Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel

Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel constitutes the sixth eBook installment within the Lost Tribe of the Sith series of stories, found here. This story, a companion piece to the Fate of the Jedi novel sequence, was penned by John Jackson Miller and made available on February 21, 2011.

Synopsis from the Publisher

After being forced into servitude through the machinations of the Sith, Ori Kitai thinks she has found her way back into the Lost Tribe—and potentially a great deal more. Ori's finding of another spacecraft presents her with a chance to get revenge for the indignities inflicted on her family by the aging Grand Lord. In fact, she might be able to completely upend their society—providing a means of escape from their planetary confinement.

However, Ori runs into opposition from an unexpected individual: the seemingly unassuming farmer who took her in: a man harboring a hidden history and personal objectives. He must prevent Ori Kitai from unleashing the Lost Tribe upon an unsuspecting galaxy. But how can he prevent the woman he loves without destroying them both?

Summary of the Plot

Sentinel picks up directly following the events of the short story Purgatory, which is set in 3960 BBY. The narrative unfolds through the perspectives of two main characters: Jelph Marrian, an undercover Jedi Shadow, and Orielle Kitai, a former Sith Saber. Previously, Ori had experienced a decline in her standing within the Tribe's hierarchy after her mother faced accusations of involvement in the attempted assassination of Grand Lord Lillia Venn. In an effort to restore her family's diminished status, Ori sought to reveal the presence of a hyperspace-capable starship located at Jelph's farm to the Tribe's leaders.

The narrative commences with Jelph journeying to Tahv, the Tribe's capital. While taking a break at the establishment of a Keshiri bartender, he contemplates how the experiences of his childhood during the Great Sith War influenced his decision to become a member of the Jedi Covenant, a clandestine group of Jedi Knights dedicated to preventing the resurgence of the Sith. As a Jedi Shadow, Jelph had dedicated years to searching the Outer Rim Territories for potential Sith threats. During the Mandalorian Wars, Jelph became marooned on Kesh. Simultaneously, Ori arrived at the zoo in Tahv, where her mother had been assigned to shovel manure for the preceding two weeks. Ori informed her mother about the concealed starship she had discovered on Jelph's farm. While Candrai expressed skepticism regarding the potential for this to improve their situation, she instructed her daughter to reach out to four High Lords from the Red and Gold Factions through the well-connected architect Gadin Badolfa. Ori acted on her mother's advice and then sought refuge in the city's aqueduct system, a favored location from her time as a Sith Saber. Before departing, Ori also pilfered the lightsaber belonging to the zoo's guard.

Jelph made his way into Tahv and proceeded towards the city's aqueduct system, aware that it was Ori's preferred haunt. These aqueducts loomed above the majority of the city's structures, facilitating the transportation of water throughout the city. There, he encountered Ori, who launched an assault on him using her Force powers, twice hurling him into the canal. After disarming Ori, Jelph revealed his identity as a Jedi Knight and asserted his ownership of the starship. Ori, in turn, disclosed that she had shared his "secret" with her mother. Jelph attempted to reason with Ori, suggesting that she could relinquish her pursuit of power. When Ori conveyed the Tribe's aspirations for galactic dominance, Jelph asserted that the wider galaxy no longer contained any Sith. Despite their differences, Jelph confessed his romantic feelings for Ori in an attempt to pacify her. Ori then revealed that she had notified the other Grand Lords about an "important discovery" and had instructed them to convene at Jelph's farm the following day at sunset.

Ultimately, Ori and Jelph reached an agreement to return to Jelph's farm, and they commandeered an uvak from an aerial rider patrolling the city. During their flight, the pair concurred that Ori would assert that she had discovered four functional blasters, a technology unavailable to the Tribe. The pair rode the uvak back to Jelph's farm but were pursued by the Tribe's uvaks. Fortunately, they managed to reach the farm before their Sith pursuers could arrived. Jelph slipped out of sight while Ori headed towards the barn intending to meet the four High Lords. However, these visitors turned out to be the Grand Lord Venn herself and four of her most loyal body guards including Flen and Sawj Luzo, Ori's rivals. Unknown to Ori, Candrai had secretly informed the Grand Lord in exchange for improved working conditions.

Grand Lord Venn then entered the stable where she discovered the starfighter. She was triumphant because she believed that she had discovered interstellar travel, something which had eluded the Tribe for millennia. Unbeknownst to Venn and her entourage, Jelph had already rigged the starfighter with explosives; he had already hidden two proton torpedoes among thousands of kilograms of ammonia-nitrate based explosives. Prior to reassembling the starship in his stable, Jelph had installed this anti-theft system as a fail-safe in the event that his presence on Kesh was discovered. Jelph managed to distract Venn and her entourage by using the Force to levitate the four blasters towards him. He then opened fire on her bodyguards, allowing Ori to escape her captors. Meanwhile, Venn entered the starfighter's cockpit only to trigger the explosives which killed all of the Sith present and destroyed all traces of the entire farm.

Ori and Jelph managed to escape by submerging underwater in the river. The events of that night would be remembered in Keshiri history as the "Night of the Upside-Down Meteor" and ushered in a power struggle which lasted almost a millennium. Little trace of Venn, her entourage, and Jelph's farm survived since the explosion had caused the surrounding riverbank to collapse into the Marisota River. After eight weeks of traveling deep into the jungle, Ori and Jelph established a remote homestead in the forest. Jelph also destroyed the last remaining evidence of his offworld origins: a transmitter. The Jedi had destroyed the machine after intercepting transmissions which revealed that the Jedi had collapsed into factions and were engaged in a civil war. Finally Jelph and Ori established a romantic relationship and eventually started a family in their new jungle home.

