Doctor Aphra #39 represents the thirty-ninth installment, serving as the second-to-last issue, of the canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Doctor Aphra. Simon Spurrier penned the script, while Caspar Wijngaard provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it to the public on November 27, 2019.
The storyline within this issue is entitled "A Rogue's End Part III," and it details how Doctor Aphra finds herself captured by the Rebel Alliance strike team led by Magna Tolvan.
A ROGUE'S END PART 3: SOME LIKE IT HOTH…DOCTOR APHRA has so far failed to seize the secret location of the NEW REBEL BASE… but that hasn't stopped the rebels seizing HER…After all the bad blood and countless betrayals, does any love linger between Aphra and her new captor, Rebel Captain MAGNA TOLVAN? But with DARTH VADER himself keeping tabs on her progress, will Aphra see in Tolvan one last, seducible opportunity to sell-out the future of the galaxy, and save her own skin?
Captain Magna Tolvan informs a doubtful Sister Six aboard the Rebel Alliance vessel Unnamed that Dr Aphra is currently on the Lambda-class shuttle. A rebel soldier detects a sudden surge of energy. Sister Six deduces that Dr. Aphra is powering up the laser cannons with the intention of blasting her way out, much to Captain Tolvan's surprise.
Aphra exploits the ensuing gunfire to make her escape from the shuttle. A rebel soldier discovers that Aphra had concealed herself within the cannon's mechanisms. Sister Six remarks that she had forgotten how cunning Aphra could be, while Captain Tolvan announces over the comlink that they have a stowaway and authorizes the rebels to use lethal force. Sister Six notes that Aphra abandoned her father, Korin Aphra. Tolvan, unsurprised, instructs her troops to relocate the remaining prisoners to the brig.
Within the operations room, the protocol droid Teezee-Too tells Captain Tolvan that the Imperials have been seeking information about the new rebel headquarters, based on his analysis of footage originating from Asteroid Helix 13-v. After communication with Teezee is lost, Tolvan orders all combat personnel to proceed to the operations room.
Captain Tolvan and the rebel soldiers converge on the Operations Room, where they encounter a figure resembling Dr. Aphra. Tolvan is outraged that Aphra, her former lover, intends to betray the rebels. However, she soon realizes that the figure is actually Teezee, who Aphra has forced to wear her jacket and helmet. Aphra seizes the opportunity to flee the Operations Room, locking the rebels inside. Captain Tolvan attempts to pursue her, but her jacket becomes ensnared in the sliding door.
While maneuvering through the starship's electrical conduits, Dr. Aphra establishes contact with BT-1, informing him that she has sealed the troops inside the Operations Room and secured the bridge from the outside. Unable to access the bridge, she persuades BT-1 to ensure her father's safety in exchange for eliminating anyone else on board. As Aphra enters a corridor, she hears Captain Tolvan's voice, who reveals that she has been tracking her using her electro-tattoo.
Aphra realizes that Tolvan acquired a similar tattoo to aid in her escape from the Accresker. Through the electro-tattoo's biofeedback, they can sense each other's thoughts. Captain Tolvan, still resentful towards Aphra for ruining her life and erasing her memories, attacks her with a blaster before delivering a kick. Retaliating, Aphra argues that she used Tolvan to attempt to assassinate the Emperor.
When Tolvan accuses Aphra of sabotaging that mission, Aphra retorts that Tolvan should not pretend to have cared about it, as she was merely committed to serving any master. Tolvan insists that Aphra is mistaken, as the Rebellion has provided her with something new. Aphra descends a ladder into the ship's lower levels, with Tolvan following closely behind.
The two plummet into the watery garbage compactor. Tolvan expresses her frustration, stating that she sacrificed everything for Aphra and questioning what Aphra gave her in return, before striking her. Aphra responds that she gave Tolvan pain, joy, and chaos, which proves that she has a heart. Through the biofeedback, Aphra detects that Tolvan genuinely believes in the hope that the rebels inspire. Realizing that Tolvan is determined to conceal the location of the new rebel base from the Empire, Aphra decides to rekindle her love for Tolvan. While the two engage in sexual activity, BT-1 escorts Korin to safety and enters the hangar bay, where the shuttle awaits.
While Tolvan is asleep, Aphra obtains the coordinates of the rebel base: the planet Hoth. Shortly after, a startled Tolvan awakens and returns to the bridge. She orders the bridge crew to release her strike team from the operations room. A Rodian officer reports that someone has bypassed their security systems and ejected all of their escape pods. Tolvan realizes that this is a ruse to allow the Imperials to escape on their shuttle.
After Sister Six confirms that they have attached a tracking device to the shuttle, she orders the Unnamed to jump into hyperspace in pursuit of Aphra. However, Aphra has already escaped in an escape pod.
Meanwhile, Vulaada Klam is fleeing from shark-like creatures inhabiting Ash Moon 1. Shortly thereafter, the escaped Imperial shuttle lands. Aphra rushes onto the gangplank, calling out for Dr. Aphra, only to encounter Aphra's father, Korin. Korin comments that he may have missed some significant developments and inquires about what is happening. Vulaada explains that she is escaping from the shark-like creatures. Korin instructs Vulaada to stand behind him.
Aboard the escape pod, Dr. Aphra jokes about using this "piece of junk" to remotely pilot a shuttle. She convinces BT-1 to contact Triple Zero to deliver a private message to Darth Vader. Triple Zero informs the Sith Lord that Mistress Aphra has discovered the location of the rebel base and advises Lord Vader to dress warmly.
- UPC 759606086290; November 27 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics ; First printing [1] 03911; Cover A; Ashley Witter 03921; Cover B; Rahzzah