Tredgar Volk, a Thuggatoris, made his living as a bounty hunter, barely managing to make ends meet. Back in 9 BBY, he spent some time relaxing in the courtyard lounge just outside the Den on the planet Daiyu. After this, he went to Swartz BBQ for a meal of ribs. While he was eating, the bounty hunter received an alert about a bounty that had been placed on the fugitive Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi. He immediately abandoned his food and set out to hunt down the Jedi.
Volk later crossed paths with Kenobi on the rooftops of the city, where the Jedi was in pursuit of Princess Leia Organa. The alien opened fire upon Kenobi, which forced him to find cover while attempting to return fire and continue following the princess. After Kenobi managed to graze Volk with a blaster shot, the bounty hunter droid 1-JAC joined the fight, firing from another rooftop. Kenobi eventually hit Volk in the chest, fatally wounding him, causing the hunter to fall off the rooftop and plummet to the street below.

Bounty hunting was the way that Tredgar Volk, a Thuggatoris, was able to scrape by in the galaxy, getting what he needed with the help of a blaster rifle. Back in 9 BBY, Volk was one of the many bounty hunters searching for work on the streets of Daiyu. He was sitting with two humans in a courtyard lounge outside of the Den when the hidden Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi came to the establishment to search for the kidnapped Princess Leia Organa. The bounty hunter was still in the courtyard when the Imperial Inquisitor known as the Third Sister arrived, also hunting for Kenobi, and he watched as she entered the building. Volk was still seated when the Inquisitor left after failing to capture Kenobi.
Volk later left the courtyard and sat down alone to eat a meal of ribs at a street table at Swartz BBQ. The Third Sister had her underling Vect Nokru post a bounty for Kenobi while the bounty hunter was eating, hoping that it would force him out into the open for her to find by the various bounty hunters in the city, even though she did not expect any of them to be capable of defeating him. Volk received an alert about the bounty on a device on his wrist and grabbed his blaster rifle, abandoning his meal. He climbed onto the rooftops of the city and encountered Organa, who had been scared by the bounty and was running from Kenobi on a separate rooftop.
Volk opened fire on his target as Kenobi caught up to Organa, forcing the Jedi to take cover behind a glowing vent while the princess ducked through a clothesline. The Jedi returned fire with a blaster pistol, hitting the wall behind Volk and causing the bounty hunter to duck and stop firing. This allowed Kenobi to chase Organa, but Volk quickly began firing again as the Jedi moved across the rooftops after her. Kenobi fired and grazed the hunter after retaking cover, but Volk just growled and kept firing as the bounty hunter droid 1-JAC joined the shootout from another rooftop.

Kenobi struggled to fend off the two hunters, firing on both in turn as he called out to Organa, who had reached the edge of a building and was preparing to jump. The Jedi then fatally shot Volk in the chest, causing the bounty hunter to let out a screeching roar before tumbling forward off the building and into the street below. Kenobi then evaded 1-JAC while saving Organa from falling after she jumped, and the pair ultimately escaped the bounty hunters and Inquisitors by leaving Daiyu.
Cary Gunnar Lee portrayed Tredgar Volk in the second episode of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, which aired on May 26, 2022. Lee's head came up to where Volk's chin and neck met on the costume, and he had trouble fitting its fingers through the trigger guard on the character's weapon. Lee did not receive a script because it was primarily a stunt-based role but nicknamed the character Falafel or "Phal'afel." Volk was revealed in a teaser trailer released on March 9, 2022, before the show was released. Volk then received his name on a card in the 2023 Topps Disney Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi set released by The Topps Company, Inc. in 2023, but neither the trailer nor the series identified him.