Haneli Flower Tea

Haneli Flower Tea, alternatively referred to as simply Haneli Tea, was a powerful red tea created by brewing haneli flowers, known for its calming properties. As part of his daily morning ritual, Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo consumed this tea every day, even during his travels aboard the Alif-class Longbeam Paxion in 382 BBY. Subsequently, an academy professor residing on the world of Eroudac discovered how to prepare a particularly strong version, enlisting the help of student Izal Garsea to smuggle some flowers for her when a drought led to increased prices.

Before the price surge, Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs consistently maintained a kettle of the tea in his culinary space; he later gathered the flowers without cost and prepared the beverage during a visit to Haneli, the homeworld of the flower, while on a culinary exploration of the galaxy between 34 ABY and 35 ABY. He then shared a recipe for the tea within The Ultimate Cookbook.


Haneli Flower Tea, also called Haneli Tea, was a potent red tea made using haneli flowers, presented in a glass complete with ice and a dark red leaf as a garnish. This drink possessed a soothing quality, capable of easing even the most agitated nerves, and was suitable for consumption by both the Artiodac and Quarren species.


Potent potable

Orlen Mollo drank Haneli Flower Tea every morning.

During the High Republic Era, specifically in 382 BBY, the Quarren Supreme Chancellor Orlen Mollo adhered to a daily morning routine. This routine involved drinking Haneli Flower Tea, followed by a prolonged and scalding shower, and the application of moruga nut oil to combat the dryness prevalent in most locations he visited. In that year, he maintained this ritual while traveling from Eiram to E'ronoh aboard the Alif-class Longbeam Paxion.

Later on, a genetic science professor at an academy situated on Eroudac discovered a method for brewing an especially potent version of Haneli Flower Tea. The Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs consistently kept a kettle of this tea in his kitchen until a significant drought on Haneli, the homeworld of the haneli flower, resulted in a price increase that Tuggs deemed unacceptable.

Post-drought return

Strono Tuggs brewed Haneli Flower Tea on board his food freighter.

The elevated price also impacted the professor, making the flowers nearly unaffordable on her salary. Consequently, at some point after 21 ABY, she engaged academy student Izal Garsea to smuggle some flowers to her. However, Garsea was apprehended and discarded the cargo. In 34 ABY, Garsea recounted the smuggling attempt to her friend Julen Rakab, prompting Rakab to speculate whether the professor had deceived Garsea, considering the alternative uses for haneli flowers beyond tea making.

Around the time Tuggs embarked on a culinary tour of the galaxy spanning from 34 ABY to 35 ABY, the drought had subsided, allowing for free collection of the flowers on Haneli. As the final stop of the Expansion Region segment of his tour, the Artiodac visited Haneli and gathered flowers, which he then used to brew Haneli Flower Tea on his food freighter while en route to the Mid Rim. Subsequently, he featured a recipe for the tea in his third cookbook, The Ultimate Cookbook, released in 35 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Haneli Flower Tea was initially mentioned indirectly in Zoraida Córdova's 2019 novel, A Crash of Fate. It was later formally named with the inclusion of its recipe in the 2023 Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, a culinary guide penned by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. The out-of-universe recipe for the tea incorporates water, granulated sugar, dried hibiscus flowers, iced green tea, lemon juice, ice, and edible flowers.

