
Charr was a Trandoshan male Hunter who competed at the Grand Arena located on Vespaara. Specializing as a big game hunter, Charr journeyed to numerous planets in search of worthy prey, including Pagodon, where he pursued ravinak creatures; Felucia, where he engaged in combat with a sarlacc; and Hoth, where he successfully hunted both tauntauns and wampas.


In the year 9 ABY, the Trandoshan known as Charr participated as a Hunter in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, a sporting event held on the planet of Vespaara. As a newly arrived competitor, Charr issued a challenge to the Wookiee Hunter named Grozz for a duel, but the Trandoshan's challenge was ignored. Though perplexed by Grozz's refusal, Charr's eagerness for a fight only intensified. Observing Charr's persistent attempts to provoke Grozz, the human Hunter Zaina decided to challenge him herself. Subsequently, Charr accepted Zaina's unexpected challenge.

Later, Charr emerged victorious in his battle against Zaina, but the Trandoshan developed a newfound respect for his adversary. Despite securing the win, he remained puzzled by Grozz's decision to disregard his initial challenge. Eventually, Grozz released a statement clarifying that he would not entertain challenges from unproven newcomers, which ignited Charr's anger and fueled his desire for vengeance against the Wookiee. At one point, the human Hunter Rieve inadvertently stumbled upon Charr while he was getting dressed in a prep pod.

Personality and traits

Charr was a Trandoshan characterized by his green skin and orange eyes, distinguished by a white streak across his right eye. He was typically seen wearing an orange sleeveless vest over a yellow tunic. As part of his attire, he adorned himself with a hide and skull from a nexu, which he wore around his torso.

As a devoted big game hunter, Charr possessed a deep appreciation for the wilderness, a shared interest that fostered a connection with the sharpshooter Diago Velaar. He also held the bounty hunter Bossk'wassak'Cradossk, another Trandoshan, in high regard, believing him to be a worthy contender for the title of Arena Hunter.


Charr's scatter gun

His primary weapon of choice was a scatter gun. Additionally, the Trandoshan carried a backpack stocked with various tools and traps, including the Snare Trap.

Behind the scenes

Charr made his debut appearance in the novel titled Hunters: Battle for the Arena, authored by Mark Oshiro and published through Disney–Lucasfilm Press on March 7, 2023. His visual representation was first introduced in the video game Star Wars: Hunters as a new playable character during update 0.18.0, which was launched on September 13 of the same year. Adam James provided the voice acting for the character in the game.

With the global release of Hunters on June 4, 2024, Charr could be unlocked via the Hunter's Path progression system, becoming the eighth character available for unlocking. Charr is classified as a Tank-class Hunter with a difficulty level of three. He possesses three active abilities: the Snare Trap, which immobilizes enemies within its area of effect; the Laser Tether, which connects Charr to an enemy to keep them close; and the Regen Booster, which heals Charr and converts incoming damage into additional healing. Charr also has a talent called Dig In, where his claws diminish the effectiveness of knock-back attacks. His Ultimate ability, Ferocious Hunt, increases his movement speed as he discards his scatter gun and attacks with his claws. These attacks pin down enemies, and eliminations extend the duration of the ability.

