Advanced Recon Force troopers, alternatively known as ARF troopers or AT-RT Drivers, were specialized clone troopers equipped with lighter armor to enhance their stealth and agility. They frequently piloted All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports into combat, utilizing RPC-2 Rocket Launchers alongside DC-15A blaster rifles. Those ARF troopers who functioned as scouts were designated Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers. Initially, ARF troopers donned Phase I ARF armor, and subsequently, a different armor design. Later, Phase II ARF armor was developed and utilized by clone scout troopers.
ARF troopers, like the majority of clone troopers, possessed a height of 1.83 meters, equivalent to 6 feet. They served as the cavalry element within the Republic army, conducting scouting operations and engaging in battles while riding AT-RTs. Clones demonstrating exceptional agility underwent ARF training, fostering a sense of distinction among them. Piloting an AT-RT was perceived as akin to riding a living creature rather than simply operating a vehicle. ARF troopers demonstrated proficiency in reconnaissance, cavalry maneuvers, armed and unarmed engagements, and strategic military planning.

During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and following the abduction of Jabba the Hutt's offspring, Rotta, a pair of ARF troopers tracked several of Jabba's bounty hunters to a B'omarr Order Monastery located on Teth. The ARF trooper commander then relayed this information to Jedi General Mace Windu. They awaited the arrival of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and informed him that a minimum of two battalions composed of battle droids were actively defending the monastery from potential assaults. Several ARF troopers were stationed within the Military Complex of Tipoca City.
In the course of the Ryloth campaign, multiple ARF troopers operated under the command of General Mace Windu and Clone Commander Ponds as part of Lightning Squadron. The ARF troopers, utilizing their AT-RTs, successfully eliminated various detachments belonging to Emir Wat Tambor's occupying forces while advancing towards Lessu City. Subsequently, Windu selected two ARF troopers, Stak and Razor, to locate the Resistance fighters under the leadership of General Cham Syndulla. Windu and the two ARF troopers successfully located them and were escorted to their hideout. Windu then instructed Commander Ponds and General Syndulla to prepare their respective forces for an assault on Lessu. Following Windu, Stak, and Razor's successful seizure of the plasma bridge, Commander Ponds' ARF troopers, riding their AT-RTs, entered Lessu alongside Syndulla's blurrg riders.
Numerous ARF troopers belonging to the 212th Recon Division engaged in combat under the leadership of General Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Second Battle of Geonosis. During Separatist General Grievous' attack on Tipoca City, Clone ARC Commander Blitz was accompanied by a trio of ARF troopers, instructing one to employ a rocket launcher to neutralize the remaining Trident-assault ships. Many of these troopers were members of Rancor Battalion, identifiable by distinctive red markings adorning their clone trooper armor, while ARF troopers serving within the 501st Legion displayed blue markings.

Several ARF troopers under the command of Commander Trauma, General Halsey, and his Padawan Knox, were stationed at the Temple of Eedit on Devaron. The temple subsequently faced an attack initiated by battle droids. Trauma and his contingent of ARF troopers successfully resisted the droids, but their forces were ultimately overwhelmed when confronted by Count Dooku's newly appointed apprentice, Savage Opress. During the Battle of Umbara, a significant number of ARF troopers rode All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports as integral components of the forces commanded by Jedi General Pong Krell. ARF troopers continued their service under the Galactic Empire, the successor regime to the Republic.
The Databank clarified that ARF troopers and AT-RT Drivers represent the same classification of clone trooper by identifying AT-RT Drivers in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith as ARF troopers. Conversely, Star Wars: Card Trader distinguished AT-RT Drivers and ARF troopers as distinct clone categories, asserting that the former possessed greater intelligence and superior training, particularly in survival techniques. Nevertheless, Card Trader also referenced AT-RT Drivers with the "Advanced Recon Force" designation.