Unidentified clone naval commander (Tranquility)

This clone officer specializing in navigation held the position of Clone Commander within the Republic Navy as the Clone Wars raged between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This commander was stationed on the _Venator_-class Star Destroyer known as the Tranquility, which served as the flagship for Jedi General Luminara Unduli and her fleet group.


Born on the planet of Kamino through the process of cloning from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett, this clone navigation officer dedicated his service to the Galactic Republic, ultimately fighting in the galactic-spanning Clone Wars that pitted the Republic against the Separatist Alliance. This navigation officer, a clone, attained the rank of Clone Commander and served on the Republic Navy flagship of Jedi General Luminara Unduli, the leader of the 41st Elite Corps and her fleet group. The flagship was the Venator-class Star Destroyer named Tranquility.

Commander Gree and the clone navigation officer

Following the capture of Viceroy of the Trade Federation Nute Gunray on the planet Rodia by the Green Company of the 41st Elite Corps, Viceroy Gunray was brought aboard the Tranquility for transport to Coruscant and subsequent interrogation. Senate Commandos had been deployed to the Tranquility beforehand to bolster security. While Jedi General Unduli and her padawan Ahsoka Tano were interrogating Gunray in the ship's brig, Separatist forces launched a surprise attack with the objective of either freeing Gunray or eliminating him. Three Droch-class boarding ships along with Vulture droid starfighters assaulted the Tranquility, and the Separatist forces ultimately gained the upper hand after Senate Guard Captain Faro Argyus betrayed the Republic, freeing Gunray with assistance from the Sith assassin Asajj Ventress.

After the assault, Unduli and Tano spoke with Anakin Skywalker and Yoda about the situation, while the clone navigation officer was in conversation with Commander Gree nearby. Once Unduli was done speaking with the other Jedi, she went to the front of the bridge and instructed the clone navigation officer to set the starship in motion, to which he confirmed.

Personality and traits

Being a clone originating from the genetic material of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, this clone navigation officer was a human male with a height of 1.83 meters. He possessed naturally [black](/article/color] hair, brown [eyes](/article/eye], and skin with a tan complexion.

Skills and abilities

This clone navigation officer received training in the art of naval combat, achieving the rank of Clone Commander due to his skill.


In his capacity as a clone navigation officer, the commander was seen wearing a blue-colored version of the standard Republic military uniform, complete with a rank insignia plaque to indicate his position.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of this clone navigation officer occurred in "Cloak of Darkness," the ninth episode of the first season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Like all the clone troopers featured in The Clone Wars, his voice was provided by Dee Bradley Baker.

