Within the ranks of the Chiss Ascendancy, Senior Warrior Yopring, a Chiss hailing from the esteemed Coduyo family, served with distinction in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. He was stationed aboard the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, under the command of the esteemed Admiral Ar'alani. Circa 18 BBY, Yopring embarked on a mission to explore the surface of the Unknown Regions planet "Sunrise" via a Chiss shuttle. While observing a mining operation on Sunrise, his shuttle was pursued by six Grysk starfighters, compelling Yopring to make a hasty retreat. Some weeks following this encounter with the enemy starfighters, Ar'alani tasked the senior warrior with readying a shuttle for her journey to Csilla, the Ascendancy's governing capital world.

Senior Warrior Yopring, a Chiss belonging to the Coduyo great family of the Chiss Ascendancy, rendered service to the Ascendancy's Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet. He was assigned to Admiral Ar'alani's Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, which acted as the flagship for Ar'alani's Picket Force Six. Approximately around 18 BBY, Picket Force Six came across the Grysk warring species' Shatter-class WarMaster Battle Dreadnaught HopeBreaker within the Unknown Regions Sunrise system. After destroying this [warship](/article/warship], Ar'alani dispatched Yopring in a Chiss shuttle to the planet "Sunrise," situated in the Sunrise system's, with orders to explore the planet's terrain.
Yopring identified groups of [farmers](/article/farmer] cultivating fields, four ruined cities, twenty-two industrial sites, five [mines](/article/mine], and multiple settlements. The warrior also discovered a compact mining facility teeming with workers. As Yopring relayed his findings, Kiwu'tro'owmis, the first officer to Ar'alani, whose core name was "Wutroow," remarked that mining operations would only be active if the people behind them had access to food and housing. Yopring surmised that if this were the case, Sunrise was abundant with borjory sauce. As the warrior noticed several large buildings, six heavily armored and armed Grysk skycars began to chase Yopring's shuttle.

Ar'alani directed Yopring to maintain his course towards the convergence of two rivers she had marked. She then instructed Wutroow to unleash a full spectrum laser barrage upon these water bodies. As the senior warrior's transport reached its designated point, the senior captain discharged the laser salvo. The impact of the lasers caused the river water to surge upwards, leading the Grysks to ascend as well, anticipating that Yopring's shuttle would attempt a vertical escape, a maneuver the senior warrior had proposed to Ar'alani. However, the admiral instructed him to instead fly at treetop level. After creating distance from the pursuing skycars, the senior warrior's shuttle ascended from treetop level and swiftly returned to the Vigilant. The Grysks attempted to pursue Yopring, but eventually abandoned the chase. Shortly thereafter, Ar'alani's flagship, with the senior warrior aboard, departed from Sunrise. A few weeks after the encounter with the Grysk fighters, Yopring readied a shuttle for Ar'alani, who was en route to Csilla, the Ascendancy's primary [capital](/article/capital] world.
Yopring's voice was featured in the 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good, the second book in Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.