Darth Vader (2015) 2

Darth Vader #2 represents the second installment of the Marvel comic book series known as Star Wars: Darth Vader. It also marks the second of six issues comprising the initial story arc of the series, titled Vader. Kieron Gillen penned the issue, while Salvador Larroca provided the artwork. Its release date was February 25, 2015.

Story Synopsis

Beginning Events

The comic begins with the Lambda-class shuttle, identified as CZ-246, being chased by an autonomous pirate CR90 corvette. The shuttle sustains damage to its engines, and the pirate corvette launches a torpedo. The shuttle copilot reports the engine failure. The shuttle pilot, understanding that the pirates are after their cargo, detonates the shuttle. Shortly thereafter, Darth Vader arrives accompanied by several TIE fighters. Following a brief aerial battle, they disable the automated corvette's engines. Vader then contacts the Super Star Destroyer Annihilator, informing the commander of the mission's success.

Under Tagge's Supervision

Lord Vader informs Grand General Cassio Tagge about the capture of the robotic pirate corvette, emphasizing the high quality of the robotics and suggesting that they are facing formidable opponents. Tagge stresses the urgency of locating the source of these raids, noting the Empire's reliance on Jabba the Hutt for supplies, which are then stolen by the raiders. Lord Vader suspects a security breach, but General Tagge dismisses the idea, arguing that the high attrition rate of piracy does not align with his piracy models. He attributes the increase in piracy to the unrest following the Death Star's destruction.

While observing a fleet of Star Destroyers through the viewport, Tagge refers to the Death Star as the late Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's misjudgment, speculating on the number of Super Star Destroyers that could have been built instead. When Vader suggests that Tarkin possessed a vision, while Tagge only has graphs, Tagge counters that he has both graphs and command. He outlines his strategy of investing in the expansion of the Imperial Navy, comparing it to the sea. He contends that Imperial military strength should not depend on a single entity but that the fleet should serve as a Force multiplier.

Tagge's strategy involves repairing the corvette for a superficial inspection, using it to pinpoint the pirate base, and then launching an assault on the station. Vader disagrees, suggesting that the pirates might trigger the base's self-destruction, believing they would sacrifice anything to avoid the Empire's wrath. Tagge responds that their team must secure the information before that happens, announcing that Lord Vader will lead the mission.

Tagge condescendingly compares Vader to a lightsaber wielded by a "skilled hand," identifying himself as that hand. Tagge also assigns an adjutant, Lieutenant Oon-ai, who will report directly to him. Vader accepts Tagge's authority. In private, Vader cautions Oon-ai against testing his patience. While preparing for the mission, Oon-Ai examines Vader's private communications with the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Vader dismisses this as a personal matter to be addressed later. He then retreats to a chamber with a black astromech droid.

Penetrating the Pirate Stronghold

Lord Vader and Lieutenant Oon-ai journey back to the pirate base, located at the edge of the Outer Rim Territories, in the droid corvette. The Mon Calamari pirate comments on the ship's damage, while the Sullustan pirate suggests unloading the cargo and proceeding with repairs. The Twi'lek pirate goes to unload the cargo but encounters Lord Vader and the Imperials. Lord Vader throws him aside and orders the troops to secure the core. Simultaneously, Vader's black astromech droid unlocks the hatch.

Upon realizing the presence of Imperials, the Sullustan pirate orders the activation of the security droids. The Mon Calamari pirate contemplates activating the lever, mentioning that Aphra made significant promises for these droids and that they must exceed her claims to escape the station. He ponders their options. Meanwhile, the astromech droid exits a hatch onto the station's outer hull.

Vader and the stormtroopers are caught in a hangar explosion caused by a remote explosive detonated by the pirates. The pirates then deploy several droidekas and engage the Imperials in combat. Simultaneously, the astromech droid discovers another access hatch and enters it. Back in the hangar, Vader realizes that the pirates have not activated the self-destruct mechanism because they still believe they have a chance. Lieutenant Oon-ai points out the stormtroopers' casualties and asks if the Sith Lord can intervene.

Vader believes that a lightsaber strike would detonate the missile. When the Lieutenant asks if there is anything Vader can do, Vader replies that there is always a solution. Meanwhile, the astromech droid connects to a network terminal. Vader utilizes the Force to hurl missiles at the droidekas and pirates, incinerating them. Having completed its mysterious task, the droid returns to the docked corvette.

The dying Mon Calamari pirate activates the self-destruct mechanism. Lord Vader orders the stormtroopers to return to the CR90 corvette and prepare for launch. He instructs Lieutenant Oon-ai to accompany him to the pirate control center to retrieve the data, reminding him of his orders to observe him. The two return to their ship just as the pirate asteroid [space station](/article/space_station] explodes. Lieutenant Oon-ai expresses relief at their escape. Vader responds in kind and states that they must report their findings.

Deception and Intrigue

Upon returning to the Annihilator, Lord Vader "commends" Grand General Tagge's strategy, stating that the pirates were supported by the Crymorah Syndicate. However, he then accuses Lieutenant Oon-ai of being a spy for the pirates and presents the adjutant's dead body. Lord Vader claims to have discovered data on the pirates' computer identifying Oon-ai as a traitor who had been leaking information to the pirates. He advises Tagge to closely monitor his next adjutant and warns that he will be watching them just as closely.

In private, Lord Vader asks the astromech droid if it has erased the information. The droid confirms, and Lord Vader instructs it to leave. The droid exits through the airlock and self-destructs. Vader comments that one can always trust droids, implying that the droid framed Oon-ai.

Cover Images

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1 — Vader"

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader Vol. 1"

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader by Kieron Gillen & Salvador Larroca Omnibus"

    content="Star Wars: Darth Vader Modern Era Epic Collection: Shadows and Secrets"