Madurrin, a Jedi Knight of the Anx species (and female), underwent her Jedi training at the Jedi Praxeum established by Luke Skywalker on Yavin 4. Her considerable size prevented her from piloting a starfighter during the Yuuzhan Vong War, so she was stationed on the bridge of the Mon Adapyne. Her Jedi abilities allowed her to connect with the Force meld generated by other Jedi engaged in combat, through which she relayed vital information to her shipmates, facilitating coordinated attacks. In this role, she participated in both the Second Battle of Obroa-Skai and the Battle of Ebaq. After the war ended, she chose to remain in the service of the Alliance Military under the leadership of Supreme Commander Traest Kre'fey.
As a Force-sensitive Anx female, Madurrin received Jedi training at the Jedi Praxeum located on the moon of Yavin 4. Her instructor was Luke Skywalker, the Jedi Master who founded the New Jedi Order. By 28 ABY, Madurrin had achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and was serving on the Mon Adapyne, an MC80B Star Cruiser, during the Yuuzhan Vong War. This war was an invasion launched by the Yuuzhan Vong, a species hailing from outside the galaxy. Aboard the Mon Adapyne, Madurrin served under the command of Jedi General Keyan Farlander, utilizing her unique abilities to tap into a Force meld with other Jedi aboard starships and starfighters. Through this connection, she relayed critical information to coordinate battle strategies. In this capacity, she also used battle meditation to focus and synchronize the attacks of New Republic forces. From her station on the bridge of the Mon Adapyne, she participated in the Second Battle of Obroa-skai, an operation designed to ambush a fleet carrying the Yuuzhan Vong's leader, Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane. The attack proved successful, resulting in a decisive defeat for the Yuuzhan Vong, despite their deployment of two yammosks, creatures used to guide and coordinate their forces. However, Shimrra was not present with the fleet, and the objective of eliminating the Yuuzhan Vong leader was not achieved. Fearing that the defeated Yuuzhan Vong forces had signaled for reinforcements, General Farlander ordered the Mon Adapyne to withdraw from the area.

Madurrin remained aboard the Mon Adapyne when it was summoned to the moon of Ebaq 9. This moon, acting as a hyperspace dead end, was considered an ideal location to trap enemy starships. The New Republic converged there to establish an ambush for approaching Yuuzhan Vong forces. Madurrin and the Mon Adapyne maintained orbit above Ebaq 9, serving as bait to lure the Yuuzhan Vong fleet into the system, while other New Republic forces waited nearby to execute a hyperspace jump into the system. The Yuuzhan Vong responded as anticipated, drawn into the system by the presence of the Mon Adapyne and its accompanying vessels. Madurrin coordinated the defense using battle meditation, enticing the Yuuzhan Vong deeper into the trap. Once the Yuuzhan Vong forces had spread out, the remainder of the New Republic fleet arrived, striking them from behind. Having fallen into the trap, the Yuuzhan Vong forces were completely destroyed, securing a significant victory for the New Republic.
A year later, in 29 ABY, Madurrin was stationed aboard a capital ship tasked with defending the world of Mon Calamari. Desperate to achieve a decisive victory against the newly formed Galactic Federation of Free Alliances at their capital on Mon Calamari, Yuuzhan Vong forces launched an attack on the planet. However, shortly after initiating their assault, the Yuuzhan Vong initiated a retreat upon the arrival of Zonama Sekot, a living planet revered by their species. Madurrin, alongside fellow Jedi including Cilghal, Kenth Hamner, Mara Jade Skywalker, and Luke Skywalker, boarded the starship Jade Shadow and traveled to a meeting at the planet Contruum Six, where the Alliance was developing a plan to liberate Coruscant, the former capital of the Alliance which had been conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong. Madurrin committed to continuing her service aboard a capital ship during the attack on Coruscant. Following the Alliance's triumph at Coruscant, Madurrin journeyed to the Conclave on Zonama Sekot, where Grand Master Luke Skywalker outlined a new direction for the Jedi Order. After these events, Madurrin chose to remain with the Alliance military, serving under Supreme Commander Traest Kre'fey and General Keyan Farlander.
Madurrin, an Anx with green skin, possessed a height exceeding four meters, making her significantly taller than the majority of other species. As a member of the Jedi Order, Madurrin actively participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War, providing assistance to her fellow Jedi in their battles against the Yuuzhan Vong. Due to her considerable size, she was unable to pilot a starfighter and instead served on the bridge of capital ships. Following the conclusion of the war, she held the conviction that she could contribute the most by remaining in service with the Alliance military.
As a Jedi, Madurrin had access to the Force, enabling her to tap into a Force meld to support her Jedi comrades. While stationed aboard the Mon Adapyne, Madurrin utilized battle meditation to guide ships into coordinated attacks. She was capable of channeling support and comfort through the Force to soothe fellow Jedi engaged in combat with Yuuzhan Vong forces.
Walter Jon Williams conceived the character of Madurrin for his 2002 novel, The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way, which is part of The New Jedi Order book series. In the initial draft of the novel, Walter Jon Williams had assigned Madurrin's role to a Melodie Jedi. However, he was later informed that this character had perished in a previous book (likely Lyric). Subsequently, a representative from Lucasfilm suggested that he use an Anx, leading to the creation of Madurrin.
Although Destiny's Way did not include an illustration of Madurrin, The Essential Chronology, published in 2000, featured an unidentified Anx in a picture titled "the Jedi Praxeum" alongside a description of the founding of Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy. Walter Jon Williams speculated that this earlier illustration might have influenced Lucasfilm's suggestion of an Anx for his novel, implying that Madurrin was a student at the Jedi Praxeum. Leland Chee confirmed this speculation on the Message Boards, stating that he and the Holocron continuity database assume that the original picture depicts Madurrin. This connection was referenced in Madurrin's entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which stated that she was "trained by Luke Skywalker". However, speculation that the picture from The Essential Chronology retconned Madurrin as a member of the original twelve members of the inaugural class was not confirmed in her entry. Leland Chee has only confirmed that the picture depicts Madurrin and has not labeled it as a picture of the inaugural class.
Another picture of an Anx Jedi can be found in Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force, in an illustration depicting the Conclave on Zonama Sekot. This picture was used to represent Madurrin in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.