
Mrssk, a Trandoshan male Jedi, was a member of Vannar Treece's strike team and served the Jedi Order throughout the New Sith Wars. In 1032 BBY, he took part in Operation Influx on the planet Chelloa. In that same year, 1032 BBY, Mrssk and his allies infiltrated the planet Oranessan. He later participated in a raid on Chelloa, a planet that produced baradium. Sadly, Mrssk perished in an explosion on Chelloa; the baradium was ignited by Sith Lord Odion's kinetic corruptor. He was known for using a blue lightsaber.


Jedi career

During the era known as the Republic Dark Age, which comprised the final century of the New Sith Wars, lived Mrssk, a Trandoshan Jedi. At that time, the New Sith Empire had crumbled, and various Sith warlords held sway over vast stretches of the galaxy. The Galactic Republic had diminished, becoming a smaller entity centered around the Core Worlds, defended against Sith incursions by a security perimeter around the Colonies. At some point, the Jedi Order discovered Mrssk's Force-sensitive nature and trained him as a Jedi Knight. Mrssk was an anomaly among Trandoshans, embracing the Force and aligning himself with the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. During his time as a Jedi, Mrssk became acquainted with Jedi Master Vannar Treece, a Jedi activist who spearheaded independent "knight errant" operations targeting Sith warlords in the Grumani sector.

Operation Influx

In 1032 BBY, Treece discovered that Sith Lord Daiman had initiated baradium mining—a highly unstable substance employed in manufacturing explosives, including thermal detonators—on the planet Chelloa and was exporting significant quantities to munitions factories near the front lines. Treece was concerned that Daiman's baradium advantage would disrupt the stalemate in the Grumani sector, granting him a significant edge over his Sith rivals and posing a greater threat to the Republic. Subsequently, Treece secured authorization from Supreme Chancellor Genarra to launch Operation Influx. This operation consisted of three phases: infiltrating the Daimanate by landing at Oranessan, a crucial transportation hub; disrupting baradium export operations; and extracting to the Republic via a direct hyperspace route leading to neutral territory.

Treece had learned of the baradium operations from his longtime friend and undercover Jedi operative Gorlan Palladane, the leader of the Chelloan resistance. Palladane and his Rodian mechanic friend Skodo had utilized a stolen transmitter to reactivate a hyperspace relay and communicate with Treece. However, the Sith Lord Odion had been monitoring the transmission and was preparing to invade Chelloa. The nihilistic Sith Lord believed that the planet's high concentration of baradium created an imbalance in the Force and thus had to be destroyed. Treece assembled a diverse group of Jedi volunteers, including friends who had participated in previous "knight errant" operations with him, Jedi who had distinguished themselves in other combat missions, and other acquaintances who owed him favors.

Dorvin's prior involvement in operations with Treece led to his recruitment for Operation Influx. Other team members included the Celegian Dorvin Eltrom and the Quarren Jedi Master Berluk, who had earned recognition in combat. Treece also exploited a loophole in Genarra's edict that allowed Jedi Knights sixteen days of unrestricted travel throughout the galaxy between their regular duties of serving three months in law enforcement patrols and nine months of active service on the Republic's contracting frontiers. Another member of the strike team was Treece's former apprentice Kerra Holt, a young Human girl who had been orphaned during the Chagras Hegemony's conquest of her homeworld of Aquilaris Minor in 1042 BBY. This marked Kerra's first return to her home sector after spending much of her adolescence with the Jedi on Coruscant.

Insertion at Oranessan

The Jedi team successfully arrived on a starship at Oranessan, marking the smooth commencement of Operation Influx's initial phase. While descending into the planet's atmosphere, they intercepted and downed a personnel shuttle transporting flight crew to a spaceport where a squadron of Daimanate Heavy-Lift Starcrossers awaited departure for a delivery run to Chelloa. The shuttle crashed atop a hillcrest in the mud flats, and the Jedi promptly secured the fallen crew's cloaks and identification badges.

After eliminating a contingent of Daimanate sentries, the Jedi seized control of an unoccupied Starcrosser transport from the spaceport's landing zone, preparing to depart for Chelloa. The Jedi intended to utilize the transport for their journey to Chelloa but discovered that the transport's navigation computer lacked its activation cylinder. Although the transport was still capable of flight, it was unable to execute a hyperspace jump. Mrssk elucidated to his fellow Jedi that while Republic-registered vessels typically carried their activation cylinders onboard, Sith Lord Daiman prohibited his personnel from keeping the devices on his ships to mitigate desertion rates among his forces.

As Master Treece contemplated reverting to their contingency plan, which involved returning to their Jedi starship and employing it to shoot down the departing Daimanate transports, Kerra dissented, arguing that Daiman could easily reroute other ships within his dominion to Chelloa. Undeterred by the obstacles, Holt pilfered a replacement cylinder from a nearby hangar, and after installing the device, the Jedi departed Oranessan.

Death on Chelloa

During the second part of the operation, the Jedi strike team disembarked at the spaceport town of Jenith, where, with the assistance of the Chelloan resistance, they overwhelmed a small Daimanate security force. Their assault was disrupted by the arrival of Sith Lord Odion's forces, who deployed a kinetic corruptor that ignited a vast expanse of the surface. The resultant explosion claimed the lives of numerous Jedi, Daimanate guards, and miners in the vicinity. Mrssk himself perished in the explosion, while Treece was slain by Odion during a lightsaber duel.

Kerra Holt was the only survivor, sheltered by Palladane. She would later evacuate the planet's 63,000 inhabitants to the safety of Republic space after Daiman ignited the planet's surface with his own kinetic corruptors at the end of the Chelloan affair. Despite Mrssk's demise on Chelloa, the Jedi and the Republic persisted in their efforts against the Sith, who were ultimately defeated at the Seventh Battle of Ruusan in 1000 BBY.

Behind the scenes

Mrssk was initially presented as a supporting character in the new comic Knight Errant comic series, which debuted in August 2010 with the release of Knight Errant 0 during Celebration V. John Jackson Miller developed his story background, while artist Federico Dallocchio provided the illustrations, and Michael Atiyeh added the colors. He also made an appearance in the short story Star Wars: Knight Errant: Influx, also penned by Miller, which explored the events on Oranessan leading up to the Aflame story arc. This short story premiered on October 19, 2010, featuring him in a minor speaking role with only one line. Mrssk met his end in Star Wars: Knight Errant: Aflame 1, the inaugural issue of the Star Wars: Knight Errant: Aflame story arc, which was initially released on October 13, 2010.

