Unidentified Consular-class cruiser (Quell)

A Republic frigate served as part of the Republic Navy throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. To rescue Jedi General Aayla Secura and some of her troops from her flagship, known as the Liberty, during the Battle of Quell, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker utilized this vessel. As the frigate attempted to return to Skywalker's flagship, the Resolute, it sustained damage from Separatist fire, resulting in the pilot's death. This damage also triggered the activation of the hyperdrive, sending the ship into hyperspace on an unpredictable course. On board were Jedi Generals Skywalker and Secura, Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Clone Commander Bly, Clone Captain Rex, and clone troopers Lucky, Flash, and Cameron. Furthermore, Skywalker suffered severe injuries while preventing an explosion as the others boarded.

Due to the damage inflicted upon the hyperdrive, the ship was set on a trajectory that would have resulted in a collision with the sun of the Maridun system. This disaster was only averted by completely shutting down the ship's power, which forced it out of [hyperspace](/article/hyperspace] and enabled Tano and Bly, who were piloting, to change the ship's course, narrowly avoiding the star. Nevertheless, the extensive damage caused the ship to crash-land on the planet Maridun.

