White Maw


The White Maw was a large coalition of pirate groups operating mainly on the planet Hoth around 3642 BBY.


During the Cold War between Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, many pirates flocked to Hoth to join the White Maw.

By 3642 BBY, the White Maw were considered by Senator Tobas Grell to be the largest pirate band in the galaxy.

Galactic War

In 3642 BBY, at the start of the Galactic War between Sith Empire and Galactic Republic, the White Maw participated in many events involving both factions on Hoth. Pirate leader Grossh was killed by a Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython during the Jedi's attack on the pirates. Captain Valon was a prominent pirate—famous for attacking the Rift Alliance's forces—who was defeated by a Jedi Consular and taken into the Republic's custody.

The crime lord Rogun the Butcher sent his minion Shai Tenna with his crew to try to take over the White Maw coalition but Tenna and his men were defeated by a Republic-affiliated smuggler aboard the crashed Star of Coruscant. The smuggler was granted the option to take Tenna's position and lead the White Maw but refused.

A bounty hunter, known as the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, arrived on Hoth to hunt down a Blacklist target. Their target was the pirate lord Reneget Vause, who the bounty hunter eventually eliminated after taking out several lieutenants of the White Maw.

Master Sav led a radical White Maw band called the Hailstorm Brotherhood but was eliminated that year by either Republic or Imperial forces. The bands Marauders and Scourge joined forces with the rogue Imperial admiral named Layek Davos to acquire the Starbreeze, an advanced shuttle lost during the Battle of Hoth in the Great Galactic War. Their forces were intercepted and eliminated by the Chiss forces and the Imperial Agent Cipher Nine soon after the shuttle's discovery.

Most of the White Maw's leadership was killed in an Imperial attack during a meeting on their headquarters at the Coldstone Canyon.

Behind the scenes

The smuggler player character has the option of taking control of a White Maw group or pass leadership to Alilia.


  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia















