The New Republic High Command, also known as New Republic Command or simply Republic Command, was the command structure of the New Republic Defense Force that oversaw it various branches.
Sometime following the Battle of Endor, the Alliance to Restore the Republic transitioned into the New Republic and the Alliance High Command transitioned into the New Republic High Command. After the Cerberon system campaign, General Hera Syndulla was part of a New Republic High Command conference through hologram that spent at least two nights discussing a conflict over agriworlds three sectors away from the Cerberon system that, despite coming at a great expose, had won fresh supply ships that were to be sent to the planet Troithe.
During the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Republic Command, unlike the Galactic Senate, did view the First Order as a legitimate threat, but the Senate intervened and went as far as to order the Republic's armed forces not to engage the Order in combat. General Leia Organa of the Resistance sought to gather irrefutable evidence of First Order violations of the Galactic Concordance to present to Republic Command and the Senate in an effort to sway their opinion on the matter.
Eventually, New Republic Command received intelligence that they needed to get to the Resistance, and tasked Republic pilot Kazuda Xiono and his squadron with delivering the intelligence to Commander Poe Dameron.
The policy of non-aggression would, however, backfire when the First Order's Starkiller Base destroyed the Hosnian system, which hosted the Republic's capital world at the time, Hosnian Prime. Like the New Republic Home Fleet, High Command was lost in the blast.
- Star Wars: The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire