Gasgano, a male podracer pilot from the Xexto species, competed in the renowned Boonta Eve Classic podrace. This race occurred on the desert [planet](/article/planet] Tatooine during the tumultuous time of the Invasion of Naboo. His ambition was solely focused on victory, which he pursued while piloting his green Ord Pedrovia podracer. He remained near the front for most of the race, but ultimately lost to the human Anakin Skywalker.
Gasgano, a male Xexto, worked as a professional podracer pilot, skillfully maneuvering his green Ord Pedrovia podracer. He was driven by the thrill of high-speed racing, and his unique physiology, featuring four spindly arms, made him exceptionally suited for the sport, allowing him to simultaneously control his pod with all limbs. Fiercely competitive and averse to defeat, he entered the Boonta Eve Classic podrace on the [desert](/article/desert] planet Tatooine, a decade before the intergalactic Clone Wars, representing Gardulla the Hutt. His primary objective was to surpass the local champion, the Dug Sebulba. Other competitors included two-time Boonta champion Boles Roor, returning racer Dud Bolt, and the Er'Kit Ody Mandrell, who utilized a team of record-setting pit droids. Gasgano was also determined to defeat the human entrant, Anakin Skywalker. The Boonta took place at the Mos Espa Grand Arena, where the Ord Pedrovia was positioned in the middle of the third row, adjacent to Roor's podracer and directly behind Bolt's and Skywalker's machines.
Beed, the Troig race announcer, introduced Gasgano and his podracer in Huttese just before the race commenced at the command of Jabba the Hutt. The podracers surged forward, except for Skywalker and Ben Quadinaros, whose engines stalled. Gasgano quickly advanced, passing Mandrell, Roor, Bolt, and several other racers to take a position behind the leaders. Skywalker eventually restarted his podracer and joined the race, overtaking the pilots trailing Gasgano. The cunning Xexto attempted to impede Skywalker's progress, but the Human outmaneuvered him by flying over the Ord Pedrovia after a cliffside drop. Gasgano tried to regain lost ground and briefly overtook Skywalker after a clash between the Human and Sebulba. However, Gasgano's lead was short-lived, and he became stuck behind the two frontrunners. During the final segment of the third lap, Sebulba crashed after another encounter with Skywalker, allowing Gasgano to advance and surpass at least one more racer, marking his final improvement in position. Ultimately, Skywalker secured victory in the Boonta, with Gasgano finishing in second place.

Gasgano possessed a level of dexterity unattainable by pilots with fewer limbs, thanks to his four arms. His unique biology, granting superior control over his podracer, made him ideally suited for podracing. He was also extremely competitive and did everything within his power to prevent other pilots from overtaking him. As a Xexto, he stood at a height of 1.22 meters and had brown and white skin with patches of purple around his face. His large eyes were entirely black.
Gasgano piloted a green Ord Pedrovia podracer. A camera was installed on the back of the cockpit, transmitting images to a holoscreen on the dashboard. This allowed Gasgano to monitor activity behind him, which he used effectively during the race, including a moment where he successfully blocked Skywalker's attempts to pass. Gasgano wore goggles to shield his eyes while racing.
Gasgano was conceived for the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, but his initial appearance was in the film's novelization, penned by Terry Brooks. In the novel, Gasgano participated not only in the Boonta but also in a preceding race. Detailed concept art of Gasgano was created by Terryl Whitlatch, Jay Shuster, and Iain McCaig, and a detailed sculpture was crafted by the film's art department. In the film, Gasgano was entirely rendered using CGI.