Trauma was a Clone Commander and Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper in the service of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Serving under Jedi General Halsey, Trauma led the Jedi Master's unit in conjunction with Jedi Commander Knox. During the Separatist assault on the Temple of Eedit on Devaron in 20 BBY, Trauma fought to defend the temple alongside Master Halsey and Padawan Knox. As the battle raged, Count Dooku's newly appointed Sith apprentice Savage Opress arrived, shifting the battle in favor of the Separatists. Recognizing the danger, Trauma briefly engaged Opress, but was swiftly killed by the formidable Sith apprentice. With Trauma fallen, the Republic's remaining defenses crumbled, including the two Jedi, and the Separatists seized control of the Temple of Eedit.

Born on the planet [Kamino](/article/kamino] as a clone of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett, the Advanced Recon Force Scout Trooper known as Trauma was created to fight for the Grand Army of the Republic in the Clone Wars, the war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Achieving the rank of Clone Commander, Trauma was assigned to Halsey's unit under the command of Jedi General Halsey. In 20 BBY, Trauma and the rest of Halsey's unit, including Jedi Commander Knox, were stationed at the Temple of Eedit on Devaron.

When the Separatist Droid Army attacked the Eedit Temple, Trauma and their troops engaged the battle droids outside the main entrance. Alongside Jedi Master Halsey and Padawan Knox, who stood guard on the front steps, Trauma and their troops nearly pushed back the invading force. However, during the battle, Count Dooku's new Sith apprentice, Savage Opress, arrived on Devaron at the direction of his master, landing his Geonosian solar sailer on the Temple's walkway. Upon exiting his ship, the Sith apprentice brutally forced his way through numerous B1-series battle droids and B2-series super battle droids, eager to confront the Republic. After receiving a single plasma blast from one of Trauma's soldiers, he began a slaughter of the defenders with his spear.

Recognizing that Opress was almost single-handedly winning the battle, Trauma ordered their troops to attack, but the apprentice mercilessly defeated all resistance. Trauma then charged at Opress, stopping in a crouch before the warrior. As they attempted to fire their blaster, they were impaled and launched into the air by Opress's spear, resulting in their death. Following Trauma's demise, Opress advanced toward the Eedit Temple, successfully killing both Halsey and Knox. He then contacted his master, reporting that the Temple was now under their control. After the attack, Delta Squad recovered the bodies of the two Jedi from Devaron and transported them to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. There, clone commando Sergeant Boss reported to a group of four Jedi High Council members, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, that there were no survivors of the battle.
Like all clones of the human male bounty hunter Jango Fett, Trauma's height was 1.83 meters. Their eagerness to engage Savage Opress in combat while defending the Eedit Temple ultimately led to their death.
Trauma and their troops fought effectively during the Devaron massacre, nearly repelling the Separatist forces. However, the commander failed to anticipate the arrival of Opress, who had been enhanced by Magick. By underestimating the warrior and engaging in melee combat, Trauma made a fatal error.
Trauma wore Phase I ARF armor with distinctive green and red markings, similar to those worn by their subordinates. They also sported a custom pauldron and kama around his shoulders and waist. For combat, they used a DC-15A blaster carbine modified with a stock attachment, as well as two DC-17 blaster pistols concealed in their waist pockets.
Trauma's first appearance was as an unnamed character in "Monster," the thirteenth episode of the third season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, which aired on January 14, 2011. Dee Bradley Baker provided the voice for the character. Trauma was identified by name in the episode's guide on