all the weapons located on an abandoned class four container transport. Hera shows no interest until Hondo mentions that the cargo ship contains proton bombs, something Ezra had previously informed him the rebellion was seeking. Hera instructs Hondo to show them.

The Ghost disconnects from Hondo's landing craft and heads towards the planet Wynkahthu. Hondo explains that he encountered an Imperial cargo ship docking in Wynkahthu's upper atmosphere while traveling by the planet. He adds that he discovered the ship abandoned by its crew. Sabine accesses the Ghost's computers and discovers that the cargo ship is trapped within one of Wynkahthu's atmospheric storms, slowly being drawn into a vortex. Hondo warns that the ship and its cargo will soon be destroyed.
Azmorigan presents the ship's manifest to the Spectres, confirming that it is loaded with proton bombs. When Hera asks about their interest in the ship, Hondo reveals that he and Azmorigan are after valuable metals on board, including ancient artifacts and untold riches. Ezra reminds Hondo that these treasures were looted from worlds by the Galactic Empire. Zeb suggests splitting the treasure, causing Hondo to laugh. He pats Ezra on the shoulder, reminding the rebels that they get to keep the bombs while he and Azmorigan keep the treasures.
When Sabine questions why Hondo is seeking their help instead of using his Ugnaught crew, Hondo claims it is a "long, boring story" and that this job is perfect for the Spectres. Kanan then asks how they can hope to salvage the ship if the Empire cannot. Hondo replies that they possess something the Empire lacks: desperation. Hera concedes that Hondo is correct and decides that they cannot decline this offer. Hondo loudly declares that they have a deal. Sabine examines the chart and notes that they have no way of offloading the cargo from the ship, suggesting they need to find an alternative.
At that moment, the former Imperial RA-7 protocol droid AP-5 enters the room. Hera asks if he knows the specs for the transport. AP-5 confirms that he does, recalling his service on a Class four container transport when Chopper found him. Hera directs AP-5 to collaborate with Zeb on a plan to reach the Imperial cargo ship. Ezra protests that he should get the job since he found the information first. However, Zeb responds that it is his turn. When Ezra complains to Hera, she responds that she doesn't trust Hondo and that he shouldn't as well. After Ezra leaves, Kanan expresses agreement with Hera and says that Ezra needs to learn for himself that Hondo cannot be trusted.

The Ghost enters the stormy atmosphere of Wynkahthu. Hera instructs AP-5 to engage the stabilizers. AP-5 estimates their chance of success at 38.5 percent. When Kanan protests, AP-5 replies that they would have a zero percent chance without him. Hera instructs the salvage team to prepare to board the ship, briefing them that the cargo ship is positioned above the storm's vortex but is sinking rapidly and will be torn apart. Zeb leads a team consisting of Hondo, Ezra, Chopper, and Azmorigan. Sabine remains behind to receive the cargo.
When Ezra sarcastically addresses Zeb as Captain Orrelious, Zeb warns him to discuss any issues with Hera after the mission. The overweight Azmorigan struggles to descend the stairs, and Hera expresses her disgust at his presence. When Hondo tells his "frail friend" that the freighter is dangerous and that he should stay aboard the Ghost with his "singing voice," Azmorigan reminds him that he wants half of the treasure, insisting that the mission will not proceed without him. The rebels open the cargo ramp of the Ghost and jump onto the cargo ship's hull.
They locate a manhole and enter the ship. Zeb instructs Chopper to restore the ship's power systems to aid their search, sending the astromech droid to the bridge to assess the situation. Ezra questions the wisdom of splitting up, but Zeb asserts his command of the salvage mission. Zeb, along with Ezra, Hondo, and Azmorigan, proceed down the corridor. They quickly sense movement, and Hondo is attacked by a small creature who turns out to be the former Ugnaught laborer Melch. Melch attacks Hondo, and Ezra is forced to restrain him. When the rebels recognize Melch, Hondo is reluctant to discuss his Ugnaught crew, but Zeb insists.
Left with little choice, Hondo tells the Spectres that Azmorigan approached him with the flight plans of an Imperial cargo ship. Zeb and the other rebels learn that Hondo and Azmorigan attacked the cargo ship with ion mines, causing it to drift into the maelstrom. Hondo then claims that his Ugnaught crew bravely boarded the ship. Melch angrily responds in Ugnaught that he abandoned them and left them to die. Hondo attempts to deny this, claiming that he loves his crew as his "short, fragrant family." As compensation, Hondo offers Melch 2% of the treasure, which the Ugnaught happily accepts.
Zeb then realizes that Hondo only contacted them after losing his entire crew, indicating that he lied. Ezra tries to defend his "business partner" by pointing out that Hondo only omitted certain facts. Visibly angry, Zeb vows to pull out the pirate's arms and instructs Hondo to lead him to the cargo hold. Hondo reassures Ezra that Zeb was joking.

Meanwhile, Hera, Kanan, and AP-5 are on the Ghost's bridge when Sabine reports that the winds are intensifying. Hera asks Zeb for a status report, and he informs them that they are outside the hangar door. Zeb finds that the hangar door is stuck and instructs Chopper to restore the power. Chopper complies with Zeb's orders and restarts the ship's power plant. However, Ezra ignites his green lightsaber and slices through the door. Zeb orders him to stop, but Ezra cuts a hole through the door.
Azmorigan and Hondo are excited to see the treasure, while Ezra is delighted to find the proton bombs. He tells Zeb that Hondo can be trusted, but Zeb prefers to wait until everyone has safely returned to the Ghost. Ezra insists that nothing can go wrong, and the rebels begin loading the bombs while Hondo and Azmorigan argue over the treasure. Zeb warns them to be quiet, and Azmorigan says he won't be arguing with the Lasat. Zeb then contacts Chopper and tells him that he can open the cargo door, warning everyone that it will get windy. In the background, a DT-series sentry droid begins to reactivate.
The Ghost aligns with the rear cargo door of the Imperial cargo ship. Zeb fires the connecting cables, which attach to the Ghost. Zeb and Ezra load the first batch of proton bombs, which Sabine stores aboard the Ghost. Zeb orders Ezra to help him load another set of bombs. However, he finds the youth helping Hondo to load a chest. Zeb reminds Ezra to get back to work. Hondo tries to argue, but Zeb reminds him that the rebels get to load their cargo first. Ezra protests that they are a team and notices that Azmorigan has disappeared.
Zeb insists that this is not their problem and tells Sabine that another shipment is coming. Ezra tries to contact Azmorigan, but Zeb is preoccupied. Hondo, who is helping Melch carry a chest, tells them that Azmorigan will be fine. After a while, Zeb starts to get worried about Azmorigan. Ezra insists on finding him, but Zeb orders him to man the winch and to continue loading the cargo. He reminds Ezra that the bombs go first, prompting Ezra to tell Zeb to hurry up. Zeb travels down the hallway searching for Azmorigan only to be stunned by an Imperial sentry droid.

Back on the Ghost, Sabine has received the fourth batch of proton bombs and tells Ezra to keep sending more. Meanwhile, Chopper is manning the bridge when the ship's controls short-circuit due to a lightning strike, causing the cargo ship to list towards the vortex. Chopper contacts Ezra, who tells him to get to the cargo hold. Ezra informs Hera, who tells them to evacuate. Ezra explains that they have a little problem because Azmorigan has disappeared and Zeb has gone to find him. In the background, Hondo and Melch are trying to carry a cargo box.
Ezra tells Hondo that he needs his help, but the Weequay pirate responds that he is too busy to help. When Ezra asks Hondo whether Azmorigan was his friend, Hondo says that he is merely a partner and business acquaintance. Ezra realizes that Hondo cares more about the treasure and voices his disagreement before entering the corridor to find Zeb and Azmorigan. Zeb wakes to find himself in a cell opposite Azmorigan, who tells him they are in the brig. Zeb uses his comlink to tell Ezra that he and Azmorigan are in the brig and that he was knocked out by a droid.
AP-5 apologizes for overlooking the presence of Imperial sentry droids, suspecting that they were reactivated when the power was restored to the ship. He advises them not to engage the droids because the consequences will be problematic. Hera orders her crew and the gangsters to return to the Ghost because the ship can't take any more pummeling from the winds. Ezra promises to rescue Zeb and Azmorigan. He encounters Chopper and tells the droid they have to get to the brig. Chopper leads the way and the two find Zeb and Azmorigan inside.
Ezra taunts Zeb that this would cost him his leadership role in future missions. Zeb ignores Ezra's taunt and tells him they have to get off the ship and to avoid the sentry droid. While making their way back to the cargo bay, they sense an approaching sentry droid. Zeb tells them to hide in the corridors, but a panicking Azmorigan charges at the droid and shoots it down with Ezra's blaster. When Zeb angrily chastises Azmorigan, the gangster exclaims that he is a hero. When Hera contacts Ezra, he tells her that Azmorigan took out the sentry droid.

AP-5 then warns them that Azmorigan's actions have reactivated the other hibernating sentry droids. The rebels and gangsters soon find themselves pursued by four sentry droids while Hera orders them to evacuate immediately. They flee into the cargo bay with the sentry droids in pursuit. Zeb orders Ezra to shut the door, but he can't find the controls. Ezra tells Hondo and Melch to leave now, but Hondo insists on taking their treasure with them despite Ezra's protests. The rebels exchange fire with the sentry droids and shoot one down. Zeb tells them to follow him.
Hondo and Azmorigan load their treasures onto the cables and race to the Ghost. Ezra asks Hondo where Melch is, and the pirate claims that the Ugnaught fell into the vortex. Chopper activates his rocket boosters and flies back to the Ghost (claiming "Every man for themselves") despite Ezra and Zeb's protests. Ezra then launches Zeb onto the cable. Zeb clings on to a batch of proton bombs. Ezra then leaps onto the cargo using the Force and the two race across. However, the sentry droids shoot the cable gun, causing Zeb and Ezra to fall into the skies of Wynkahthu. Sabine screams "No" in horror.
However, the two rebels manage to cling on and climb back aboard the Ghost with the help of Kanan. Behind them, the cargo ship is torn apart by the vortex, and the sentry droids are destroyed in a fiery blast. Later, aboard the Ghost's cargo hold, the rebels thanks each other for their successful recovery mission. Hera and Ezra thank Zeb for his leadership. Hondo and Azmorigan proceed to argue about their treasures. When they open their chest, they are shocked to find a living Melch inside. Ezra jokes that Melch didn't trust Hondo to take care of him while Hera mockingly apologizes to Hondo "that things did not work out."
Hondo saves face by claiming that friendship is the greatest treasure and hugs Melch. Ezra asks him whether he really means it while Melch punches Hondo in the chest. Hera tells Hondo and his associates to continue their conversation on their own ship. Zeb feels bad about Melch but Ezra tells him not to worry.