The Nythlide Array was a region of space controlled by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. In 5 ABY, a New Republic battle group led by General Hera Syndulla fought Nythlide's Imperial blockades for a week until they had been broken through. Following the blockades' defeat, Syndulla moved on from the Nythlide Array, leaving two carriers under Major Jaun to support the local militia against the remaining Imperial presence until their operations were finished with.
During the Galactic Civil War, the region of space known as the Nythlide Array, or Nythlide for short, was controlled by the Galactic Empire. In the eleven months following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, much of the Empire's territory was captured by or ceded to the New Republic, but Nythlide remained as one of the territories in the galaxy controlled by Imperial warlords and opportunists that had become separated from the Empire's loyalist forces. Those territories became increasingly isolated by the New Republic, and in 5 ABY, a New Republic battle group led by General Hera Syndulla attacked the Imperial blockades in the Nythlide Array, breaking through them after a week of fighting.
After the defeat of the blockades, Syndulla left two of her carriers in Nythlide under Major Jaun to support Nythlide's local militia against the remaining Imperial presence there. The general subsequently moved on from the territory to continue her hunt for the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. In a meeting between members of the New Republic High Command, a holographic map of the galaxy was presented to represent the remaining Imperial control there and the New Republic's progress in clearing out the faction, with the diminished Imperial presence in the Nythlide Array being represented on the map. During the meeting, Admiral Gial Ackbar asked Syndulla whether Nythlide was secure from the Empire, and the general provided him with an update. Afterward, Jaun's carriers were set to leave Nythlide once their operations were finished and regroup with Syndulla's forces, but the general instead rerouted them to look for survivors among three planets that the 204th had made genocidal attacks on.
The Nythlide Array appeared holographically in the 2021 novel Victory's Price, which was written by Alexander Freed as the third installment of the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy.