Victory II-class Star Destroyer

The Victory II-class Star Destroyer, alternatively known as the Victory II Star Destroyer, represented a Star Destroyer class within the Galactic Empire. It was designed as an advanced model building upon the foundation of the Victory I-class Star Destroyer.


The Kuat Drive Yards firm engineered the Victory II-class Star Destroyer as a successor to the original Victory I-class Star Destroyer. What started as a program to extend service life evolved into the Victory II program, resulting in the Victory II-class. This initiative aimed to rectify numerous shortcomings present in the earlier design, with a focus on enhancing combat effectiveness and operational lifespan. Nevertheless, even with these improvements, the Victory II could not resolve all of the issues from the previous model.

The Victory II-class had a price tag of 50,000,000 credits and incorporated a class 1 and class 15 hyperdrive, a navigation computer, alongside a long-range sensor. A crew of 6,107 officers, pilots, and enlisted crew were needed to operate the vessel, while 1,600 soldiers were also stationed onboard. Its storage capacity allowed for one year's worth of consumables, and it accommodated twenty-four starfighters, as well as shuttles, landing craft, and AT-series walkers.

The Victory IIs possessed an identical suite of weaponry to its predecessor, encompassing ten quad light turbolaser batteries distributed equally on the port and starboard sides. In addition, it featured ten forward-mounted twin medium turbolasers, ten dorsal-mounted twin medium turbolasers, twenty assault concussion missile launchers, and ten hull-mounted heavy tractor beam projectors. In some rare cases, certain Victory IIs replaced their concussion missile launchers with ion cannons.


Many Victory IIs were often relegated to defensive roles, protecting planetary garrison forces and conducting light patrols along the fringes of the Galactic Empire's territory. They also functioned as system defense units and fleet command ships. Assignment to an aging Victory II-class was often viewed by an Imperial officer as a detrimental turning point in their career.


The Victory I-class Star Destroyer made its debut during the height of the Clone Wars, serving as a versatile heavy line-of-battle starship. Due to accelerated production schedules and politics after numerous delays, the Star Destroyer entered service with several design deficiencies. These flaws necessitated constant maintenance from its crew to maintain combat readiness, earning it a reputation as a space coffin and an unlucky vessel.

Consequently, following the transformation of the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, the Victory-class underwent a life-extension initiative that evolved into the Victory II program, leading to the creation of the Victory II-class Star Destroyer. The Victory II program aimed to address the numerous issues of the Victory-class, but it could not eliminate all of the shortcomings. Moreover, the Imperial Navy was reinforced by the production of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, rendering the remaining Victory IIs outdated despite the enhancements and assigning them to secondary and unremarkable tasks.

During the Imperial Era, an Imperial commander who had experienced a degree of failure was exiled to command a Victory II on the edge of the Outer Rim Territories. In another instance, a Victory II was found abandoned by its crew, orbiting a deserted planet. Its hangar bay was empty, and all escape pods had been launched. A Victory II was also seen orbiting an ecumenopolis during the Imperial reign.

Behind the scenes

The Victory II-class Star Destroyer was initially introduced into Star Wars canon within the 2020 Fantasy Flight Games supplement titled Starships and Speeders. Its initial appearance occurred earlier in Star Wars Legends in Mission to Lianna.


  • Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 48 (Starship Fact File: TIE/D Defender) (First mentioned)
  • Starships and Speeders (First identified as Victory II-class Star Destroyer) (First pictured)
  • " Starships of the Empire and the Rebellion " — Star Wars Encyclopedia

Notes and references
