Mission to Giju

The Battle

A few months after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance sent three T-65B X-wing starfighters from Red Squadron, led by Commander Arhul Narra, on a mission to protect a transport carrying underground rebel leaders being evacuated from the planet Giju before Imperial agents arrived. Narra (Red Leader) led the transport away from the planet, while Lieutenant Wedge Antilles (Red Three) and Lieutenant Luke Skywalker (Red Five) were in the rear, keeping the TIEs busy. Initially, they encountered a patrol of TIE fighters, which they were able to eliminate, but then it seemed to them like the Empire sent every fighter it had in the system to engage the rebel raiders.

While weaving through the convoy of other bulk freighters leaving the planet, the two X-wing starfighters used a "" maneuvre, with Skywalker in the lead, and Antilles directly behind on his tail. Inbound enemies could only target Skywalker, while Antilles scooted up and down, emerging from cover to fire at the attackers. This enabled them to destroy three TIE fighters, however, four more TIE fighters were hidden amongst the freighter convoy, waiting in ambush. Skywalker was distracted at the time, as he had sensed something in the back of his mind, however, Antilles quickly snapped him back to reality, and the TIEs were eventually destroyed. Once the transport was clear, Narra ordered his pilots to activate scatter protocols, where each pilot followed a randomly chosen zigzag path through hyperspace, making several jumps to foil anyone that might track them back to the Alliance Fleet above Devaron.

Behind the scenes

The mission appears in the 2015 canon young readers novel The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, written by Jason Fry and released on Force Friday.












