Hennet Kayn, a Gotal, inhabited the world of Tatooine for a period during the Galactic Civil War. Back in 0 BBY according to the standard year, Kayn found himself within Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina located in the Mos Eisley spaceport. It was there that the bounty hunter known as Greedo confronted the smuggler Han Solo while he sat in one of the establishment's seating areas. Immediately before Solo discharged his weapon and killed Greedo, Kayn relocated to a different seating area.
During the Galactic Civil War that raged between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Gotal named Hennet Kayn was present in the spaceport of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine during 0 BBY according to the standard year. In the time leading up to the Battle of Yavin, the Gotal was inside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina when the smuggler Han Solo was intercepted by the bounty hunter Greedo as he was attempting to exit, being forced back into his place.
As Solo and Greedo were discussing the bounty placed on the smuggler, Kayn moved from the direction of the main bar and sat in a booth with the Abyssin Myo and the Talz Muftak. After this, Solo and Greedo exchanged blasterfire, resulting in Solo killing the bounty hunter, which gained the attention of many other patrons in the cantina for a brief moment.

The initial appearance of Hennet Kayn was in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope from the original trilogy. The character's attire was assembled from various pieces taken from the costumes of other patrons within the Mos Eisley Cantina, including the robe of Trinto Duaba, the shirt of M'iiyoom Onith, and a mask and claws previously utilized by fellow Gotals Feltipern Trevagg and Cobb Sonbepol. Ron Cobb, a conceptual artist, designed the mask, while Laine Liska, a makeup artist, brought it to life.
Rick Baker, the costume designer, had originally conceived the claws as props for the 1974 horror film It's Alive. Liska added fur to the claws for Star Wars. Myo, another cantina character, also used a separate pair of the same claw props, but without the fur.
The name of the Hennet Kayn character was first conceived during the "Behind the Scenes of the Cantina" panel at Star Wars Celebration Chicago in 2019. Tom Spina, the panel's host, came across production images of Kayn, and he and Leland Chee from the Lucasfilm Story Group gave the character a name based on Kenneth Haynie, a panel attendee who won the honor during the event.