The Ties That Bind, penned by Jude Watson, represents the fourteenth installment within the Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice series of novels tailored for young readers. With the exception of the inaugural book, Jedi Apprentice: The Rising Force, which was authored by Dave Wolverton, all subsequent books within the series are the creation of Jude Watson. The series delves into the escapades experienced by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the time preceding the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.
- Suitable for ages: 9 to 12 years
- Format: Paperback, consisting of 136 pages
- Published by: Scholastic Inc.
- Date of Publication: August 2001
- Language of Publication: English
- ISBN 0439139333
Six years prior, Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl aided the inhabitants of Apsolon in selecting their initial free leader. It appeared that tranquility had finally been established.
However, the leader has now met his demise. His daughters have been abducted. And Qui-Gon and Tahl have journeyed back to Apsolon alongside Qui-Gon's apprentice Obi-Wan—defying the directives of the Jedi Council.
The bonds that connect Qui-Gon and Tahl are on the verge of undergoing their most rigorous assessment yet.
Qui-Gon Jinn, alongside his Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, finds himself engaged in a training exercise on the world of Ragoon VI. Their objective involves tracing a path previously traversed by another Jedi, Rana. However, their tracking is interrupted by an assault from a Malia pack. Following the defeat of several creatures, one unexpectedly perishes, causing the remainder to scatter. Subsequently, a group of Ragoon hunters emerges, wielding poisonous blow-darts, asserting that their deaths will be less agonizing if administered by them. Qui-Gon discerns that the hunters are solely interested in the deceased Malia. He relinquishes the creature to them, granting them permission to depart. Upon resuming their exercise, Qui-Gon abruptly halts, experiencing a vision. He informs his Padawan of the necessity to immediately return to the Jedi Temple. Within his vision, Tahl was depicted in profound distress.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan hastily make their way back to their transport, a journey that still requires three days, and promptly return to Coruscant. Upon arrival at the temple, Qui-Gon requests the Jedi Knight stationed at the security checkpoint to contact Tahl. He is informed that she remains within the Jedi Temple but is unresponsive to her comlink. Qui-Gon infers that she must be present at the Jedi Council Room and swiftly proceeds there. He enters without seeking permission and observes Tahl delivering a report to the Jedi Council. Despite his breach of protocol, Qui-Gon is permitted to remain, and Tahl continues her report. She begins by recounting her mission with Qui-Gon to New Apsolon six years prior. She has since been contacted by two girls she encountered then, who are now in grave danger and seeking assistance. Tahl proposes to retrieve the girls. Qui-Gon insists on accompanying her, but the Jedi Council rejects his offer. Outside the Council Room, Tahl expresses her frustration with Qui-Gon, suspecting that he doubts her capabilities now that she is blind.
Tahl had confided in her Padawan, Bant Eerin, regarding the events in the Council Room, who in turn informed Obi-Wan. Bant was distressed as Tahl had once again departed on a mission without her, fearing that Tahl did not yet trust her. Obi-Wan attempts to comfort her, but he cannot diminish the fact that Tahl's mission is taking longer than anticipated, having already been gone for two weeks when it should have lasted no more than three days. Meanwhile, Qui-Gon attempts to immerse himself in training, but that night, he experiences a nightmare depicting Tahl's demise. He resolves to finally act upon his vision. He informs the Council of his decision to follow Tahl to New Apsolon, and despite their counsel, he stubbornly proceeds with his plans. Obi-Wan joins him, despite Qui-Gon's attempts to persuade him to remain in the Temple.
Upon arriving in the capital city of New Apsolon, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan disguise themselves as ordinary travelers. They journey from the Worker sector to the Civilized sector, where they encounter several instances of graffiti opposing Roan. They continue towards the Administration Services Building for a mandatory security screening. They are greeted by Balog, the head of security, who cautions them that the planet may soon become perilous for offworlders due to political unrest. Qui-Gon inquires whether he believes the planet's leader, Roan, is at risk of assassination, as was his predecessor. Balog dismisses the notion, citing Roan's popularity among the inhabitants of both the Workers and Civilized sectors. He even informs them that the two girls Tahl had been dispatched to rescue, Alani and Eritha, are safely residing two blocks away and have been adopted by Roan.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan proceed to the house, where Qui-Gon is warmly greeted by the two girls. When Qui-Gon asks if they had contacted Tahl for assistance, they deny doing so. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan depart to unravel the mystery.
Initially, they decide to observe the city and stumble upon the Museum of the Absolutes, the former secret police headquarters. Their guide is Irini, a former prisoner of the Absolutes. She recounts the era preceding the revolution six years earlier. She also reveals that many Absolutes remain at large, either operating underground or being shielded by the Civilized. Recently, records pertaining to the Absolutes were discovered, but the government sealed them, inciting anger among many Workers.
Outside the museum, Qui-Gon alerts Obi-Wan to the presence of a probe droid tailing them, despite their illegality on New Apsolon. They retreat into an alley and conceal themselves, where Qui-Gon confronts the droid and bisects it with his lightsaber. Immediately afterward, blaster fire erupts from above. Unable to maneuver freely in the confined alley, they ascend to an adjacent roof. The blaster fire ceases, but they find no trace of their assailant. They discover only a transmitter for the probe droid and an ammunition pack bearing the same symbol as Irini's necklace.
They await Irini's emergence from the museum and follow her onto an airbus. They disembark at the same stop as Irini and continue to shadow her. Irini enters a building scheduled for demolition, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan enter the adjacent building. They ascend, following sounds emanating from the other house. They eventually gain access to Irini's building and approach the source of the sound. They overhear Irini conversing with a group of Workers. They accuse Roan of being Ewane's murderer and plan to overthrow him, believing he is behind the reformation of the Absolutes. Lenz informs the group of new leadership within the Absolutes, but he is unaware of their identities. Lenz's comlink then activates, informing him that the Absolutes are raiding the building. The group flees to the roof, but before the two Jedi can escape, the Absolutes discover them. Rather than engage in combat, Qui-Gon instructs Obi-Wan to surrender.
They were blindfolded and bound, then transported to another building. Qui-Gon attempted to extract information from one of their captors but learned little, except that the captors knew they were Jedi and opposed the current government. After an hour, they were moved to another room, where Qui-Gon heard Tahl speaking.
Evidently, Tahl had infiltrated the Absolutes. They were interrogated by another individual in the room. When Qui-Gon failed to provide a satisfactory answer to their question, they debated what to do with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Tahl suggested releasing them, arguing that their deaths would undoubtedly trigger an investigation by the Jedi and the Senate, and they would forfeit any hope of gaining support from the Senate. The others departed, and Tahl removed Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's blindfolds and restraints.
Obi-Wan observes Qui-Gon and Tahl seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. Tahl then leads them to the exit, a large warehouse owned by the Absolute, located on the outskirts of the Civilized sector. As they prepare to part ways with Tahl, Qui-Gon inquires about her plan. She reveals that Alani and Eritha did contact her but misled Qui-Gon to protect her. The twins were well-informed about the situation on New Apsolon and realized that they could not leave the planet as they were symbols of the new government. However, the Absolutes posed a threat to them and the government, so Tahl had agreed to go undercover and assess the Absolutes' strength. She discovered that they were not particularly powerful but had significant backing and were accumulating weapons. She requests Qui-Gon to identify the backer, but Qui-Gon is unable to assist her as there has been no official request from any party in the government. After some debate, Tahl proposes a compromise: she will remain undercover for another week while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan investigate Ewane's murder. Qui-Gon reluctantly agrees, and Tahl suggests they begin by questioning Manex, Roan's brother.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan spend the night in a guesthouse, but Qui-Gon struggles to sleep as the gnawing sensation he has experienced since his vision persists, despite his efforts to assist Tahl. The following morning, they head to Manex's palatial mansion. They are warmly welcomed by Manex, but their conversation provides little insight. Manex denies involvement in Ewane's murder and dismisses the notion that his brother Roan was behind it, as Ewane was like a brother to Roan.
Next, Qui-Gon decides to visit the Supreme Governor, Roan. As they approach Roan's residence, Obi-Wan alerts him to a tracking droid hovering in front of the house. Qui-Gon soon notices another. Evidently, Roan or someone else had reason to enhance surveillance of the house. As they near the house, Qui-Gon senses a disturbance in the Force. They press the security button, but no one answers. Obi-Wan suggests attempting to enter the house through the gardens. They leap over the wall, and Qui-Gon searches for a way in, when Obi-Wan suddenly alerts him to several masked individuals carrying a large black package over the garden wall. Spotting a blond strand of hair, Qui-Gon quickly realizes the twins are being kidnapped. The intruders spot them, and one activates a transmitter, summoning probe droids that attack the Jedi. The kidnappers flee while they have the advantage, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan ignore the probe droids and pursue. On the other side of the wall, the intruders have loaded the twins onto swoops and depart. A secret door then opens, and Balog and security forces emerge. Qui-Gon quickly explains the situation, and Balog calls for air support to pursue the kidnappers. Balog departs to inform Roan of what has transpired. Qui-Gon remarks to Obi-Wan that he may already be aware and complicit in the kidnapping.
They meet with Tahl to discuss the situation. She doubts the Absolutes are behind the kidnapping, as she would likely be aware of it. She suggests that Irini and her group may have taken the twins to keep them away from Roan. Obi-Wan suggests attempting to meet with Roan again, but at that moment, Qui-Gon's comlink signals. Roan is requesting the Jedi to meet with him. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan discuss the situation with him when Roan's comlink signals. It is the kidnappers, demanding Roan's resignation without mentioning the kidnapping in exchange for the twins' safe return. Roan agrees to their terms and will be contacted regarding when and where to retrieve the twins. Qui-Gon warns him not to go alone and to request Jedi escorts when contacted.
They have just departed Roan's office when Tahl contacts them. The Absolutes have discovered she is a Jedi and have dispatched probe droids to hunt and kill her. Unable to see or sense the droids, she cannot destroy them. She is hiding in a memorial in the Workers sector. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan hasten toward her. Qui-Gon worries that his vision of Tahl's death is about to materialize. As they approach Tahl's location, Obi-Wan urges caution, as the probe droids may be searching for them as well. They find Tahl where she indicated and decide to return with her to Roan's house. The Workers on the street appear to be heading to a demonstration, but instead of concealing themselves in the crowd, they proceed toward the Civilized sector. A probe droid then appears, and Qui-Gon quickly destroys it. However, three more soon arrive. While Qui-Gon protects Tahl, Obi-Wan uses his liquid-cable launcher to reach a higher ledge, eliminating one of the probe droids in the process. The two remaining droids divide their attention between Tahl and Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan eliminates the one attacking him, but Qui-Gon struggles to defend Tahl. He pushes her behind some garbage bins for safety. Obi-Wan jumps off the roof, and Qui-Gon also jumps at the last droid, and they destroy it together. They flee toward the crowded streets of the Civilized sector and into the Institute of Government Service, where Roan's office is located. However, Roan is not there; his assistant informs them that he has gone to meet with the kidnappers. After waiting for hours in Roan's office, Bolag arranges accommodations for them in Roan's residence. As they move to the residence, Qui-Gon spots a large package near the house. Upon approaching it, they discover it is Roan, deceased.
They carry the body inside. Bolag deems it best not to reveal Roan's death yet, as they must first locate the twins. Qui-Gon remarks that concealing the death will be difficult, as Roan's killers will want it to become known. Bolag departs to inform Manex of his brother's death before he learns of it elsewhere. Shortly thereafter, Manex arrives in distress and sits with his brother's body. Later that night, Qui-Gon hears a noise outside, and when the three Jedi reach the door, it opens, and the twins enter. They immediately inquire about Roan's whereabouts, having heard rumors of his death on the street after their kidnappers released them. Upon hearing the rumor confirmed, they blame themselves for his death, but Tahl consoles them, stating that it was Roan's choice to find them. She suggests the twins return to Coruscant with her in the morning, and the twins agree. After the twins have gone to see Roan, Bolag informs the Jedi that a peace meeting is being arranged between the Civilized, the Workers, the Absolutes, and him to stabilize the government. However, most parties have requested a Jedi to attend the meeting. Qui-Gon consents to go, but Tahl insists on attending instead, as she possesses the most knowledge of the Absolutes. Qui-Gon then realizes something crucial that he feels compelled to tell Tahl as soon as possible. He requests to speak with Tahl alone in another room.
Tahl anticipates another argument, but Qui-Gon simply wishes to convey something to her. First, he agrees that she should attend the meeting, but he will not leave New Apsolon before she returns from the meeting. He tells her he believes that if he does, he will not see her again and has felt this way since his vision. The second matter he wishes to discuss is of a more personal nature. He reveals to her that he has fallen in love with her. After a moment, she responds, admitting that she reciprocates his feelings. They then pledge themselves to each other. They acknowledge that their lives will be replete with separations, but they still resolve to be together.
When Qui-Gon and Tahl leave the room, Qui-Gon informs Obi-Wan of their decision. Tahl will attend the peace meeting, while they await her return with the twins. They will then return to the Jedi Temple unless the government officially requests their continued presence. Obi-Wan notices a change in his Master's demeanor; he no longer appears haunted. Tahl and Balog depart for the meeting. In the morning, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan begin packing for their return to Coruscant when they hear a commotion outside. Upon investigation, they find Irini in the grasp of a security guard. She asks them why they require security, as they are Jedi. Qui-Gon tells her of the probe droids, carrying ammunition bearing the same insignia as the one on Irini's necklace. She informs them that it is the Workers logo but doubts that the Workers attacked the Jedi, suspecting that someone is misusing the logo. She then tells them she has some useful information for the Jedi, if they are truly present to safeguard the peace. They reassure her, and she tells them that the Workers have determined that it was not one of them who kidnapped the girls. She also informs them that the girls could be kidnapped because someone at the highest levels of security had altered the security protocols. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan reach the same conclusion: Balog was behind the kidnapping and Roan's death. They warn Irini that Bolag has a hidden agenda and that she should be cautious at the peace meeting, but she is unaware of the meeting.
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan rush toward the Institute of Government Service, where they compel Bolag's assistant to lead them to the secret meeting room where the meeting was to take place. Outside, they see a bin containing several blasters and Tahl's lightsaber. The room itself is empty. Qui-Gon is frustrated and fears his vision of Tahl in danger will come true.