The confrontation on Dantooine was an encounter between the Jedi Padawan Revan and his allies and the Mandalorian leader Sherruk. The Mandalorians established themselves on Dantooine in the Jedi Civil War as mercenaries after their defeat in the previous war; the Mandalorians and their Duros allies were too numerous to be fended off. This resulted in properties plundered and settlers killed. The Jedi Enclave on the planet deemed the situation problematic and unfortunate but did not make a concrete intervention; this forced the settler Jon to make continual pleas to their Council to intervene.
The Padawan Revan (who just completed his re-training under Jedi Master Zhar Lestin) decided to help Jon. He confronted and defeated three separate Mandalorian units before he confronted and killed Sherruk and his forces in combat.
The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders who survived their defeat in the previous war settled on various planets as assassins or mercenaries for hire. Mandalorians like Canderous Ordo would take up such work in order to survive. Mandalorians under Sherruk's command settled on Dantooine sometime after the war and would plunder properties and kill settlers with their Duros allies. Two Mandalorians - Reeza and Jarg - were slain in the Ancient Grove when the pair stumbled upon the Dark Jedi Juhani who settled in the area.
Sherruk's mercenaries also killed the settler Jon's daughter Ilsa when the mercenaries approached their residence. Jon decided to petition the Jedi Order for help at their enclave but found little to no assistance. The Council deemed the raids a problematic and unfortunate issue but did not do much to repel the Mandalorian presence. But Sherruk did face some Jedi in combat and took their lightsabers as trophies after he killed them. Their continual presence on Dantooine caused the settlers to grow further frustrated with Jedi inaction.
Jon was present outside the Jedi Enclave when he happened to meet the Jedi Padawan (and former Sith Lord) Revan (who had just completed his re-training under Jedi Master Zhar Lestin). Jon vented his frustrations at Revan about Jedi inaction before pleading with Revan to help him and his fellow settlers in removing the Mandalorian presence from the planet. Revan decided to help Jon and was told to eliminate their leader to remove the Mandalorian threat once and for all.
Revan encountered three Mandalorian units in various locations and defeated the mercenaries and their Duros allies. In one such location a man attempted to bargain for his life with the Mandalorians but was killed instead. Mandalorians were also spotted in a different location close to the Sandral Estate with the third located close to the Ancient Grove.
Revan later encountered the mercenaries' leader Sherruk who decided to seize the chance to claim another lightsaber for his collection. But Revan and his two allies were able to defeat Sherruk and his allies in an encounter that removed the Mandalorian presence from Dantooine for a time.
Jon was grateful for Revan's assistance and - despite Revan's protests - provided him with a small reward for his efforts.
The Mandalorians disappeared from Dantooine for a time but a small set returned to the planet in the Dark Wars around 3951 BBY to aid Azkul and his mercenaries in the battle to take Khoonda. Dillan recalled the Mandalorian presence to Meetra Surik when she arrived on the planet and mentioned that a Jedi was responsible for ending their destructive spree before the planet was attacked.