Heater functioned as a clone trooper within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, a conflict involving the Galactic Republic and the Separatist Alliance. Initially, Heater abandoned his post in the Republic Army. However, he was apprehended and provided an opportunity for atonement: leading a team of deserters, a new squad, in an assault on a Separatist weapons depot under his command. Following the mission's success, Heater received updated phase I clone trooper armor and was reassigned to the renowned 501st Legion. He subsequently participated in the siege of Hisseen, where he sustained injuries.

Heater was a clone trooper in service to the Galactic Republic. Sometime before the siege of Hisseen, Heater committed desertion from the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic. Eventually, Heater, alongside other deserters, was returned to Republic custody on the planet of Kamino. Despite their transgressions, they were permitted to dine with other clones in the mess hall. They were confronted by the clone known as Slim, who deemed them cowards unworthy of sharing meals with the rest. Slim's accusations led to a physical altercation between him and Heater, which was broken up by Clone Commander Wolffe, who wished to speak with Heater privately.
After Commander Wolffe inquired about the reasons for Heater's desertion, he offered Heater a chance to redeem himself through a mission. Heater eagerly accepted, preparing himself and acquiring his armor and equipment.
After the squad of deserters was assembled, Heater was appointed as its commanding officer. They traveled aboard an LAAT/i gunship to Melagawni. Upon arrival, Heater briefed his squad on their mission objectives. The squad members then discussed their reasons for deserting and their feelings about the mission. During this discussion, a surface-to-air missile struck the gunship, causing it to crash in a deserted area of a city.
Later, Heater served within the 501st Legion under the command of Clone Captain Rex and took part in the assault on Hisseen in 22 BBY. During the battle, trooper "Twitch" suggested a retreat due to the overwhelming enemy forces, which offended Heater. Heater confronted Twitch, recounting his own experience with desertion from the army.
Heater was deployed as part of Lightning Squadron, alongside General Mace Windu, on a mission to the planet Ridlay to investigate the cause of the planet's sudden silence. The mission revealed that the local population was being terrorized by the "ghosts" of their ancestors. Lightning Squadron discovered that these apparitions were being controlled by the Separatist leader Count Dooku. Mace Windu engaged Count Dooku in combat while Lightning Squadron, including Heater, fought against Separatist droid forces. Windu successfully severed Dooku's control over the "ghosts," allowing Lightning Squadron, including Heater, to complete their investigation and evacuate the planet.
As a clone derived from the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Heater was a male human with [tan](/article/color] skin, dark eyes, and a height of 1.83 [meters](/article/meter]. His face bore prominent scars, and he distinguished himself by dyeing his [hair](/article/hair] blond and styling it into a mohawk. His left eye was blind and appeared green.
Following his desertion, Heater lacked a clear understanding of his motivations, only sensing an overwhelming urge to leave. Despite knowing his purpose was to serve in the Clone Wars, a part of him yearned to explore alternative choices. Heater reacted aggressively to being labeled a coward after his desertion, even resorting to physical confrontation. Despite his desertion, he sought to atone for his betrayal of his clone brothers. In combat, Heater displayed hostility towards suggestions of retreat, viewing such actions as equivalent to betrayal.

Heater was equipped with standard Phase I clone trooper armor, a blaster rifle, and a cape. His helmet had a stitched-up crack on the front. As a member of the 501st Legion, Heater wore a modified set of Phase I armor adorned with the 501st's signature blue markings, along with a blue Republic crest on each side of his [helmet](/article/helmet] near the front. While stationed on Kamino after his desertion, he wore a gray uniform, contrasting with the standard red uniform worn by clone cadets and active troopers.
Heater made an appearance in the fourth edition of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales, which was launched on August 26, 2020. Michael Moreci unveiled a picture of Heater on his Twitter profile.