Kanan 12

Kanan #12 represents the concluding chapter, the twelfth issue, of the official canon comic book series titled Star Wars: Kanan. Greg Weisman penned the story, while Andrea Broccardo provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on March 16, 2016.

Publisher's Synopsis

The rebel group's experiences on Kaller reach their conclusion! However, when someone from Kanan's history requires assistance, he decides to remain behind…This issue concludes the exploration into the past of the former Jedi!

Detailed Plot

Assisting a Past Acquaintance

Kanan Jarrus reflects upon the Spectres' assignment on Kaller, which involved acquiring provisions for the Tarkintown refugees residing on Lothal. After successfully evading the stormtroopers stationed at Plateau City, Kanan and his Padawan Ezra Bridger choose to remain on Kaller as the rest of the Ghost's crew heads to Tarkintown with their newly acquired supplies.

Kanan's decision to stay is prompted by a message he received from a long-time friend. To address the call, he arranges a meeting with his "friend", the planet's governor, Gamut Key. While aboard Key's opulent vessel, Kanan reveals to Ezra that he intercepted a coded communication indicating that Morfizo was in need of their help. When Key questions the authenticity of the message and the possibility of a trap, Kanan assures him that Morfizo is not associated with the rebellion.

Shortly after, their vessel arrives above the planet of Moraga. Upon landing, they are greeted by Morfizia, Morfizo's wife, and her children. She informs them that her husband has joined a rebel faction and has been incarcerated by the Galactic Empire on the planet Lahn. As Ezra and Kanan spend time with the children, Kanan commits to providing assistance but cautions Morfizia that remaining on Moraga is no longer safe for her family. Kanan then persuades Governor Key to provide Morfizia and her children with new identities on Kaller. Following this, Kanan reveals to Ezra his hidden starship, Escape, stowed away in a hangar.

Mission on Lahn

En route to Lahn, Ezra inquires about Kanan's clandestine starship. Kanan explains that while Hera's ship, the Ghost, serves as their primary residence and they already possess the Phantom, Morfizo has been safeguarding the Escape for several years as a contingency plan. Upon landing on Lahn, Ezra and Kanan proceed to the Imperial outpost located at the Illmek Island Spaceport.

Employing a scanner, Kanan ascertains that Morfizo is being held within a structure guarded by two stormtroopers and an Imperial officer. Following Kanan's instructions, Ezra agrees to create a diversion to draw the attention of the stormtroopers stationed at the entrance, allowing Kanan to infiltrate the building via the roof and liberate his friend. Ezra is instructed to rendezvous back at the Escape upon completion of their respective tasks.

Executing their strategy, Ezra attempts to distract the stormtroopers by fabricating a story about a girl painting anti-Imperial graffiti at the spaceport. However, the stormtroopers remain unconvinced, and one of them attempts to apprehend him. Ezra retaliates by firing an energy slingshot at the stormtroopers, leading them on a pursuit. From the rooftop, Kanan observes the chase, hoping that he will not be required to intervene and rescue Ezra.

Kanan utilizes his lightsaber to create an opening in the roof, gaining access to the prison. He swiftly neutralizes the two stormtroopers guarding Morfizo's cell using his blaster. However, the Imperial officer discharges her weapon at the energy field protecting Morfizo's cell. The officer reveals that her shot was intentional, as she did not intend to kill him, identifying herself as Vice Admiral Rae Sloane. She commands Kanan to surrender his weapon, referring to him as her "hobby."

Rae Sloane discloses that she has been tracking Kanan since their previous encounter during the Gorse Conflict. She deduced that Kanan possessed more than just piloting skills and investigated his past, discovering that Kanan's existence was undocumented prior to his meeting with Morfizo on Moraga. Morfizo expresses his disappointment, realizing that Kanan had withheld information from him. Sloane speculates that Kanan's distrust extends even to his closest associates, questioning whether he was truthful with the "Twi'lek pilot" Hera.

Kanan evades the question and instead asks whether she imprisoned Morfizo to bait him into a trap. Sloane instructs him to maintain his distance and raise his hands. She admits that while Morfizo was arrested for his involvement with the rebellion, she secretly hoped that his capture would ultimately lead her to Kanan. Kanan employs the Force to propel her against the energy shield surrounding Morfizo's cell, rendering her unconscious.

Reunion of Friends

Back at the Escape, Morfizo confronts Kanan about his concealed Jedi identity. Kanan clarifies that he was not a Jedi at the time of their initial acquaintance. Kanan requests that he keep his Jedi identity a secret, to which Morfizo agrees. Shortly after, Ezra Bridger joins them. When Kanan inquires about any difficulties encountered by Ezra, Ezra assures him that he handled the situation without issue. Kanan, Ezra, and Morfizo subsequently depart from Lahn aboard the Escape.

At the devastated Imperial outpost, the Grand Inquisitor pays a visit to Vice-Admiral Sloane, demanding that she divulge all information she possesses regarding her "hobby."

Headed Home

Upon their return to Kaller, Governor Key informs Kanan and Ezra that he has arranged new identities for Morfizo, his wife Morfizia, and their three children. He has also secured a concealed location to store the Escape. Key inquires about the survival of his rebellion in his absence, but Kanan responds that such information is only shared on a need-to-know basis.

Ezra recounts to Kanan how he was cornered in a dead-end alley by the two stormtroopers but was assisted by a "random guy." When Kanan presses for more details about the "random guy," Ezra explains that the individual did not stop to talk and simply departed after receiving his gratitude. Kanan acknowledges the situation and expresses his eagerness to leave Kaller.

Past Connections

Meanwhile, aboard the Kasmiri, Kleeve questions Janus Kasmir about his tardiness. Janus reveals that he intervened to save a "random kid" who was being pursued by two stormtroopers. When Kleeve asks for the kid's identity, Kasmiri replies that the kid simply expressed his thanks and left. When Kleeve asks Kasmir why he got involved, Kasmir says he doesn't know but that the kid reminded him of someone they used to know.


Publication Details

Cover Images

