Fuzzy Tauntauns were a type of cocktail that was alcoholic, fruity, and yellow. They were garnished with both Golden Lichen and buzzz, the latter of which is a substance that would cause a tingling sensation on the lip when consumed. These drinks were named in honor of the tauntaun species native to the ice planet of Hoth, and they were served at a very cold temperature.
This beverage was available in 34 ABY at Oga's Cantina, which was located in Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu. Hondo Ohnaka, a smuggler of the Weequay species, suggested that Bazine Netal, a mercenary, try the cocktail, but she declined, stating that she did not seem like someone who would order a Fuzzy Tauntaun. Julen Rakab and Volt Vescuso, who were young humans, enjoyed these drinks after Rakab successfully stopped Ana Tolla's attack on the Saka Homestead.
A [yellow](/article/color], fruity, and alcoholic cocktail, the Fuzzy Tauntaun, could be found at Oga's Cantina in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu, located in the Outer Rim, in 34 ABY. One of the most expensive drinks at the cantina, it contained buzzz, a foam that caused a tingling feeling on the lips of the person who consumed it, and was dusted with gold-colored Golden Lichen flakes. The Fuzzy Tauntaun was named for the tauntauns, a species of snow lizard, and was served at a very cold temperature, reminiscent of the ice planet Hoth, the creatures' homeworld.

In the year 34 ABY, Hondo Ohnaka, a Weequay smuggler, repeatedly suggested the drink to Bazine Netal, a human mercenary, while she was questioning him at Oga's Cantina during her search for the Millennium Falcon, which is a YT-1300 light freighter. She refused each of these times, and after his final attempt, she questioned whether she appeared to be the type of person who would drink the beverage; Ohnaka concurred that Netal did not. According to Vi Moradi, a spy for the Resistance, Archex, a former stormtrooper of the First Order, also did not seem like someone who would order the drink.
During that year, Volt Vescuso and Julen Rakab, both humans, celebrated Rakab's successful prevention of Ana Tolla's attack on the Saka Homestead by drinking Fuzzy Tauntauns at Oga's Cantina. Also in 34 ABY, Eloc Throno, an author and explorer, included a description of the drink in his book called Traveler's Guide to Batuu.

The junior novel Pirate's Price, penned by Lou Anders and released on January 8, 2019, was the first to mention Fuzzy Tauntauns. On February 27 of that same year, D23: The Official Disney Fan Club and StarWars.com announced that the drink, which had been initially depicted on the latter's website, would be available for purchase at Oga's Cantina, a real-world bar located in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This themed area opened at Disneyland Park on May 31 and at Disney's Hollywood Studios on August 29 of that same year. The menu's description details the drink as containing "Cîroc Peach Vodka, Bols Peach Schnapps, and Simply Orange® topped with Tangerine, Pure Cane Sugar, 'Buzzz' Foam." The "buzzz" used in the real-world version comes from buzz buttons.
The non-canon video game expansion The Sims 4 Star Wars: Journey to Batuu, which was released in 2020, features Fuzzy Tauntauns as a purchasable drink from the vendor at Oga's Cantina in the Black Spire Outpost neighborhood for the player's Sims. At sixty credits, it's the second-most expensive item on the menu. The Sim will automatically learn the recipe upon consuming the drink for the first time, and can then prepare it at mixology bars located in their home neighborhood.