Hunter was a Human clone of the female gender, originating from either a Sith or Jedi individual, and brought into existence within an Imperial research facility situated on a frozen moon within the Unknown Regions.
Within a research facility operated by the Galactic Empire, this Human clone, possessing both Sith and Jedi DNA, was created and nurtured as part of a cloning initiative spearheaded by Grand Admiral Thrawn. In time, the clones, who identified as the Community, successfully rebelled against and eliminated the Imperial personnel managing the research facility. For a significant period, the clones took refuge in the lower levels of this facility, during which Hunter developed a romantic relationship with Alpha, resulting in the birth of their two daughters, Blessing and Grace.
In the year 41.5 ABY, they orchestrated their escape from the facility by commandeering the Predator, a CloakShape fighter previously brought to the moon by Kell Douro, an Anzat Sith operative. During their departure, Alpha met his end at the hands of Jaden Korr, who had arrived to investigate a Force vision.
Hunter, along with the majority of the Community members, with the exception of the clone known as Soldier, experienced a health condition stemming from their cloned origin. During their escape from the research facility, they traversed through the remnants of the Lignan cargo from the Harbinger, a vessel destroyed not long before. The Lignan amplified the clones' sensitivity to the Force but also expedited the progression of their illness.
At some point in the past, under the guidance of Seer, another clone, she and the other clones started to revere the entity referred to as "Mother". She was of the belief that the sickness was a trial imposed on the clones by Mother and instructed Soldier to pilot them to a planet named Fhost to acquire medication, with the ultimate goal of locating Mother.
Upon reaching Fhost, Seer, Soldier, Hunter, and the remaining healthy members of the Community abandoned their starfighter and absconded with a medical supply ship from the Farpoint Medical Center. In the process of stealing the ship, Seer encountered Jaden Korr, a Jedi Knight, and the clones took Khedryn Faal, a spacer and associate of Korr, as their prisoner.
Following their departure from Fhost aboard the medical ship, the clones set a course for Mother's location. Regrettably, Nyss Nenn, an Umbaran Sith agent who had secretly boarded the ship, revealed himself and murdered both Hunter and Runner.
In Riptide, the source individual for Hunter's cloning was not explicitly identified; however, her hair and eye color, her designation as "Hunter", and the fact that the only other two female clones had either Lumiya's DNA or black hair, strongly implied Mara Jade Skywalker. However, Khedryn Faal knew Mara Jade Skywalker personally, as he had been rescued by her and Luke Skywalker from Outbound Flight and would have recognized her when he found her dead body.