Kasif, a Trandoshan male merchant and hunter, conducted business in Black Spire Outpost, a settlement on the planet of Batuu. He was the proprietor of Outer Rim Expedition and Supply, a company that traded in various goods, notably starships and armaments.
During the First Order-Resistance war, Kasif's supply cart was visited by Vi Moradi, a spy for the Resistance. Kasif attempted to swindle her, but was stopped by Salju, the owner of Black Spire Station. Furthermore, Kasif betrayed Hondo Ohnaka, a pirate, to Bazine Netal, a mercenary who was seeking Ohnaka on Batuu. With the arrival of the First Order on Batuu, Kasif's business boomed, and he reveled in the increased earnings, regardless of the circumstances.

In 34 ABY, Kasif operated as a merchant in Black Spire Outpost, a town situated on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. He oversaw Outer Rim Expedition and Supply and managed a supply cart in the town, selling merchandise to both locals and travelers. As a hunter too, Kasif once obtained a taxidermied wampa from Hoth. This wampa was gifted to his friend, the Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar, who then displayed it in his shop, Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities.
During the First Order-Resistance war, General Leia Organa tasked Vi Moradi, a Resistance spy, with locating a new base. She chose Batuu, but her [starship](/article/starship] crashed upon arrival, and Oga Garra's thugs stolen her belongings. Salju, who ran Black Spire Station, decided to assist Moradi in acquiring new supplies, going to Kasif's supply cart to purchase sleeping bags. Kasif attempted to rip Moradi off by overcharging her for what he falsely claimed were cutting-edge sleeping bags. They were actually used and tattered, but Salju intervened, threatening to increase Kasif's fuel prices at Black Spire Station. Agitated by this threat, Kasif revealed the true state of the sleeping bags, assuring them that no one had died in them. Moradi purchased two sleeping bags before she and Salju left.
When Bazine Netal, a mercenary, arrived at Black Spire Outpost in search of Hondo Ohnaka, the pirate who owned Ohnaka Transport Solutions, she found Kasif managing his business. Kasif promptly told Netal where Ohnaka was in exchange for credits.

As the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance escalated, the First Order's presence on Batuu grew. Kasif saw a jump in sales due to the increased First Order presence and was happy with the resulting increase in earnings. He spoke with Kamka Lira, a fellow merchant, who lamented the difficulties she faced importing goods because of the First Order. Kasif did not share Lira's complaints and instead boasted about his increased sales, which led Lira to accuse him of profiting from the war.
At one point during the occupation, Kasif was absent from his business. Pride Aully, a scoundrel, learned from a visitor to Batuu that a Z-6 jetpack was available at Outer Rim Expedition and Supply and planned to contact Kasif about acquiring it.
Kasif, a Trandoshan male, was both unkempt and conceited, as evidenced by his attempt to deceive Vi Moradi about the goods he was selling. When challenged, however, Kasif became flustered and admitted that his merchandise was worth less than he had claimed.
Kasif readily betrayed Hondo Ohnaka, a fellow businessman in Black Spire Outpost, for credits, without asking why Netal was looking for the pirate. He also relished the increased business and profit that the war between the First Order and the Resistance brought him, bragging about his situation when Lira expressed concern about the occupation's impact on imports.
Kasif's character was developed for the backstory of Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, a store within the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge themed area that debuted at Disneyland Park and Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2019. He was featured and named in Star Wars: Datapad, the mobile app companion to Galaxy's Edge that launched with the land. In Star Wars: Datapad, his conversation with Kamka Lira is one of the transmissions that users can listen to, though the icon used to represent Kasif is a generic placeholder silhouette. The 2020 reference book Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu identified Kasif as the one who gifted the taxidermied wampa displayed in Dok-Ondar's store.