Attack on a Tusken Raider camp

A band of mercenaries, a gang headed by the human named Saponza along with his partner, lent their services to the Galactic Empire by attacking a Tusken Raider camp situated on the planet of Tatooine. The Empire provided All Terrain Scout Transports for the mercenaries to utilize in the destruction of the camp. Following this, the Sith Lord Darth Vader expressed his congratulations and extended an invitation for future collaborations with the Empire.


During the Galactic Civil War, specifically in the period between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth which saw conflict between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire, the mercenary known as Saponza made his way back to his homestead located on the planet of Tatooine, where he then met with an old friend. Shortly after completing the construction of a new autoturret, the mercenaries were attacked by a group of outlaws who were employed by the crime lord Jabba the Hutt. The homestead's autoturrets successfully kill the criminals, leading to Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, contacting them to relay the Hutt's displeasure. Subsequently, the Sith Lord Darth Vader communicated with the pair via hologram, instructing them to assist the local Imperial garrison in obliterating a Tusken Raider camp nearby. The Sith furnished the mercenaries with three All Terrain Scout Transports to aid in the battle.

The attack

The mercenaries strategically deployed the three AT-STs, which prompted a group of seven Tuskens to emerge from the camp and launch an attack. Simultaneously, a pair of Imperial TIE/ln space superiority starfighters commenced firing upon the camp's structures, executing multiple attack runs. The combined force of the walkers and starfighters demonstrated their superiority in combat, resulting in the complete destruction of the camp, including the three autoturrets controlled by the Tuskens.


Following the camp's destruction, Vader once again contacted the mercenaries, offering his congratulations and suggesting future collaborations with the Empire. Saponza considered the proposition, but before he could make a decision, Princess Leia Organa reached out to him and his partner, requesting their assistance in retrieving medical supplies from a Hutt Cartel den located on the planet Dandoran. The mercenaries obliged, and were offered allegiance by the Alliance as well. The mercenaries chose to work with the rebellion.

Behind the scenes

The attack was first featured in Star Wars: Commander, a mobile strategy game launched in 2014 by Disney Interactive. This attack serves as a component of the game's tutorial and consistently yields the same outcome. Shortly after the battle, players are presented with the choice to align themselves with either the Empire or the Alliance.

