Chamber of Connection

On the planet Koboh, the Chamber of Connection stood as one of the ancient Meditation Chambers utilized by the Jedi for centuries. Originating in the High Republic Era, it was a product of collaboration between Jedi and Republic scientists who sought to explore the enigmatic nature of Koboh matter and venture beyond the Koboh Abyss. Jedi Master Santari Khri employed this chamber to prepare Jedi and their Padawans for the journey through the Abyss, presenting them with challenges and riddles that some found difficult. Before the eventual discovery of Tanalorr, one cautious Jedi expressed doubts within the Chamber of Connection, questioning the value of the elaborate and costly chambers on Koboh. Numerous Jedi spent time within the chamber, including two Padawans who shared their longing for their home, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Following Jedi Knight Dagan Gera's defiance of the Jedi Council's decision regarding Tanalorr, a gregarious Padawan and a bold Jedi engaged in discussion about the divisive crisis within the chamber's walls.

Located beneath the Viscid Bog near Rambler's Reach Valley, the Chamber of Connection could be accessed by activating a turbolift using a Republic tuner device. Inside, gentle waterfalls cascaded into a standing pool that covered much of the floor. The chamber comprised three levels, with the lift providing access only to the first. A staircase connected the first and second levels, while the third could be reached via a bridge of solidified Koboh matter generated by a modified orb amplifier, followed by a short staircase. The chamber featured three pressure-sensitive buttons that, when pressed, either brought together or separated two wall panels. On the ground level, an orb amplifier was strategically positioned to project an energy beam onto the wall closest to the lift entrance. The third level housed a separate room containing a shrine decorated with the Jedi crest.

By 9 BBY, the Chamber of Connection had largely deteriorated. Substantial accumulations of solidified Koboh dust had formed almost impenetrable barriers across many surfaces, including a large deposit that completely sealed off the back room. Several of the chamber's large decorations were displaced and askew. Nevertheless, the pressure-sensitive buttons and the orb amplifiers remained operational.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, released in 2023, marked the initial appearance of the Chamber of Connection. Investigating a rumor led to this optional experience. Players were tasked with solving a puzzle that required using BD-1's grinder ability to clear away solidified Koboh dust obstructions. Within the Chamber of Connection, collectibles included four databank entries, a datadisc, the Persistence lightsaber emitter, and the Recuperation perk, which enhanced the minimum level to which the Force Meter would automatically replenish.

