
Eroudac, a planet of the terrestrial type, could be found nestled within the Mid Rim and [the Slice](/article/the_slice] regions of space. A pink moon orbited this world, whose surface was characterized by [crystal](/article/crystal] mountains and sprawling seas. Over centuries of recurring natural disasters, the world's healing quiraawa flower was thought by many to have vanished entirely. However, tales persisted that the flowers were somehow preserved.

During the era known as the High Republic Era, a Jedi temple was in operation on Eroudac. By 230 BBY, the temple housed multiple Jedi Masters and Jedi younglings, including a youngling named Jamil Sollis. However, in 230 BBY, the Jedi were ordered by the Jedi High Council to return to the [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds] planet of Coruscant, leading to the evacuation of the temple. Sollis was deeply affected by this, struggling to adapt to life away from his home. At least by 228 BBY, Churo the Hutt journeyed to Eroudac in search of the quiraawa flower, hoping to cure his [homeworld](/article/homeworld], Nal Hutta. With the assistance of Jedi Knight Sul-Nath-Rune, Churo eventually encountered a group known as the Heart of Eroudac, who informed him that removing a quiraawa flower from Eroudac would harm the planet. Understanding this, Churo, accompanied by Rune, resolved to seek an alternative solution for Nal Hutta.

Sometime after 21 ABY, the Garsea family made Eroudac their home, establishing themselves at the Eroudac Citadel. Their daughter, attended a local academy there to satisfy her father, but she preferred spending her time at a nearby spaceport. After her parents died, Izal Garsea, a smuggler, departed the planet after a failed smuggling attempt for one of her academy professors.


Eroudac's location in the Mid Rim

Eroudac was a smaller terrestrial planet situated within the [Mid Rim](/article/mid_rim_territories] and [the Slice](/article/the_slice] regions of the galaxy, specifically in grid square P-15 of the Standard Galactic Grid. A pink moon circled it, casting its light upon the planet, alongside at least one other moon. The planet's surface was diverse, featuring multicolored [crystal](/article/crystal] mountains, [warm](/article/temperature] seas, and elevated highlands. The [flora](/article/plant] included the quiraawa flower, a flower known for its healing capabilities, as well as various trees and ground-level vegetation. The fauna of Eroudac consisted of numerous colorful insects and other creatures. The planet possessed a pink Type I atmosphere that was breathable for humans, Hutts, Cereans, and the Heart of Eroudac.


Mountain Jedi temple

For numerous centuries, Eroudac was plagued by natural disasters, which threatened the existence of the quiraawa flowers. One legend tells of a priestess who preserved the last quiraawa flower atop one of the planet's mountains. Another version claimed the flowers only bloomed once every decade under the light of the waning moons. These legends were known by some by 228 BBY, when the quiraawa flower was believed to be extinct. During the High Republic Era, Eroudac was home to a temple belonging to the Jedi Order, constructed into the side of a crystal mountain. By 230 BBY, the temple housed several Jedi younglings and [Jedi Masters](/article/jedi_master], though its population was smaller than that of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in the Core Worlds.

Jamil Sollis (pictured) lived in Eroudac's Jedi temple during the High Republic Era.

Jamil Sollis, one of the Jedi younglings, considered Eroudac his home and received rigorous training from the temple's Jedi Masters. He resided in the temple's dormitories, enjoying the pink moonlight from Eroudac's moon through a skylight. He also once swam in Eroudac's warm seas, pushed by a wave that stirred up colder waters. In 230 BBY, the Jedi High Council recalled all Jedi to Coruscant and implemented the Guardian Protocols to protect the Jedi Order from the dangers posed by the Nihil marauders and their Force-consuming [Nameless](/article/nameless] creatures. Sollis and the other younglings evacuated Eroudac with their Jedi Masters aboard a ship, learning about the threat they faced en route to Coruscant.

While stationed at Coruscant's Jedi temple in 228 BBY, Sollis missed Eroudac and its temple, feeling out of place and struggling to focus. He later participated in a mission to Palagosal, often thinking of the crystal mountains of his home when overwhelmed. He felt a connection with Tep Tep, another youngling who had been displaced from her temple on Valo, an Outer Rim planet, as she understood the feeling of missing home, and he sought her out to share his feelings.

Search for healing

Churo and Sul-Nath Rune on Eroudac

Around the same time, Churo the Hutt sought a way to heal his [homeworld](/article/homeworld] of Nal Hutta, which was infested by Drengir, a type of carnivorous plant. As part of his endeavor, the Hutt spent time researching at the library of Senator Rina Greylark, learning of the Eroudac legend of a priestess preserving the world's last quiraawa flower on a mountaintop. Around the same time, the Jedi Knight Sul-Nath-Rune and his unit visited Eroudac on a relief mission with the Republic Defense Coalition. During the endeavor, the Jedi became separated from his unit and got injured.

Later, Churo traveled to Eroudac in his starship, the Glowworm, to search for the quiraawa flower. There, he encountered a weakened Rune, who approached Churo for help. After treating the Jedi with a medkit, Churo told him about the versions of the legend he had learned of, which had prompted him to visit Eroudac to try to find the quiraawa flower. Rune reflected that he had heard of the healing flower's tale, leading the two to discuss the different meanings of "quiraawa" in the Eroudan language. As they approached a mountain, Churo spotted a glowing key high above him. Rune moved a rock with the Force to use as a key, helping the Hutt out of gratitude for the latter treating his injuries.

Hidden oasis

Churo, surrounded by several Heart of Eroudac

Using the key revealed an entrance to a cavern, and the pair entered, discussing their reasons for coming to Eroudac. However, a large group of insects began attacking them, leading both Churo and Rune to run down a different tunnel to avoid harming them. As they ran, a hole in the ground opened up and Rune fell in, leaving Churo alone and surrounded by the now-calm insects. Churo kept moving through the tunnel until it opened up into a wider cavern with lush vegetation and a large tree.

There, he met several Heart of Eroudac—Eroudac's native species—who informed him he was allowed to enter the oasis only because he had sought them out, specifically, with his research of Eroudac legends. The Heart of Eroudac confirmed his query that a quiraawa flower would heal Nal Hutta. However, when Churo was informed by a Heart of Eroudac that the cost of the miracle for his homeworld would result in negative consequences for Eroudac, he tearfully decided to leave the oasis. After leaving the cavern, Churo met Rune outside, and the pair departed the planet together aboard the Glowworm to search for the biologist Glenna Kip, who might have another solution for Nal Hutta's troubles.

A new beginning

In 21 ABY, the Garsea family relocated from Batuu in the Outer Rim and eventually made their way to Eroudac, where they took up residence at the Eroudac Citadel. Subsequently, Izal Garsea, the daughter in the family, began attending a local academy to please her father. She typically spent her days at the spaceport, where she would board her family's light freighter, the Meridian, and fly it around the planet. Izal's mother, Ixel Garsea, was skilled at talking her way out of trouble and obtaining landing permits from the local police officers of the law enforcement agency.

Izal Garsea was hired by a professor on Eroudac to smuggle haneli flowers from Haneli (pictured on map).

After the death of her parents, Izal Garsea enrolled in a Galactic Politics course at the academy. There, she began a relationship with a fellow student, which ended after meeting his parents, who disapproved of her due to her orphaned status, lack of social standing, and absence of political ambitions. Later, Garsea accepted a smuggling job from the academy's genetic science professor. She was tasked with traveling to Haneli to acquire and smuggle haneli flowers. However, she was caught with the flowers, prompting her to abandon the cargo and her home on Eroudac rather than face her professor.

Planning the future

In 34 ABY, Izal Garsea returned to Batuu and reunited with her childhood friend, Julen Rakab. She recounted her experiences on Eroudac. Following a skirmish at a local farm, Garsea discovered Rakab owned a starship, leading her to invite him on a date to Eroudac.

Rakab was initially confused by the choice of Eroudac, but Garsea explained that it was the last place she had lived with her parents, and that it had ancient ruins and a pink moon. Rakab agreed to the date once his ship was repaired. Although they began dating, their plan to visit Eroudac never materialized, though they hoped to visit it together one day. In the same year, the historian Eloc Throno included Eroudac on a map in his book, Traveler's Guide to Batuu.


By the High Republic Era, numerous Heart of Eroudac hailed from Eroudac, and due to the nature of their role as the planet's heart, if one of them were to leave the planet, the world's lifeblood and synchronicity would wane. Several Jedi, including the human Jamil Sollis, lived on Eroudac by 230 BBY. Izal Garsea and her family also resided on the world for some time following their departure from Batuu during the time of the New Republic, as did others such as her boyfriend and academy professor. Additionally, the Eroudan language originated from the world and was known to at least some individuals.


During the High Republic Era, the Jedi Order constructed a temple into the side of one of the planet's mountains. The Quiraawa Mountains were among the other mountains found on the world. The Eroudac Citadel served as the residence for the Garsea family during their time on Eroudac. Other notable locations included the local spaceport, an academy, and ancient ruins.

Behind the scenes

Eroudac created by Zoraida Córdova for A Crash of Fate.

Eroudac was conceived for the 2019 young-adult novel A Crash of Fate, authored by Zoraida Córdova, where it was first mentioned. The planet's name is an anagram of Ecuador, Córdova's birthplace, and its topography was inspired by the country. Eroudac was later mentioned in the junior novel The High Republic: Beware the Nameless, also written by Córdova and released as part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project on August 27, 2024. In an interview, Córdova confirmed that the reference to Actlyon in Beware the Nameless was a deliberate callback to her previous Star Wars work.

Prior to its release, on December 12, 2024, the author also revealed that Eroudac's first full appearance and visual depiction would be in the then-upcoming one-shot comic The High Republic Adventures Phase III Annual within her story about Churo, "The Adventures of Churo the Hutt and the Heart of Eroudac." The comic story was illustrated by Juan Samu and published by Dark Horse Comics as part of The High Republic's Phase III on January 29, 2025. Before the interview, uncolored, unlettered comic pages from "The Adventures of Churo the Hutt and the Heart of Eroudac" had been revealed during the Lucasfilm Publishing Panel at New York Comic Con on October 19, 2024. Thus, that preview marked the visual debut of Eroudac.

Córdova expressed her excitement for Eroudac's visual debut, noting that she had never envisioned seeing the world in visual form while editing the comic. Although she had initially created Eroudac for A Crash of Fate, she enjoyed revisiting subjects she had created in more of her Star Wars work, having remarked that she had been unsure if she would be able to. Córdova felt that Chruo's mission to Eroudac was because he wanted to "save the galaxy," noting that she was excited to have picked up a copy of the comic upon its release.

