
As the Clone Wars raged on, a clone trooper known as Draa fought with the 41st Elite Corps. Specifically, he participated in the Second Battle of Geonosis, which transpired after the Geonosians revolted against the Republic's occupation of Geonosis – a control that had been in place since the Clone Wars' outset. Under the leadership of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Clone Commander Gree, Draa was involved in the assault on a primary droid foundry. He and the majority of the Republic forces present diverted the attention of the Separatist droids while two Jedi Padawans secretly entered the foundry with the goal of destroying the central reactor. Despite facing significant resistance from enemy battle droids and ray shielded super tanks, the foundry's destruction ultimately contributed to the Republic's victory.


Draa exits Dooku Boot along with his Jedi commanders and fellow troopers.

During the Clone Wars, Draa, a clone trooper created from the genetic material of bounty hunter Jango Fett on the planet Kamino, served the Galactic Republic in their conflict with the Separatist Alliance. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's 41st Elite Corps, taking orders from Jedi General Luminara Unduli, Jedi Commander Barriss Offee, and Clone Commander Gree. Early on in the Clone Wars, Draa and his fellow soldiers participated in the Second Battle of Geonosis. Following the initial assault that saw Jedi Generals Ki-Adi-Mundi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and their forces destroy the ray shield generator, Draa and the 41st Elite Corps were sent to assist General Skywalker and the 501st Legion in the destruction of the primary droid foundry. Draa traveled aboard an LAAT/i gunship alongside Buzz, Commander Offee, Commander Gree, General Unduli, and other clone troopers.

Personality and traits

Being a clone derived from [Jango Fett](/article/jango_fett], Draa's height was 1.83 meters. He displayed an eagerness as a trooper, readily following orders, such as when Clone Captain Rex called him forth to destroy the droidekas. His helmet was marked with a symbol depicting a flaming asteroid.

Skills and abilities

Draa demonstrated expertise in marksmanship with his RPS-6 rocket launcher.


Draa's arsenal included the RPS-6 rocket launcher, along with both a DC-15A blaster carbine and DC-15A blaster rifle. His standard phase I clone trooper armor was customized with the 41st Elite Corps' signature green markings, as well as a stylized asteroid design on his helmet. He also carried a backpack.

Behind the scenes

Draa's first appearance was in "Weapons Factory," the sixth episode of the second season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. While he was identified in the episode guide on StarWars.com, the script originally assigned him the line, "Buckle your belts and check your cells, soldiers. We're going in," which was ultimately spoken by "Buzz" in the episode.

