Zoojoo, a Woostoid of the female persuasion, served the Grumani Hierophants during the era known as the Republic Dark Age. On the planet Sarrassia, Zoojoo played a role in the protection of a concealed Grumani temple. Sometime before 1032 BBY, Zoojoo and the Grumani encountered the Humans Aron Holt and Mercia Holt. These individuals informed her of the Sith Lord Odion's quest to find the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact hidden within the temple. The Holts assisted the Grumani in rediscovering the Helm, after which it was sent to the planet Skarpos for safekeeping. In 1032 BBY, outside the Grumani temple, Zoojoo met Kerra Holt, a Jedi Knight and the daughter of Aron and Mercia. Shortly thereafter, Zoojoo detonated the temple to prevent Odion's Novitiates from discovering the Helm's location, an action that led to her death in the resulting explosion.

Zoojoo, being a Woostoid, held membership within the Grumani Hierophants, a religious order situated on the planet Sarrassia, a world characterized by numerous warring religious factions. Zoojoo, along with her fellow religious followers, made their home in the Great Temple nestled beneath Mount Diligence. She maintained a friendly relationship with Mercia Holt, an archaeologist engaged in researching the Helm of Ieldis, an ancient Sith artifact crafted by the Sith Lord Ieldis before the Great Hyperspace War. Through her connection to Mercia, Zoojoo also came to know Mercia's husband, Aron, and their daughter, Kerra, who would later become a Jedi Knight. When Kerra reached the age of seven, Zoojoo was present when the young girl scaled the roof of the Great Hall. Although Kerra emerged unharmed, her actions caused the temple's elderly abbot to suffer a stroke and brought upon the wrath of her parents.
During the conquest of Aquilaris Minor by the Chagras Hegemony in 1042 BBY, Mercia and her spouse were taken prisoner by the Sith Lord Odion. Odion learned from Mercia about the existence of the Helm of Ieldis and forced them into Project Pandemonium, a task force dedicated to retrieving the relic for his own purposes. Approximately three years later, the Holts made their way back to Sarrassia and were reunited with Zoojoo and their Grumani associates. Despite their service to Odion, Mercia and Aron had not succumbed to the same affliction affecting him. They were also cognizant of the Helm's dangerous power and were secretly plotting to conceal the talisman from him. With the help of Zoojoo and the other Hierophants, Mercia deciphered the ancient inscriptions in the temple and discovered the location of the Helm of Ieldis. The Helm was hidden within the Great Temple under Mount Diligence. Following this discovery, the Holts transported the Helm to Skarpos to safeguard it from Odion. Meanwhile, the Grumani committed to guarding the Great Temple at all costs.

After this encounter, Zoojoo's contact with the Holts ceased entirely. Within days of their visit, Sarrassia fell under the control of Ayanos Bactra, a Sith Lord who governed a territory known as the Bactranate. However, unlike other Sith Lords, Bactra's rule was relatively moderate, and he largely refrained from interfering in the lives of his subjects. He successfully brought an end to the perpetual factional conflicts between the Grumani Hierophants and the Spumani Crusaders, a rival religious group. In 1032 BBY, Lord Odion's forces conquered the planet Sarrassia. The various Sith Lords of the Grumani sector were embroiled in a bitter conflict known as the Second Charge Matrica, and Bactra's domain had been invaded and divided between Odion and his younger brother, Daiman. An Odionate military force, commanded by General Beld Yulan, launched a preemptive strike on Sarrassia, overwhelming the planet's defenders.
Odionate forces gradually suppressed the resistance and rounded up the planet's population for use as slave labor. Meanwhile, Kerra Holt had infiltrated Odion's Novitiates disguised as a Force-sensitive young woman named "Mercy." Mercy and her Sith comrades participated in a mopping-up operation, led by the Twi'lek acolyte Doyan, against Hierophants at Mount Diligence. Zoojoo and her Hierophants were mounting a final stand against the Sith invaders, claiming it as 'holy ground.' During the fighting, several Sith troopers and Novitiate acolytes were casualties of friendly fire from Yulan's artillery. After discovering a cave entrance, Yulan instructed the Novitiates, including "Mercy," to explore the cave in pursuit of the Helm, continuing from Project Pandemonium's last known location. Mercy separated from her team and discovered a steel door, which she opened using her mother's pendant.

Mercy found herself within an underground complex, comprising a lake and the Great Temple. Zoojoo immediately ambushed her, initially mistaking her for a Sith. Zoojoo attacked Mercy with a stick and was about to strike her with a stone when she quickly recognized her as Kerra Holt. Despite Kerra's Sith attire, Zoojoo could still sense the light side of the Force burning brightly within her. She remembered Kerra as the same young girl who had climbed the roof of the Great Hall years ago. Zoojoo and Kerra rowed across the lake and entered the Temple. Zoojoo then shared with Kerra the last known whereabouts of her parents. She confirmed that they had revisited Sarrassia seven years prior to the Bactranate occupation and that they had hidden the relic on Skarpos, a desolate world within the Sith Lord Malakite's realm known as the Menagerie.
However, Zoojoo could not confirm their whereabouts after that trip and was unaware that Mercia had been pregnant with a second child before her capture. Zoojoo comforted a grieving Kerra, who had been separated from her parents following the conquest of Aquilaris Minor. Kerra also informed Zoojoo about Odion's invasion of Skarpos and told her that she needed to go there to prevent him from obtaining the Helm. Zoojoo tried to dissuade Kerra from returning to Skarpos, arguing that her actions would only draw Odion's attention. Kerra countered that his forces were already besieging the planet.
Zoojoo still advised caution, sensing that Kerra was also trying to find her parents. She attempted to persuade Kerra to disregard her desires, just as her parents had sacrificed what they wanted to keep the Helm from Odion. Their conversation was interrupted by an explosion triggered by Yulan's explosives. His troops had blasted an opening in the tunnel and stumbled upon the Temple. Zoojoo panicked, fearing that her efforts to keep the Sith from finding the Helm had been in vain. Despite Kerra's offer to protect Zoojoo and to get her out of harm's way, a desperate Zoojoo activated a bomb, which buried the temple and much of the lake underwater, killing herself in the process but denying the Sith further access to the Temple.
Yulan and his men barely escaped with their lives. Kerra survived by diving underwater beneath the boat. After their escape, Kerra revealed to Yulan the location of the Helm of Ieldis. She confirmed that Zoojoo had perished during the cave-in and then ordered Yulan to quickly take them to Skarpos. Kerra was left to lament the death of an important childhood friend and her futile efforts to save her. However, she was satisfied that she now knew the last known whereabouts of her parents and the Helm. Kerra was thus more determined to deny Odion access to the Helm.
Zoojoo possessed a kind, maternal nature that made her relatable to most sentient beings. During her childhood, the Jedi Knight Kerra Holt developed a close bond with her. This relationship would be significant during Kerra's mission on Sarrassia to locate her family and the Helm of Ieldis. However, she was also prone to panic, as evidenced when Yulan and his minions breached the underground Temple on Sarrassia. Despite Kerra's attempts to reassure her by promising protection, Zoojoo became suicidal. In an attempt to prevent the Sith from obtaining the Helm, Zoojoo triggered a remote-controlled bomb on her wristband, causing rocks and rubble to crush her and the surrounding temple. While Zoojoo's skin was smooth in her youth, the Woostoid woman had developed noticeable wrinkles across her body by 1032 BBY, reflecting her age.
Although Zoojoo was a Grumani priestess, she demonstrated the capacity to defend herself when she ambushed and was about to strike a Sith intruder during the Invasion of Sarrassia in 1,032 BBY. However, Zoojoo quickly realized that the individual was actually her friend Kerra Holt, and the two women reconciled. This brief incident also demonstrated that Zoojoo could recognize a person based on the intensity of light-side energy emanating from their Force presence. Even though Kerra was dressed in Sith attire, Zoojoo still recognized her as a friend due to her intense light-side energy.
Zoojoo's only appearance was in Knight Errant: Escape 2, the second comic in the Star Wars: Knight Errant: Escape comic arc, which premiered on July 11 2012. She was introduced as a minor supporting character to the main protagonist, Jedi Knight Kerra Holt. She was drawn by Marco Castiello, Andrea Chella, and Vincenzo Acunzo, and was colored by Michael Atiyeh. Her plot was developed by John Jackson Miller.