Meiloorun juice

A magenta colored beverage, known as Meiloorun juice, was created using the meiloorun fruit. This fruit-flavored drink was safe for consumption (potable) by species such as Clawdites, humans, and Mriss. It could be found as early as 22 BBY in the Mid Rim, and later, in 34 ABY, at Ronto Roasters, which is a restaurant located in Black Spire Outpost on the planet of Batuu.


The magenta hued juice, Meiloorun juice, was derived from the meiloorun fruit. This fruit-flavored drink was non-alcoholic, and deemed potable for Clawdites, humans, and Mriss.


Its presence in the Mid Rim was noted by 22 BBY. Idda, a Mriss engineer serving on the starship named Namrelllew, was observed carrying a can of this juice in her beak. By 34 ABY, it was being sold at Ronto Roasters, a restaurant and meat vendor situated in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu, a planet in the Outer Rim.

During the war between the First Order and the Resistance that reached the outpost that year, Remex Io, a Clawdite bounty hunter, was present to meet with members of the Kendoh Gang. As he traversed the Black Spire Outpost Market, 8D-J8, the pitmaster droid at Ronto Roasters, attempted to sell Io a Ronto Wrap. Io declined, instead requesting meiloruun juice, perceiving it as a safer option. When a youth tried to steal from Io during the transaction, Io ordered a second juice for the aspiring thief. 8D-J8 started to prepare the order as Io warned the pickpocket that starvation would be the result if his thieving skills did not improve. When a First Order shuttle landed to occupy the outpost, Io fled to avoid the attention of stormtroopers, and therefore never received his beverage.

Behind the scenes

Meiloorun juice was inspired by the appearance of meiloorun fruit in Star Wars Rebels.

In the real world, Meiloorun juice is available for purchase at Ronto Roasters within the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge themed area at Disneyland Park. Its official announcement was made on February 27, 2019, through articles published on both and D23: The Official Disney Fan Club. The drink's concept originated from the meiloorun fruit featured in the Star Wars Rebels television series' episode titled "Fighter Flight," which was initially released on-demand on October 13, 2014. On April 24, 2019, the drink made its initial appearance in the debut issue of the Marvel Comics limited series Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, albeit with an incorrect green coloration.

The juice became available for purchase by guests at Disneyland Park when Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opened its doors on May 31, 2019. As of 2021, it remains exclusively available at that specific park, and has not been introduced at Disney's Hollywood Studios. The menu describes it as: "Pineapple Juice, Minute Maid® Lemonade, with Blueberry, Cranberry Juice, Lemon Juice, and Desert Pear."

