The initial segment of the in-universe CorSec Database, titled CorSec Database A-G, was designed for Star Wars Galaxies players. It was initially released on the official Star Wars Galaxies website on June 9, 2006.
This section of the database details information regarding the following non-player characters and groups:
- Aa'kuan
- Afarathu
- Alkhara Bandits
- Beldonna's League
- Bib Fortuna
- Binayre Pirates
- Black Sun
- Blood Razors
- Borvo the Hutt
- Canyon Corsairs
- Captain Gial Ackbar
- Chunker gang
- Cobral
- Corellian Security Force
- Dantari
- Dim-U
- Donkuwah
- Drall
- Dulok
- Ewok
- Federation of the Double Worlds
- Followers of Nyax
- Garyn Raiders
- Gondula
- Gorax
- Greck
- Gungan
The second section of the database contains information from H-Z.
The narrative is written from the perspective of someone within the Star Wars universe, portraying a database being hacked, before CorSec forces interrupt the hacking attempt.
---Welcome to the Corellian Security Forces HoloNet Database, Please enter your security code to continue---
"I'm nearly there...."
"You should hurry and finish hacking into their system. We only have a few minutes before another patrol comes by. If you don't get those data files, the boss won't be pleased..."
---Invalid Code, Please enter a valid security code to continue-----
"Hold on... almost there...."
"I've got it."
---Please choose a category---
"Criminal Database, Galactic, Notorius, A through G"
---Below you will find background information on known criminals, various organizations, species and other individuals tracked by CorSec Intelligence. This information is to be used to assist with your investigations and reporting, under no circumstances is this information to be transmitted to unauthorized personnel.---