The initial issue, Darth Vader 1, marks the beginning of the Star Wars: Darth Vader comic book series published by Marvel. It also serves as the first of six installments in the inaugural story arc, titled Vader. The narrative unfolds in the period situated between the cinematic events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, primarily focusing on the experiences of the character Darth Vader. Kieron Gillen penned the script, while Salvador Larroca provided the artwork. The release date for Darth Vader 1 was February 11, 2015.
This initial installment's narrative follows directly from the events depicted in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope and the first three publications of the Star Wars comic series. As a consequence of his failure to thwart the Rebel Alliance during both the Battle of Yavin and the assault targeting Cymoon 1, Darth Vader faces repercussions. Darth Sidious dispatches him on a mission to negotiate terms with Jabba the Hutt. Concurrently, Vader engages the services of a pair of bounty hunters with instructions to capture Luke Skywalker, as well as a mysterious operative working for the Emperor.
The Dark Lord of the Sith is featured in his first ongoing series!
Since Darth Vader debuted on screen, he has become one of the most iconic villains of all time! Now, you can follow Vader from the end of "Star Wars: A New Hope" (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, which shows the Empire's war against the Rebel Alliance from the other side! Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca take us behind the mask of evil!
The narrative commences on the desert planet of Tatooine, where Darth Vader pays a visit to Jabba's Palace. Upon gaining entry through the main gate, he is met by two Gamorrean guards, whom he promptly dispatches using his lightsaber. Proceeding into Jabba's throne room, Vader encounters Bib Fortuna, the Hutt crime lord's majordomo, who attempts to impede his progress. However, Vader compels Fortuna, at lightsaber point, to grant him an audience with Jabba.
Bib Fortuna roused Jabba, informing him that Vader had slaughtered the guards. Irritated by Vader's premature arrival and the demise of his guards, Jabba rebukes Vader. Unmoved by Jabba's displeasure, Vader retorts that the limited number of casualties was a demonstration of restraint. Vader then persuades Jabba to dismiss his retinue for a private discussion. When Jabba inquires about the purpose of his visit on behalf of the Galactic Empire, Vader reveals that he is there for personal reasons, but warns he will return in his official capacity.
Jabba responded dismissively and cautioned Vader against employing mind tricks on him. Vader countered that such tactics were not the way of the Sith and that the Jedi were gone. Jabba attempted to intimidate the Sith Lord, informing him that the rebels and "darker factions" had placed a bounty on his head. Jabba implied that he could arrange for Vader's "disappearance," gesturing towards the rancor pit below. Jabba questioned Vader's bravery or foolishness, to which Vader deflected the question back at him.
Jabba, remarking on the Jedi's tendency to complicate matters, summoned his entourage, who converged on Vader. The Sith Lord ignited his lightsaber, deflecting blaster bolts and striking down multiple guards, including a third Gamorrean guard, a Gran, and a Whiphid. A deflected blaster bolt also struck Jabba's nutrient jar, shattering it. Realizing he was outmatched by Vader's mastery of the Force, Jabba relented and pleaded with Vader to not act rashly.
Vader, still angered by Jabba's insinuation that he was a Jedi, asserted his knowledge and the Sith's preference for force over mind tricks. Vader then used a Force choke on Jabba, emphasizing the Sith's inclination towards direct force. Upon releasing his grip, Jabba acknowledged Vader's tough negotiating style and the respect it commanded. Vader affirmed that this was an improvement before stating his needs.
One day prior, Vader had an audience with Emperor Palpatine in the Emperor's throne room within the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. Vader briefed the Emperor on the recent rebel attack on Cymoon 1, which had significantly hampered Imperial production. Vader explained that the rebels had impersonated Hutt envoys and coerced Overseer Aggadeen into divulging the base's codes, leading to the destruction of the factory's core reactor.
Upon the Emperor's inquiry about the Overseer, Vader informed him that Aggadeen was present. Vader led the Emperor to a torture chamber where Aggadeen was being subjected to interrogation on a torture rack by an IT-O Interrogator and two droids, including a silver protocol droid. Vader explained that Aggadeen was undergoing probing to ensure full disclosure and that he would not fail them again.
Vader sought to discuss the rebel agents, but the Emperor redirected the conversation to Vader's failures. The Emperor noted that they had maintained the Imperial Senate for nearly two decades during the construction of the Death Star. He lamented the loss of the Senate for maintaining order and the Death Star for enforcing it, with their production now in ruins. The Emperor held Vader accountable for these recent setbacks. He accused Vader of deliberately tagging the rebel ship with a homing beacon and allowing the rebels to escape with the Death Star plans. Vader accepted responsibility but argued that the Death Star's hubris had invited disaster, asserting that the space station's power paled in comparison to the Force.
The Emperor silenced him and acknowledged that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, Admiral Conan Antonio Motti, and others shared the blame, but Vader was the only survivor to face his wrath. The Emperor labeled Vader as the survivor of the Empire's greatest military failure, sarcastically declaring him the Chosen One, "chosen to be responsible." Vader sought to atone, but the Emperor deemed him a blunt instrument, better suited to being wielded than to wield.
The Emperor revealed that Cassio Tagge had survived the Battle of Yavin and had consistently opposed the Death Star as the Empire's sole weapon. With the second Death Star under construction, his philosophy needed to be dominant. Consequently, the Emperor placed Vader under Tagge's command. Before that, he tasked Vader with concluding his dealings with Jabba the Hutt, as Jabba could not send an agent to the Core Worlds, necessitating a trip to the Outer Rim Territories.
The Emperor forbade any communication with the Crymorah Syndicate or other crime lords. The Emperor expected Vader to finalize the deal within two days. Vader expressed his unfamiliarity with haggling. The Emperor replied that Vader would need practice and reassured him that it was a temporary phase. He then declared that the Empire would eventually claim the Outer Rim, remarking that a visit to Tatooine would be sentimental for the Sith Lord.
At that moment, a human man with a Rodian eye entered the Emperor's throne room. Vader inquired about the man's identity, but the Emperor dismissed it as someone Vader didn't need to know. When Vader questioned whether the Emperor was withholding information, the Emperor rebuked his apprentice for even considering such a notion. He then asked Vader if he had any reports to provide.
Vader experienced a flashback of his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi aboard the Death Star and his statement to Tagge that the "old man" was someone who believed he could train gifted children. Vader also recalled pursuing Luke Skywalker in the Death Star trench and later encountering him on Cymoon 1. Vader realized that Obi-Wan had given Anakin's lightsaber to Luke. Returning to the present, Vader claimed he had nothing to report. The Emperor dismissed him, warning him against future failures. Vader passed two Emperor's Royal Guards, leaving the mysterious man to converse with the Emperor.
Aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer above Coruscant, Vader conferred with the Imperial captain. The captain explained that they needed to traverse the Outer Rim to collect trade goods but assured that they could still reach Tatooine in time for the meeting. Vader insisted that the captain prioritize Tatooine before resuming their errand. Despite the captain's objections, Vader warned of the repercussions for his crew. The captain relented, and Vader retreated to his meditation chamber.
One day later on Tatooine, Vader convened in the desert with Jabba's top bounty hunters, Boba Fett and the Wookiee Krrsantan. Vader tasked Fett with locating an X-wing starfighter pilot with ties to Kenobi, explaining that the pilot had departed the planet aboard a smuggling vessel named the Millennium Falcon. He instructed Fett to capture the pilot alive.
Vader assigned Black Krrsantan the task of tracking an agent engaged in clandestine work for the Emperor, specifically requesting that the agent be brought to him for a private discussion. The Sith Lord cautioned both against failure. Fett warned that the Wookiee's target might suffer injuries but assured that they would not escape. Vader then prepared to depart, stating that he had been delayed on Tatooine for too long. Before leaving, he exterminated an entire settlement of Tusken Raiders.
Marvel projected that the comic would surpass 200,000 copies in sales. Later, the company informed that the book had exceeded that estimate, with over 300,000 pre-orders. Ultimately, Star Wars: Darth Vader 1 became the second best-selling comic of February 2015.
In celebration of Star Wars Day on May 4, 2016, Marvel reissued Darth Vader 1 as part of its True Believers budget reprint program, offering reprints of popular comic titles at a suggested retail price of $1.
- UPC 7596060812410; February 11 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics [2]
- UPC 759606085019; May 4 , 2016 ; Marvel Comics; True Believers [9] 00111; Cover A, Adi Granov