
Doyan was a female Feeorin leader. She commanded the Novitiates, an elite group of dark side experts who served Sith Lord Odion. Odion governed the Odionate, a Sith princedom that arose from the former Chagras Hegemony ruins in 1040 BBY. By 1032 BBY, she became the leader of a Novitiate team tasked with Project Pandemonium. This Sith mission aimed to retrieve the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact that could drive beings into a murderous rage. However, two enemies had infiltrated her Novitiate team: Kerra Holt, a Human Jedi Knight using the alias "Mercy", and Glenk, a Kubaz and covert Daimanate agent. She fought in several conflicts, including the Invasion of Sarrassia and the Second Battle of Skarpos. Doyan was also present during a dark side ritual where Odion, from his base in Vanahame, unleashed the Helm's full power on the Grumani sector. Doyan likely died during the Battle of Vanahame when Odion incited his followers into a killing frenzy, which resulted in the destruction of both the Helm and Odion, its user, along with the Odionate's collapse.



Doyan, a Force-sensitive female Feeorin, existed during the Republic Dark Age. This era saw the Galactic Republic reduced to a rump state around the Core Worlds, while various Sith Lords controlled the outer regions of the galaxy. Before 1032 BBY, Doyan was likely discovered to be Force-sensitive and recruited into the Odionate as a Novitiate. Novitiates were dark side adepts devoted to the teachings of the Sith Lord Odion. Odion, holding a nihilistic view, considered the existence of other beings as painful and sought to end this pain by ending their lives. He learned to use his Dark Side powers to drive others to destruction by channeling the misery around them. Doyan became a loyal and dedicated member of the Novitiates.

Doyan fighting Grumani Hierophants

The Helm of Ieldis

After the Aquilaris campaign and the Battle of Darkknell, Doyan was chosen to command a special Novitiate team. Their mission was to recover the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact created by Lord Ieldis before the Great Hyperspace War. This helm had the power to drive entire armies into a murderous frenzy. This mission, known as Project Pandemonium, continued an earlier expedition that lost its trail on Sarrassia in 1038 BBY. With the Bactranate's collapse, Odion intended to resume the project.

The Helm's immense power made it a strategic asset in Odion's quest for dominance. At the time, the Grumani sector was governed by the Calimondra family, a warring Sith clan led by Matriarch Vilia Calimondra. She promised her vast holdings to the heir who conquered the most, leading to protracted warfare in the sector as rival Sith claimants battled for supremacy. Odion held particular animosity towards his younger brother, Daiman, a narcissistic Sith Lord who considered himself the Creator of the Universe.

Unbeknownst to Doyan, two enemies of the Odionate had infiltrated her team: Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight, and Glenk, a Kubaz Daimanate agent. Kerra Holt sought revenge for the invasion of her homeworld, Aquilaris Minor, by Odion in 1042 BBY. She also wanted to discover the fate of her parents, Aron and Mercia Holt, who Odion had captured on Aquilaris. She used the alias "Mercy" for her mission. Glenk, dispatched by Daiman, shadowed Kerra's movements since he had helped her infiltrate the Odionate, leaking intelligence about Project Pandemonium to his master.

Project Pandemonium

Doyan and "Mercy" on Vanahame.

Because Sarrassia was the last known location visited by Project Pandemonium, the Odionate launched an invasion of the planet. During the invasion, Doyan personally led a ground assault against several Grumani Hierophants making a final stand on Mount Diligence, which they considered sacred. During the assault on the enemy trenches, Doyan and her Novitiates brutally slaughtered the defenders without mercy. Doyan was about to kill a male Hierophant with his lightsaber when "Mercy" pushed him aside, saying he didn't need to die. Doyan was about to scold "Mercy" when friendly fire from General Beld Yulan's cannons shelled them.

Doyan and "Mercy" survived, but several Odionate Sith troopers were killed or wounded. Yulan reprimanded "Mercy" for her soft-heartedness and self-preservation, which clashed with Odion's nihilistic philosophy. "Mercy" argued that killing the Novitiates would defeat the purpose of finding the Helm, incurring Odion's wrath. After the mopping-up operation, Doyan and her Novitiates explored the caves beneath the hill, during which "Mercy" became separated from the team.

"Mercy" reunited with Aunt Zoojoo, a long-lost family friend, learning more about her parents and that the Helm was located within the Morbollon Mesa on Skarpos, a desolate desert world recently acquired from Lord Malakite, ruler of the Menagerie. Meanwhile, Yulan and Doyan conducted a gravimetric analysis of the mountain, confirming an underground chamber containing an underground temple. The Odionates used explosives to create an opening. During the ensuing standoff, Zoojoo detonated explosives, burying the temple and denying the Sith access, resulting in her death. Doyan survived the avalanche, but some Sith troopers and at least one Novitiate died. "Mercy" survived and revealed the Helm's location on Skarpos.

Traitors Unmasked

Doyan on Skarpos

General Yulan flew the Novitiates to Skarpos, stopping at Vanahame, a moon serving as a transit point. Doyan and two other Novitiates caught "Mercy" twice attempting to commandeer a shuttle. "Mercy" feigned devotion to Odion's cause, expressing frustration with Yulan for prolonging their transit. Doyan firmly stated that Yulan didn't answer to the Novitiates and chided "Mercy" for considering seeking the Helm alone, reminding her that they were a team working for Odion. She also reprimanded her for trying to steal a shuttle to claim all the credit.

"Mercy" apologized, pretending to be eager to help Odion, but expressed frustration at Odion's frequent refueling trips to Vanahame. Doyan reassured her that the other Novitiates were also eager to find the Helm and noted that Glenk had been missing since Sarrassia, assuming he was trying to claim the credit for himself, emphasizing that the recovery of the Helm should be a team effort. Following their conversation, "Mercy" was sent below the spaceport to inform Yulan that the warship Gravedigger had been refueled. When "Mercy" inquired about what was below, Doyan replied that she didn't know, assuming it was just dirt and dead people, but told "Mercy" to remind Yulan to get moving. Down there, "Mercy" discovered an Odionate cloister, a planet-sized mega orphanage where all the children within the Odionate were indoctrinated into slave workers and soldiers of Odion.

On Skarpos, Doyan did a gravimetric scan of the Mesa, confirming "Mercy's" report that the Helm was located there. Doyan found that the mesa was riddled with tunnels, thirty meters from the top, assuming the Helm was in a temple chamber within. Through her electrobinoculars, "Mercy" also observed an outlet in the outer wall and offered to explore it on a swoop bike, but Doyan reminded her that they would explore it as a team, taking a skiff. Meanwhile, Malakite and Daiman's forces assailed the Odionate garrison. Glenk was spotted with Daiman on a chariot platform, leading Yulan and "Mercy" to conclude he was a spy working for Daiman.

While Yulan's forces held back the invaders, Doyan and her team ascended to the top of the mesa in their skiff, arriving at the opening. Before they could enter, "Mercy" leapt into the hole. Doyan and her Novitiates sensed the Helm's presence and told "Mercy" to wait so they could join her. However, "Mercy" threw her Sith lightsaber, damaging the skiff's engine and causing it to spiral away. The Novitiates regained control but were forced to land elsewhere. An enraged Doyan vowed revenge, while "Mercy" taunted them, revealing her green Jedi lightsaber.

Bloodbath on Skarpos

"Mercy" and the other Novitiates would soon be reunited. "Mercy" entered the Grumani temple chamber only to be captured by Lord Odion, who had already acquired the Helm. After incapacitating her with Force lightning and revealing her as Kerra, he had her brought in chains to the top of the Morbollon Mesa. When Kerra mocked the Helm's small size, an enraged Doyan offered to kill her for her Master, outraged that the Novitiates had been infiltrated by a Jedi. Odion replied that it would be worth killing the entire team for their carelessness but revealed that he had been aware of Kerra's presence from the start.

Odion revealed that he had allowed Kerra to infiltrate the Novitiates because her family was destined to lead him to the Helm. Her parents had been part of the earlier research team until their disappearance after Sarrassia. He also had his Claimer [Wayman](/article/wayman] shadow Kerra's movements. Doyan was also present when Yulan's team returned from the Mesa, revealing they found two skeletons and a necklace confirming they belonged to Kerra's parents. Kerra immediately descended into grief, activating the Helm. Odion deployed the Helm against the three armies, wiping out Malakite and Daiman's forces and forcing them to retreat. However, the Odionates also suffered heavy casualties as the Helm drove them into a homicidal frenzy.

An Apocalyptic Showdown

Following the Second Battle of Skarpos, Odion traveled back to Vanahame, intending to use the Helm to harness the negative emotions of the child captives at the cloister and deploy its destructive energies on the Grumani sector. Odion aimed to drive all beings to destruction, ruling the universe by wiping out all life. Doyan was present when Odion outlined his goals. To create fear and despair among the children, Odion ordered the lights switched off, driving them into a panic and providing the negative emotions needed to activate the Helm.

While Wayman was honored to witness the end of existence, Doyan remarked that she had always wanted to join Odion's death cult, seeking the death of those who had humiliated her, concluding that they would all be equals in death. However, Yulan opted to die in the Cloister with the children, intending to sabotage the Helm by switching the lights back on and freeing the orphans. Kerra had convinced him that life had meaning and that the children's lives mattered.

Odion activated the Helm, directing its powers at his Novitiates and selected targets in the Grumani Sector. All the Novitiates, including Doyan, embraced death through a duel to the death. Doyan was likely killed during this melee, but not before wounding or killing other Novitiates. Ultimately, Odion's bid for domination collapsed when Yulan freed the captives, causing a surge in positive emotions. The Helm overloaded, igniting a firestorm that killed Odion.

With Odion's death, the Odionate collapsed, and its territories were divided among his Sith family. Kerra and Yulan evacuated thousands of orphans to the safety of Republic space. The Novitiates ceased to exist after the Battle of Vanahame.

