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"Lop & Ochō" (in Japanese, it's known as のらうさロップと緋桜お蝶) is an animated short, also functioning as an episode within the Star Wars: Visions web television series. Its debut occurred on September 22, 2021, via the Disney+ streaming platform. Geno Studio, a company based in Japan, produced it. The script was penned by Sayawaka, and Yuki Igarashi took the director's chair.
A manga adaptation of this episode was created and released in Japan by Square Enix. It appeared in the Big Gangan Vol.07 magazine issue on June 24, 2022.
The episode commences with an Imperial Star Destroyer making its way to the planet Tao. The narrator sets the scene, explaining that Tao, despite its abundant natural resources, faces challenges in its modernization efforts. As the Star Destroyer submerges into the planet's oceans, the narrator reveals that Tao has embraced the Galactic Empire in exchange for advancements in industry. The Empire, in turn, intends to exploit the planet's resources for its own benefit. However, the industrial activities of the Empire are proving detrimental to Tao's environment. This is shown through scenes of cities existing alongside forests and oceans. The people of Tao, deeply rooted in nature and tradition, are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the Empire's oppressive presence.
The story shows a young Lop struggling to survive on Tao with her droid companion TD-4 through acts of theft. She still wears the neck collar from when she was enslaved as part of the Galactic Empire's labor force during their occupation of Tao. Boss Yasaburō of the Yasaburō clan briefly catches her in a marketplace, and he feels sympathy for her situation. His daughter, Ochō, immediately develops an affection for Lop and, upon learning that she is an orphan, persuades a reluctant Yasaburō to adopt her into their family. Yasaburō eventually agrees, stating that his reputation for doing what is right was at stake, and promises Lop a better life. To commemorate the occasion, the three of them use TD-4 to take a hologram photo on the beach.
Seven years pass, and a now-grown Lop awakens in the aftermath of a rebellious attack against the Galactic Empire's occupation, led by Yasaburō. Lop observes a heated argument between Yasaburō and Ochō regarding the attack. Yasaburō argues that the Empire has excessively exploited the planet's resources and has become a menacing military presence, insisting that it must end immediately. The clan members attempt to mediate the situation and encourage Lop to step in.
Ochō retorts that Yasaburō is resistant to the growth and prosperity that could come from siding with the Empire. Yasaburō counters by stating that they thrived for a long time without assistance from the Galactic Republic and sees no need to alter their ways. He voices his concern that the Imperial military buildup will transform the planet into a war zone. As his designated successor, he believes Ochō should expel the Empire. Ochō argues that the Empire brings progress, but her father disagrees. The confrontation concludes with the arrival of Imperial troops, causing the clan to scatter.
While traveling into the city on a hovercraft with Ochō, Lop expresses her desire for Ochō and their father to cease their conflict, stating that she considers Tao her home despite not being born there. Ochō concurs that she also feels Tao is her home and explains that this is why she is willing to maintain the family's unity by coexisting with the Empire. They approach a road blockade where an Imperial officer and troopers are waiting.
Lop then discovers that Ochō has been in constant communication with the Imperial officer, reporting on her father's plans and actions to the Empire in order to gain their favor. The officer threatens to make life more difficult for the Yasaburō clan due to their recent attack, and because of Ochō's inability to convince her father to stop attacking the Empire. Ochō apologizes for her father's involvement in the recent attack and vows to stop him. The Imperial officer, pleased with her determination, invites Ochō to assist with the Empire's redevelopment initiative. Despite Lop's pleas for Ochō not to betray their father, Ochō marks her eyes with her own blood and cuts off her hair braid, symbolizing her break from allegiance to her father.
Distraught, Lop flees home with TD-4 and Ochō's severed braid. On her way back, Lop falls off a building but lands on top of a tent. Upon returning to the Yasaburō clan's mountain residence, Lop finds that most of the clan members have abandoned it. Pleading with her father about her desire to save the planet and restore their family's relationships, Lop desperately asks for his help.

Yasaburō then solemnly leads Lop to a ceremonial chamber, apologizing to her if he seemed to have favored Ochō as a daughter over her throughout the years. Inside, Yasaburō uses the Force to show Lop visions of the clan's history through glyphs depicting a Jedi trusting the Yasaburō clan and giving them a lightsaber, as well as teaching them how to use it. He then gives the lightsaber to Lop, saying she is worthy because of her strong familial bond, even though she is not related by blood.
Lop is worried when she sees her father leave the Yasaburō residence, but he assures her that he is only meeting with Ochō and that everything will be fine. After waiting, an explosion at the Empire's stronghold in the city prompts Lop to search for her father, fearing the worst. An elderly steward tries to stop her, but he is unable to prevent Lop from commandeering a landspeeder.
Arriving at the ship dock in the Empire's hold, Lop finds Yasaburō and his most loyal clan members engaged in combat with Imperial forces. She also sees Ochō, clad in Imperial regalia and wielding two crimson vibroblades. Ochō gains the advantage over her father and slashes at his face, destroying his remaining good eye. Lop holds her father on the ground, where he pleads with Ochō to join forces with Lop to save the planet and their family. A bitter Ochō then lunges at Yasaburō, intending to kill him, but is stopped by Lop, who ignites the family's green-bladed lightsaber for the first time and parries her attack. Enraged that Lop inherited the family's sword instead of her, she fights a reluctant Lop.
TD-4 attempts to show Ochō the hologram photo they took together as a family, but is destroyed by Ochō. This awakens the Force within Lop, and she is able to overpower Ochō by using Force telekinesis to seize her father's weapon and simultaneously slash an X across Ochō's chest with the family lightsaber. An Imperial starship saves Ochō from falling off the dock, and she is seen glaring at Lop as the ship helps her escape. Lop then recovers the damaged TD-4, which is still playing the hologram where Ochō, Yasaburō, and Lop pose and say, "We're going to be a proper family."
The English subtitles on Disney+ for "Lop & Ochō" display the character "ō" (the letter o with a macron used in Japanese romanization) as "ô" (the letter o with a circumflex). For example, "Ochō" appears as "Ochô" in the subtitles.