A ratcatcher within Boba Fett's palace, a crime lord's base of operations, was an LEP-series service droid. This droid, an LEP droid, initially served Bib Fortuna. It encountered Fett circa 9 ABY when Fett infiltrated the castle. During a pursuit in the kitchen, the bounty hunter caused the droid to shut down out of terror. After Fett's return and the killing of Fortuna, the LEP droid continued its duties, now under Fett's command.
Around 9 ABY, a cook droid requested the presence of the LEP-series service droid in the palace kitchen. The cook droid's EV-series sous-chef suspected a tatoo-rat infestation. However, upon its arrival, the ratcatcher discovered that Boba Fett and Fennec Shand had subdued the two droids, not rats. Fett and Shand had infiltrated the palace to reclaim Fett's ship. The ratcatcher attempted to flee, scurrying through the kitchen and even through an oven as Fett attacked it with a gaderffii stick. Shand cornered the droid just as it was about to escape, allowing Fett to grab it by the neck and introduce himself. The ratcatcher, in terror of the bounty hunter, deactivated itself. Fett discarded the droid in a bin before departing to retrieve his Firespray gunship, Slave I.
Later, the two criminals came back to the palace and assassinated Fortuna, seizing control of the castle. With its previous master dead, the ratcatcher joined the Fett gotra, serving the new Daimyo as he welcomed leaders of other Tatooine crime syndicates. During a formal dinner with the heads of the families, Fett's rancor startled the droid from inside its pit, causing it to scamper away. Shortly after, Fett successfully fended off the forces of the Pyke Syndicate in a gang war over the planet. He celebrated his triumph with a walk through the streets of Mos Espa, accompanied by members of his crime family, including the ratcatcher droid.
This ratcatcher was a small LEP-series service droid featuring white and brown plating, along with yellow sensors. Displaying impressive speed and agility, it managed to evade strikes from Boba Fett's gaderffii stick, skillfully navigating the palace kitchen. It also possessed some resistance to flames, surviving its passage through a tubular oven unscathed. The ratcatcher was easily frightened and intimidated; it chose self-deactivation over facing Fett and, while incapable of genuine crying, emitted sounds resembling sobs when distressed.
The ratcatcher patrolled the palace equipped with a small, triangular net.
The LEP droid made its debut in "Chapter 4: The Gathering Storm," the fourth installment of the Disney+ series The Book of Boba Fett, which premiered on January 19, 2022.