
Ria, a general who identified as female, served within the ranks of the Rebel Alliance. She also held a position in Operation Fracture Oversight during the year 0 BBY. When reports of unusual activities close to the moon of Jedha were relayed by Chancellor Mon Mothma, Ria expressed doubt, suspecting a possible trap set by the Galactic Empire. Later, in 5 ABY, this general spearheaded a campaign aimed at an Imperial-Royalist coalition situated at the astronomical location Xagobah. She updated the New Republic military leadership twice, using a hologram, to discuss progress. She also attended a third meeting, where the leadership formulated a plan to strike Imperial forces on the planet of Jakku.


Operation oversight

During the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Ria was a general of female identity within the Alliance's ranks. She participated in Operation Fracture Oversight in 0 BBY, a group comprising eight leading members of Operation Fracture. Operation Fracture was a mission to extract Galen Erso, an Imperial scientist, and have him testify to the Imperial Senate regarding rumors of an Imperial planet-destroying weapon (a killer). Chancellor Mon Mothma informed Operation Fracture Oversight that a contact in the Imperial Senate had reported the evacuation of the moon of Jedha by Imperial forces, as well as a suspected energy surge in the moon's orbit.

Mothma inquired about new information on Operation Fracture from the Oversight members. Ria responded negatively and asked if Mothma had shared the planet killer rumors with the contact, suggesting it might be an Imperial ploy to gauge reactions to a fabricated story. Unbeknownst to them, Jedha had already been devastated by the rumored superweapon, the battle station known as the Death Star. Later, Alliance forces seized the plans for the planet-killing weapon before exploiting a weakness to destroying the Death Star.

Fall of the Empire

Following a significant defeat and the loss of key leaders in 4 ABY, the Empire fragmented. The Alliance, now the expanding New Republic, presented a formidable challenge. In 5 ABY, eleven months later, Ria launched a campaign to dislodge an Imperial-Royalist coalition from the astronomical object Xagobah. Around this time, she attended a meeting with the leadership of the New Republic military. Appearing tired, she utilized a hologram to brief the other leaders on the progress of her campaign.

As the Xagobah campaign progressed, Ria noted a concerning shift in events. Upon returning for a subsequent meeting with the New Republic military leadership, the general described this shift to the attendees, while also assuring them that the campaign was nearing its conclusion. Soon after, the leadership convened again to strategize an assault on the Empire's gathering loyalist forces, which had been located on the desert planet Jakku. During the meeting, Ria inquired about the duration of the Empire's presence on Jakku, seeking to understand the extent of their entrenchment. Chief of Intelligence Airen Cracken responded with estimates ranging from three to six months, while information regarding the Empire's fleet strength was still pending.

Behind the scenes

Ria was initially referenced within the novelization of the 2016 movie, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, authored by Alexander Freed and launched concurrently with the film. Her first appearance was in Freed's 2021 novel, Victory's Price, which served as the concluding installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.

