Hoth Stuff

A fathier known as Hoth Stuff served as a riding animal at the racetrack situated in the city of Canto Bight located on the planet of Cantonica. During the year of 34 ABY, the jockey Arca Yroca guided Hoth Stuff in a fathier race held at the racetrack, employing an electrocrop to strike the animal's rear. Subsequently, all the fathiers housed at the racetrack were freed by Resistance operatives Finn and Rose Tico, who rode alongside the herd as they stampeded through Canto Bight and escaped into the untamed wilderness beyond the city limits. Hoth Stuff possessed brown colored fur.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Hoth Stuff occurred in the motion picture Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which premiered on December 15, 2017. The fathier's designation can be observed within the film, inscribed in Aurebesh upon a set of binoculars utilized by Finn to observe the fathier competition. The moniker Hoth Stuff represented one of several potential names proposed by Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo to the film's director, Rian Johnson; alternative suggestions included Kessel Runner and Mynock Minute. Johnson ultimately selected Hoth Stuff, which serves as an allusion to the 1983 Marvel Comics publication Star Wars (1977) 78, bearing the subtitle "Hoth Stuff."

