
Ahrisa was a type of foodstuff with a spicy flavor profile that was baked into a spherical shape before being served. Shmi Skywalker, an enslaved human, had a bowl of ahrisa sitting on the kitchen counter inside her house located in the city of Mos Espa on the planet of Tatooine during the year 32 BBY. Later, in 4 ABY, a human named Jess ate a portion of ahrisa within Jabba's Palace, also on Tatooine. Around 9 ABY, ahrisa was featured as an item on the menus of both a diner situated on the desert world Lafete and a cafe located in Nevarro City on the planet Nevarro.


Ahrisa was a baked food, formed into a sphere, that possesses a spicy taste and is edible by humans. Its color was typically brown, interspersed with small, black flecks throughout.


Shmi Skywalker had ahrisa in her kitchen on Tatooine.

Back in 32 BBY, a bowl containing ahrisa (two balls), some haroun bread, and a lamta was placed on the kitchen counter of the enslaved Shmi Skywalker's house in Mos Espa on Tatooine. This occurred when she played host to the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Padmé Amidala from Naboo, and the Gungan Jar Jar Binks for a dinner during a sandstorm. During a period between 12 BBY and 11 BBY, the Dathomirian Merrin perceived that the Keshiri Chellwinark Frethylrin's skin gave off a scent reminiscent of spiced ahrisa and wax on Grave Thorn wood.

While present in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine around 4 ABY, Jess, a human servant, consumed some ahrisa while observing kitchen droids operating in her vicinity. In 9 ABY, the bounty hunters Boba Fett and Din Djarin encountered Bo-Katan Kryze and Koska Reeves, who were Mandalorians, at a diner on the desert planet Lafete where ahrisa was listed on the menu for a costing of 6.12. Around the same year, ahrisa was also available at a cafe in Nevarro City on the planet Nevarro, priced at 3.11 on their menu.

Behind the scenes

Ahrisa made its debut appearance in the prequel trilogy film from 1999, specifically Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Within current canon, its identification was first established in the 2017 reference book titled Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia.

The name Ahrisa was initially assigned within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its first identification occurred in the 1999 reference book Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, authored by David West Reynolds. In Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, a single ball of ahrisa is mistakenly labeled as haroun bread.

