
Pokkit, a female bounty hunter during the New Republic Era, initially took on less desirable jobs through the Bounty Hunters' Guild before securing a private client. Around 9 ABY, while visiting the Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa on the planet Lanupa for some rest, she crossed paths with a human known to her as "Dash Zentin," who had previously stolen a bounty from her and abandoned her in a leech-infested pit.

Following their unexpected meeting, the bounty hunter got in touch with pirate Captain Brutus, who had offered a bounty for Zentin's capture, and gave him Zentin's location. However, Brutus said he wouldn't pay the bounty until Zentin was in his custody. Pokkit then connected with the pirates Brutus dispatched to the spa and joined their pursuit of Zentin. After the pirates successfully apprehended Nawood and the droid SM-33, Pokkit taunted him before the pirates departed Lanupa with their captive.


Abandoned to the Leeches

Pokkit encountered "Dash Zentin" in a spa on Lanupa.

Pokkit, a female bounty hunter, once accepted less prestigious assignments from the Bounty Hunters' Guild. However, a human she knew as Dash Zentin stole one of her bounties. After he left her to suffer in a pit full of leeches, Pokkit attempted to find him, but nobody she questioned had ever heard of a "Dash Zentin." She later began working for a private client, eliminating her need to accept jobs from the Guild.

Around 9 ABY during the New Republic Era, Pokkit sought relaxation at the Skull Ridge Mountain Hotel & Spa on the planet Lanupa, scheduling a hot bacta soak. Shortly before her appointment, she noticed "Zentin" at the spa's front desk, bribing a member of staff to get him checked in without a reservation. The human was on Lanupa looking for the hidden base of the famous pirate Captain Tak Rennod with a group of children who knew him as Jod Na Nawood.

Questionable Dash

Pokkit approached Na Nawood, who greeted her warmly but only recalled the first part of her name. The bounty hunter reminded him of their previous encounter but claimed there were no hard feelings, while also mentioning her unsuccessful search for anyone named "Dash Zentin." After mentioning her client, Pokkit then told Na Nawood that she hadn't even looked at the bounty pucks during her visit, so he had nothing to worry about. However, as she left for her bacta soak, she cautioned Na Nawood's young companions not to trust him.

Pokkit contacted Brutus about the bounty on Na Nawood.

Pokkit then learned that Na Nawood had a bounty on his head, placed by his former pirate crew, who had mutinied against him when he was known as "Captain Silvo." She contacted their new captain, Brutus, via hologram in one of the spa's hotel rooms and provided Na Nawood's coordinates. However, Brutus refused to pay her until he had Na Nawood in custody. He informed the bounty hunter that he was sending two ships of pirates to capture Na Nawood and instructed her not to tell anyone about it, to which Pokkit agreed.

Pokkit and the Pirates

Pokkit worked with Brutus's pirates on Lanupa.

Once the pirates arrived at the spa, Pokkit joined their hunt for Na Nawood. The bounty and his child allies had gone into tunnels beneath the spa where Rennod's lair was located and were also being chased by the spa's security. Pokkit and the pirates encountered several guards in the tunnels, taking two prisoner while the pirate Gunter shot and killed a third. They then reached a chamber where Na Nawood had drained a pool of acid to access the entrance to the lair inside it, and they opened fire on Na Nawood, who sealed the entrance behind him. Na Nawood then refilled the pool with acid.

When Na Nawood later emerged from the lair back into the spa—without the children and carrying large amounts of treasure—Pokkit and the pirates were waiting for him. As the pirate Beef and a Weequay grabbed Na Nawood and took his weapons, Pokkit smiled and waved at her bounty. Na Nawood's droid SM-33 then also came out of the lair, but was immediately stunned by an ion blast, and the pirates began leading Na Nawood toward their starship. As he moved, Pokkit put an arm around him and mockingly said it had been good to see him again, giving him a kiss on the cheek. New Republic X-wing starfighters then arrived at the spa, causing the pirates to panic and rush back to their ship with Na Nawood and SM-33. One of the pirate's ships was destroyed by the starfighters, but the remaining pirates escaped.

Personality and Traits

Pokkit held a grudge against Jod Na Nawood, who described her as charming but without mercy. She had light white [eyes](/article/eye], white [hair](/article/hair], and pale white skin. Her accent was a harsher version of the clipped speech common in the Core Worlds.


At the spa, Pokkit wore a black outfit including fingerless gloves, black boots, and a brown belt with a pair of stuncuffs and a holstered blaster pistol on it. She also wore the white and purple floral neckwear given to the spa's guests upon arrival.

Behind the Scenes

Pokkit was played by Kelly Macdonald in the Disney+ series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, making her first appearance in the fifth episode, "You Have a Lot to Learn About Pirates," which was broadcast on December 24, 2024.

